Is the e-ciggie for quitting?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2008
Ok. Try it first just using flavor. You won't have to mix anything. And some forum members enjoy vaporizing just extract for the flavor. Me? I like coffee flavor, so that's what I use. buy an extract from a grocery store, making sure it doesn't have oil in it. The ingredients should be flavor and propylene glycol. Or flavor and water/alcohol. Avoid all others. Read the ingredients on the bottle to see what's in it.

You know how to pull the mouthpiece/cartridge out. With it out, put a few drops (use an eyedropper) onto the atomizer inside your device. Pull the cartridge off the mouthpiece. It snaps on and off. Just pull it off and put it aside for the moment. Put the mouthpiece back on and start vaping. You'll have the strong taste of the flavor you selected. If you're using a propylene glycol extract, as we do in the States with Bickford, you'll have plenty of vapor, the same as always. Vapor should not be a problem.

Try it for about 10 minutes. That's how long two or three drops on the atomizer will last. Sadly, there is no tobacco flavor extract for us, so we all just use what we like the taste of. Good luck.

no need to add VG ??with the flavours?

next I plan to soak the used cart that mean the dry cotton wool in the cart ...can?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
VG is thick. If you're going to use it, you're going to have to thin the final fluid you use. All commercial liquids thin the thick substances. I use Kahlua liquor and cooked tobacco liquid. But you don't need to get into that. You just need to use straight extract, which is already the right thickness (called viscosity).
I think it's not for quitting, but mainly to be used when you are not allowed to smoke. But I have heard stories like this one: They give an e-cigarette to there father... around the 80's. they give him only 0mg cartridges.... now he does not smoke normal cigarettes anymore, haha, great story right?!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2008
I think it's not for quitting, but mainly to be used when you are not allowed to smoke. But I have heard stories like this one: They give an e-cigarette to there father... around the 80's. they give him only 0mg cartridges.... now he does not smoke normal cigarettes anymore, haha, great story right?!
:oops:actually he keep e puffing constant so he don;t like having one

example like me..if I keep constant smoke I don;t feel like one

but sometime I do at least one day smoke at least few real cig


Full Member
Jul 25, 2008
Personally, i dun think the e-ciggs are there to prevent us from smoking... Its just an alternative to smoking real ciggs.. After using e-cigg for 1 week, i do cut down on real ciggs.. from abt 20 to <10..

But the urge of smoking a real cigg is still very strong, especially when u wake up, after a meal and also while doing "business" in the toilet.

For me, i think even when i totally stop smoking real ciggs, i will still be addicted to the e-smoking..:rolleyes:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
Last post shows, that first thing needed to maybe find an answer to the question posed in first post, is to actually define whát 'stopping with smoking' actually means... is that point reached when stopping with smoking tobacco... or when we stop doing anything involving combustion and taking breaths off the resulting gas or substance... or is it reached when even the last frozen lollypop giving off steam as it melts in our mouth is left behind.... :)


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
A definition would certainly make it easier to come to conclusions.

I tend to think that since I've stopped burning substances to inhale smoke I have stopped smoking. I still use some nicotine but then again so do people who have stopped smoking with nicotine replacement therapy.

When I first got my ecig I wasn't intending to quit smoking but it was so easy because the ecig tastes so much better. I couldn't believe it ... it's a miracle! I have no intentions of giving up vapourising with edevices, I like it, it makes me feel good, it's a treat and it might even be good for me. I do understand the concern of people who want to quit 'smoking' completely, the ecig would be very hard for me to give up if I tried.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
It is absolutely good luck Katink. I came across ecigs by accident and am so glad I did. They are lifesavers, probably literally.

I wish everything was ok legally with them and they were approved and accepted by governments. I also wish the technology was better and we didn't have to face so much frustration. Finally it would be wonderful if all smokers in the world were made aware of ecigs and maybe even prescribed them by doctors to help them change from cigs.

There's no harm in dreaming.
I, like most everyone else, have tried just about everything to quit smoking. I was never able to smoke that "last" cigarette. Now I really couldn't care.

I will stay addicted to nicotine for probably the rest of my life as I already have been for 40 years. And that should be a longer life since I've found e cigs.

I actually prefer them to regular cigarettes and was very unhappy when my atomizer died and I had to buy cigarettes. There's no way I'll ever believe that e cigs are as bad as regular cigarettes ~ my morning hacking went away quickly and I felt better every day.

I am not trying to quit nicotine, just tar!:D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2008
U.K. Halifax West Yorkshire
Did we ever conclude if hte E-Cigg is for quitting or not in htis htread? Should probably run a poll on this question. Would be interesting as well to see after soem studies are done whether these products are more or less effective than conventional 'cessation' products liek the patch or gum of nic inhalers

I intend to quit all together and am using the e-cig to do it I am going to slowly decrease the amount of nicotine and see what happens I started another post and will up date it. I was a very heavy smoker before e-cigs and from day one I have not had a normal .... I have also been trying to give up for over 10 years with everything else and I mean I have tried the lot.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2008
United Kingdom
I haven't smoked for almost 2 months now, and I've been e-smoking less than I ever thought I would.

I think the e-cig IS for quitting IF you want it to be. I don't want to quit e-smoking but I've surprised myself with how little I seem to need a fix nowadays.

I've gone days without even e-smoking lately and I haven't even noticed (this is even when others are smoking around me).


Maybe I'm just strange - I feel like my nicotine addiction is negligible now, if I even have one at all.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2008
Arrrgh I'm jealous of all you quitters lol- seriously htough, wish I could just up and quit the real ciggs altogether
Naz,its not easy for some,but you need to make the decision,and stick with vaping exclusively for a few days,without having any real cigs anywhere near you...itll get easier after a week or so.

IMO,i reckon the longer you stay on the analogues after beginning to esmoke,the harder it is to get off them...and the more unlikely youll be able to quit using ecigs.

you cant procrastinate forever where smokings concerned mate.
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