I spoke with the FDA yesterday

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 21, 2008
South Florida
This has been proposed before. But it's really up to the manufacturers to try to coax a celebrity to use a device. It will COST, too. Nothing comes free.

Besides, can you really see a celebrity touting one of these without massive compensation? Sadly, I cannot.

I totally understand that nothing comes free....but if someone personally knows a celebrity or some type of acquaintance that could maybe persude someone that they love or care about, that there is a better alternative to tobacco...the possiblities are endless....im not saying they should go get a celebrity and start a commerical by an means....more like we would tell our parents, friends or family about this product because it could be highly benficial....you know what i saying? Word of mouth to a Celebrity:thumb: Celebrities are people too and i am sure there are plenty that would like to not smoke tobacco but still enjoy smoking....but how many have even a clue about the electronic cig?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Dudes... Scientology! All we gotta do is hook up an e-cig to an e-meter, and we're IN! We sell the first one to Tom Cruise, and it'll spread like wildfire!

We can say the secret technology was invented by LRH during his exploration of Asia, and he wrote it down on golden plates in unreformed egyptian that we translated with a crystal lens... Oh, wait, that's the wrong group...

Never mind.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
Maryland USA
celebrity! then everyone will want one and the fda will be saying NONONO I have to control you...sorry...I just it has to come out but, someone smart needs to know the legal aspects of it debut and be ready to work around all the govt that want to control. Hopefully the only thing that might have restrictions will be the juice and we can work around that, can't we??


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Czech Republic is a funny small country, as backwater as mine, but they already had a senator vaping in Parliament and having small e-cig lecture to the journalists who wanted to chastise him fo "smoking", "abusing immunity", etc.

I hope Google can translate this to you and save me work:
Senátor Kubera kou?il ve Sn?movn? elektronickou cigaretu– Novinky.cz


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
I hope Google can translate this to you and save me work:
Senátor Kubera kou?il ve Sn?movn? elektronickou cigaretu– Novinky.cz

Sort of. I tried both Czech and Slovak, and both ways the article translated mostly understandably, but with a couple of untranslated words in each sentance. Each language left different untranslated words. So what language is it, really?

For example, translating from Czech to English, the first paragraph comes out, " Kubera is a passionate smoker, his love for nicotine has no neta. In the Senate even when dealing with one of the proposals protikuřáckého Act burned in řečnického pultíku to demonstrate that it nezláká by their colleagues on the forfeiture of this bad habit."

But from Slovak to English it is, " Kubera is passionate kuřákem, his love for nicotine se nikterak secret. In the Senate even with projednávání one of the draft law protikuřáckého burned in speaking stand to prove that a team of colleagues to your site propadnutí this habit."

:confused: :D


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Hi all, new here, first post.

I just wanted to say don't believe a word the FDA says when it comes to only regulating drugs. That is a flat out lie. The FDA has banned the sale of laser pointers over 5mw in the USA. Laser pointers are not drugs nor are they marketed as such, but that didn't stop them from regulation. If they can manage to ban a laser they certainly can ban e-cigarettes if they so wish, regardless of what it is marketed as.

I haven't been able to find anything on the FDA website but there is a little more info on the wiki article for laser pointers.

Don't believe the slimy .......s when they say it is not within their power to regulate, I can see them banning the e-cig long before they ban the known hazardous cancer sticks.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2008
Austin Texas
This goes back to my talk with the FDA. It is all how you market the product.
From that link Leaford posted.
Lasers that emit between 5mW and 500mW output power are in Class IIIb or IEC Class 3B. Class IIIb lasers cannot legally be promoted as laser pointers or demonstration laser products.
Here are the requirements
The FDA standard 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11) requires a warning label on Class IIIa and IIIb products. Class IIIb products must also have a key switch and connector for remote interlock. The products are also required to have identifying and certifying labels and instructions for safe use.

How can they be sold?
Can battery-operated, portable laser systems be sold in the U.S?

Yes, battery-operated, portable laser systems can be sold in the U.S., providing that they fully comply with the standard, are certified and reported, and are not Class IIIb lasers sold or promoted for pointing or amusement purposes.

So that tells you the same thing about lasers they told me about e-cigs. It is in the packaging and intended use that allows or prohibits the FDA to regulate.

