If You Drip Try A Bonut

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Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
The flavor problem with the ego-t system stems from the amount of juice held in the mesh. The first few minutes with a fresh atty is generally pretty good flavor... then it degrades because of that much juice being in the mesh heating up and cooling down and heating up and cooling down... Blow the atty out (and waste all the juice trapped in it) - pop a new tank on - and the flavor is again good for a little while - Until the bunch of juice in the mesh has heated and cooled a few times.

So, though I read that thread and didn't see anyone with any flavor complaints, I'm still a bit skeptical. How has flavor reproduction been for you since you started doing this?


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Nov 27, 2008
This is a mod for hardline drippers on standard attys and most of us drip because it gives the best flavor, the bonut is now known on most forums around the world and used by many because of the flavor and gives constant vaper for 15 to 30 min depending on how many bonuts you put in the atty. I have only been vaping for 3 years and still IMO dripping is the best but kind of dangerous while driving, this solves that problem and the tobacco juices don't seem to degrade.


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Mar 27, 2010
Billings, MT
I have been using a Bonut for the last 3 days and am impressed. It's cheap, easy and effective. I can't say for certain that the flavor is at 100% fullness but I haven't used an atty or this juice (snickerdoodle) in many months. Tough to say. The flavor is very good and consistent though. Instead of getting nasty dry hits telling me to re-drip the flavor just kind of fades from what it was. Re-drip it your flavor is back to where it should be.

@six - since you are a fellow Montanan just pm me if you want to try some. I have 29 screens here, I'll send you a 5 pack. I despise dripping but Bonuts are actually pretty impressive.
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