I Need a New Atty

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Full Member
Oct 22, 2013
Fort Wayne
Hey there, everyone has been so nice and helpful with my questions I've asked during my first day here, so I've decided to keep being a nuisance.

I was curious about dripping, and I'm still mad at some of my evods for not working perfectly (how dare they), so I bought a $5.95 atty off of my vapor store. It was just a small little thing with no drip tip required, but it worked like a champ. Then one day I decided to be an idiot and wipe off excess juice on the inside with one of those Lysol wet wipes, so it now forever tastes like Lysol (yeah I'm totally smart guys). I'm not upset because I know these aren't meant to last that long anyway. I've ordered some more Boges, though I get a better taste from them than I do from my Evods it's not the same as dripping.

So basically I'm in the market for a new Atty, though the $6 one did me well the appearance not so much. I got this boxy iTaste MVP with this little black analog looking thing that is very short at the top which leaks everywhere if I forget to put the beauty ring on, and that's just silly to me.

I see you RDA people vaping your awesome metal tubes of awesome and I'm so jealous, but I'm so technically challenged I doubt I could ever deal with an RDA. I've been vaping for 2 months and I still don't know what an Omhz is.

Basically what I want to know is there an awesome metal RDA quality atomizer without the RDA skill required.
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