I officially am off cigarettes!

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Nov 8, 2011
Thanks to your kindness and support, I am off cigarettes and vaping exclusively for 18 days now.

I started smoking when I was 13, and smoked for 45 years! It was really hard, but I quit smoking in 2001, for almost 10 years. I would bum a cigarette occasionally, maybe 3 times a year. This spring, I was in school, and during breaks from classes, my school pals and would go outside and smoke. I started bumming smokes from them, and after awhile I bought my own pack. I ended up getting hooked again on smoking. I only got up to a half-pack a day. I smoked for 6 months. Then I got a cold and cough so bad it wouldn't go away. I was hacking up a lung and I knew smoking was making it worse.

I decided to look into how to quit. I looked at Chantix, and the patch, and remembered the pain I had when quitting smoking the first time. Then I found out about the e-cigarette. I got my Kgo in the mail on November 14th. Love it! Had tons of questions still, the manual was not that great! That night I smoked a cigarette. I didn't smoke another one until 5 days later. All in all, I have smoked 4 cigarettes since I started vaping 18 days ago. The pack of Newports is still sitting in my car, in case I want one, but I don't.

My plan is to wean down from the 18 mg. I am on now, to 11 mg., then 4 mg, and then eventually stop vaping. Thanks to everyone at this forum for all the help. I could have never done it without the kindness and support I have found here.



ECF Guru
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Sep 24, 2011
Ah Sandy you spilled on your age gosh your old . lol
Naw not really im right there with you almost !
I know what its like as well at 2pad quit for good in May .
I wish you all the best and keep that PV with you at all times and hopefully you will just toss that last pack out in near future.
Matter of fact Post when you do it helps others to know it can be done.
Best . :)


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Yay Sandy!

Please remember: you have choices now. You don't have to "beat yourself up" over quitting e-cigs too. But you have the choice - you can if you want.

We all need and want more research on the health effects of e-cigs. But if the choice is vaping versus smoking - you now know what to do. Personally, after quitting a 30 year 1.5 PAD habit I don't over think the question of if and when I will be quitting e-cigs. I'm just so happy I quit smoking and see - finally - no going back.

Best wishes



Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2011
Thanks for all your help, I couldn't have done it without you guys! As you know, there was tons of information to dig through before I could even order.

I am very happy with my decision to get a Kgo.

Still haven't found an all day vape. I like the flavor of Dekang RY4, but it burns my throat after awhile. I also like straight menthol, and some of the fruit flavors mixed with menthol; strawberry + menthol, and watermelon + menthol. It always seems like the first two hits taste good, then it seems like my tongue is coated with something and I can't really taste anymore.
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