For the FDA to have no say on the lasers in this instance, the laser would have to be marketed as something other than a pointer or entertainment device as they describe on the website. So the same laser that is banned in the USA could be easily sold by labeling it as a engraving tool, which is a valid use for a laser and is something the FDA would have no problem with.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I read the blog posts on DealExtreme for laser pointers and saw the one from a fella who tried his on the neighbor's cat first thing. Seems the cat went blind, the neighbor told him.

Then we have yokel idiots in my county who shined it into a sheriff's helicopter a few weeks ago. Got caught. Gonna do some prison time for a "joke" following a few beers with the buddies.

Yeh, we really need these sold to people like those. And, note the FDA has a division for "devices". They can ban our e-smoking DEVICES with one edict. It's not "just liquid" that will face scrutiny. It's the whole practice and all that goes with it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2008
Yeh, we really need these sold to people like those. And, note the FDA has a division for "devices". They can ban our e-smoking DEVICES with one edict. It's not "just liquid" that will face scrutiny. It's the whole practice and all that goes with it.

This is the part that doesn't make sense to me TB ... How do they ban a device? What I don't understand is how they continue to allow head shops selling crack pipes. They have absolutely zero other purpose in this world except to smoke crack and cyrstal ...., but are found from every head shop from coast to coast ... :confused: ... Its a delivery device, granted there are no electronics backing it, but it still delivers its *cargo*

Now, lets say they do ban the device. Would they ban the atomizer, the atomizer hooked up to the battery, or also including a cartridge?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
tried on a cat?? what a first class ****er, hope he gets some time too. you are right bob, it does seem remarkably easy for the FDA to ban something but then how come, bongs and and vaporizers can be sold? e-cigs should be able to skirt any law by claiming they have another purpose

edit: i see cash go there before me.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I hope both of you are right. The stuff you mention raises hackles at the DEA, not the FDA. And where I live, at least one person a week is charged with "possession of drug paraphenalia," usually a crack pipe or hookah. I don't follow what happens to the cases, but the hassle alone makes it an exercise in futility.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
do the pipes have to have residue of drugs ? i mean how come the head shops can sell .... bowls, crack pipes and vaporizers as long as no-one mentions their true purpose. i hope we get some head shop owners on here. i had a scan of the grass forums yesterday that have discovered electronic cigarettes yesterday (about 8) and they are all wondering whether they can use them to practice their hobby (hey guys, i just thought of this etc...) no-one has any answers but i'm sure there are a few experiments in progress.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2008
Excellent thread. Thank god for forums like this. We need to stay absolutely on top of this and be ready for some fool (congressman/pharma company/tobacco company) who will try to kill it before it cuts into one of the companies revenue streams. It is a good point that the FDA is backlogged. I mean Jesus they can barely get their hands around baby milk . . . one can only hope that they've got bigger fish to fry than worrying about us. But, as mentioned, if someone complains . . .

I would note that it is ironic that the best defense may be not to market the product as a smoking cessation device in order to protect it, when in fact it may very well prove to be the best one of them all. What a crazy world.

One other aspect to this whole nic is addictive debate may involve our current economic disaster. It took the great depression to repeal prohibition; one of Rossevelt's first initiatives. Although anything of that nature relating to pot, or what-have-you, will not be high on Obama's intial agenda. However, considering that we have 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners - mostly war on drugs nonsense, this may color some rational thoughts about this matter and e-cigs as well.

There are actually some looking for a second prohibition repeal: blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2008/12/03/einstein-insanity-and-the-war-on-drugs/




Full Member
Nov 16, 2008
North Texas, USA
do the pipes have to have residue of drugs ? i mean how come the head shops can sell .... bowls, crack pipes and vaporizers as long as no-one mentions their true purpose.
In Texas, the law says that it's not "drug pariphinalia" unless there is drug residue on the item. That is why my friends can drive around and use their "crack pipes" in public...they really are just using them to smoke pipe tobacco. I have one late-friend that found them more to her liking then a regular pipe and frequently used it while on nights out. She would be questioned by the police, they would test it for residue, and then hand it back to her with an apology. After a while, they police at the mall knew her by name and would tell new mall security to leave her alone about it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2008
Austin Texas
The FDA said they can only step in under the following 2 scenarios.
1. A company who wishes to get FDA approval submits a e-cig in a retail package with case studies, lab reports and medical evaluation.
2. A consumer files a complaint with the FDA in regard to a particular vendor.

Other than that the FDA can not regulate cigarettes. If you market the ecig as a quit smoking device, your now in the FDA's area of regulation.
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