Invitiation: CoVapE -- Colorado Vaping Enthusiasts

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2010
Littleton, CO, U.S.
Hey, Coloradans!

I just created the CoVapE social group.

I figure there must be at least a few of us here. Hoping to get enough interest to have forum, so we can:

  • share info about vape-friendly businesses, in-state vape suppliers, finds of useful goodies at non-vape stores
  • set up events such as swap meets and group buys
  • discuss whatever else exists at the intersection of vaping and Colorado

Though I'm an online veteran (since the 1200 baud days), I'm not familiar with twisting the knobs on vBulletin, so if anyone wants to be a co-moderator, give me a shout. Not that I expect there to be much to do in that regard, but having a backup is always good no matter what.

As far as policies go, I can't imagine needing anything that's not already a forum policy or obvious from the group name. I also don't care whether members actually live in Colorado -- I figure that goes without saying, but just in case anyone was wondering, there ya' go.

So how 'bout it folks? Can we get at least 6, 6 forum members (Ah Ah Ah) to jump in?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2010
Littleton, CO, U.S.
Alright, I can see I need to bump this and do some cheerleading. Really, I'm not the cheerleader type. For one thing, I don't look good in a skirt. Trust me on this one, m'kay? :shock:

I figure there's got to be some not insignificant number of us in Colorado. I've been around this forum for only a few weeks, and I've seen a couple already. I can think of at least a couple good reasons to get connected.

* Group buys. Save on shipping costs, and /or divide up something that's a lot cheaper in large quantities, such as PG or VG.

* Meetups: Just to be social; swap meet -- trade stuff you're not using for stuff you can use; taste-a-thon -- a chance to try out a flavor without having to order a sampler.

So, where are all you Coloradans? Don't be shy.
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