I only began to start here.

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Full Member
Dec 3, 2022
Well, I would have been better if call myself Jive Turkey Vapor. Some one who has been vaping TCR for years told me I cannot vape on Kanthal on TCR mode because if does not support it. Things is on an Aegis Max 100 i can put it in TCR mode and get a vapor from it although the TCR function might not be accurate and possibly even dangerous i supposing. I will have to find a premade coil by a vape company that is not Kanthal or the other one it cannot do. That is 1.2 or higher and will support the coil. Neither my Prism T22 tank pro or my Zenith 2 tank will work on a TCR mode at least i can get vapor from being on TCR but it not at all safe because the computer chip might not be designed for it. So I accept my fault I got school coming to this forum which is good thing. I know if I know not the TCR function number the i do not do it which is why I never really done it in the first place. When it comes to vaping if I am ignorant about how I am going it to it then i better off not doing it. vaping requires at little bit of intelligence on the one vaping. Well how do we close this post in any way. I only want use TCR mode to get better life of the coil and flavor. Seems I am not fit for TCR mode. Best for me to stick to a power mode. Do you know if nicotine salt go pop when the coil life gets spent. I am curious to know an I do not exactly have a good phone for e-cigarettes-forum. I figure the less vapor with the right amount nicotine is less harmful instead of doing a Shisa vapor. I always tended to get vapors cough when I did large amounts of vapor too much. He people get massive clouds off TCR. I used to smoker switch to vaping in 2012 and vaped wrong and hurt my lungs from having a low coil and too much nicotine. Should have been doing some much vapor back then woukd have been safer to have a basic e-cigarette for myself.
Jive Turkey Vapeman out in about.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2022
Thanks for the Temperature Control thing though i did not write do the values. Seems I am not cut out for Temperature Control. An e-cigarette is so much simpler and not alot of vapor which clogs the lung. I will stick with my Coolfire Z80 mod when it comes to vaping so I can burn junk of the coil for longer coil life. I stay away from diketones usually and most those things that article said where it vapes at temperatures. I mess up my lungs enough to look for a day to even quit vaping. Take care Big Guy. You are alot Bigger Guy than most. You are very informative. This website needs people you to show then good things although i would vape a lot of those things listed in the article but not reported case of someone getting popcorn lungs from vaping. It happen in a popcorn factory with people inhaling butter flavoring dust they put on popcorn. I have already mess up my lungs through smoking cigarettes regularly. Vaping my best way out front smoking the out of vaping. Seems reason to quit if possible but then i am not be to stressed out about with Riccardo Polosa ecigarettes and vape advocate studying vaping stating vaping 98% to 99% safer than smoking or less harmful.
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