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It's official, folks - I am NOT in LOVE!!!!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
Good thing I wasn't using any higher strength liquids...... I'd have given Wisconsin a contact high!

You know, given the way things are going here, that might not be a bad thing. People are getting too high strung. We need something to mel llll ooowww uuuussss outtttttttttttt....

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Started with a brand new 901 atty, medium strength (11mg) chocolate/coconut mix (my fav), in a fresh, newly stuffed cart, and batteries fresh from the charger....

Initial impressions:

Heat: this heats up the atty at the first hit - I can feel the heat on the mouthpiece within the first few seconds of the draw, and the vapor is, obviously, warm when I inhale. With the smaller atty, the heat does dissapate quicker than the 801's, but I still feel the need to put it down after every other hit to let it cool off, because it gets just too damn hot, and I worry about burning out the atty. No pacifier effect for me on the prod.

Taste: this gets a better taste than the 801 attys, as the vapor is denser from the smaller atty.

Vapor production: about the same as the 801 attys - a good, dense cloud on the exhale.

Throat hit: a bit more intense than the 801's - good punch in the throat and upper lungs.

Appitite: as I suspected when I plugged this up - the 901 attys, with the smaller cart, don't last very long - only 3-4 draws until I get the slightly acrid/bitter/metalic tinge in the back of my throat that signals a dry cart...refilled with 3 drops of liquid, got the same effect - 4 draws until dry. A serious juice hog.

I can comfortably take 1-2 hits off this before the heat forces me to put it down to cool - cooling takes about 2-3 minutes.

So: 1-2 hits, let cool for 3 minutes, refill after the 2nd round, let cool, refill..... fiddling with the thing every 10 minutes or so is just NOT my thing at night when all I want to do is vape in peace.

Sorry, guys, but them's my thoughts.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
So, the JS is still holding tight in the number 1 spot, eh?

I have my stuff in the cart waiting to take the plunge.
I've made the big mistake (maybe) of starting to read up on it on the JS threads. Don't know why since I actually know the Vapor Godess, have seen her stick (did I just say that out loud?) and have thought about nothing else but getting a stick for the past 5 days now....

Just hit the button for me already, will ya?? LOL

I am sorry that all the wait for the Prodigy isn't panning out the way you, and all of us hoped it would.
Do you think it's something that you are going to get use to, or are you going to recoop what you can from it?

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Thanks Vicks - your reviews are saving ME a lot of moola$
Oh, I take donations...hehehe

So, the JS is still holding tight in the number 1 spot, eh?

I have my stuff in the cart waiting to take the plunge.
I've made the big mistake (maybe) of starting to read up on it on the JS threads. Don't know why since I actually know the Vapor Godess, have seen her stick (did I just say that out loud?) and have thought about nothing else but getting a stick for the past 5 days now....

Just hit the button for me already, will ya?? LOL

I am sorry that all the wait for the Prodigy isn't panning out the way you, and all of us hoped it would.
Do you think it's something that you are going to get use to, or are you going to recoop what you can from it?

Vapor Goddess? OMG - I'm gonna get a swelled head here....I'll block out the sun! hehehe

Stick is numero uno - no questions.

As for the prod - I'll keep it around... it can always serve as a semi-poor example of panic buying or a collectors item. It does, still, make the trip to work with me every day, so I'm not giving up on it totally, but I'm not nearly as passionate about it as I am with my little stick.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
Well, I finally did it. I hit that button and ordered the JS last night right as the newscast started. Thank goodness I did read the threads on it, or I probably wouldn't have realized that the web page isn't linked up to PayPal and I wouldn't have known about the extra step to pay for it!

Don't know how happy hubby's going to be, so I guess this will be the last one for a while LOL
Besides, it's not like it was a spontanious decision. I always thought it was cute & compact. I saw one in real life to get a better idea on it's size. I was in a situation where all I could think about was how beneficial it would have been to have the stick with me & slept on it for 3 nights before ordering....can you tell I'm still trying to justify it, while I have a perfectly good 510 sitting here! LOL

Bottom line; it serves all my needs, coupled with my 510, and with everything going on right now, by golly, I derserve it LOL It should arrive here a few days shy of my 3 month anniversary. To be at this point and honestly say I have no desire to have an analog, that's a BIG DEAL! And I deserve a big reward....wth a bigger cart LOL

C-kool Dad '09

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Brookfield, WI - USA
Well, I finally did it. I hit that button and ordered the JS last night right as the newscast started. Thank goodness I did read the threads on it, or I probably wouldn't have realized that the web page isn't linked up to PayPal and I wouldn't have known about the extra step to pay for it!

Don't know how happy hubby's going to be, so I guess this will be the last one for a while LOL
Besides, it's not like it was a spontanious decision. I always thought it was cute & compact. I saw one in real life to get a better idea on it's size. I was in a situation where all I could think about was how beneficial it would have been to have the stick with me & slept on it for 3 nights before ordering....

Bottom line; it serves all my needs, coupled with my 510, and with everything going on right now, by golly, I derserve it LOL It should arrive here a few days shy of my 3 month anniversary. To be at this point and honestly say I have no desire to have an analog, that's a BIG DEAL! And I deserve a big reward....wth a bigger cart LOL
It is time to 'Rationalize'. A carton of cigarettes is going to go for close to $70 come Sept 1st. If you were a pack-a-day smokster in 10 days you have nothing to show for it! Feel a little bit better now? I thought you would:D


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
It is time to 'Rationalize'. A carton of cigarettes is going to go for close to $70 come Sept 1st. If you were a pack-a-day smokster in 10 days you have nothing to show for it! Feel a little bit better now? I thought you would:D

And there you go! Thanks C kool!
And yes, I do feel a lot better! ;)

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
OK - I've done another little mental flip-flop on the Prod.. I've been using it with the 901 attys for around 2 weeks now, and it's good..... still kicks like a mule (so when I want a hard and heavy throat hit, that's where I turn to) and the flavors in the smaller atty are very good. I find that I've started to adjust my draw style to suit the prod.

I'll still love my stick and KB, but the prod is quickly becoming another steady in my arsonal...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
OK - I've done another little mental flip-flop on the Prod.. I've been using it with the 901 attys for around 2 weeks now, and it's good..... still kicks like a mule (so when I want a hard and heavy throat hit, that's where I turn to) and the flavors in the smaller atty are very good. I find that I've started to adjust my draw style to suit the prod.

I'll still love my stick and KB, but the prod is quickly becoming another steady in my arsonal...

You are making me feel better that you too are one that has to be acclimated to new models! I only have 3, and each time, it's started out with "Hmp. What's the big deal?" But, over time, each one has earned their place. Although 901 seems to be at the bottom of the dog pile LOL But, I am still thinking about getting the JS adaptor for it. I like how the 901 really brings out the flavors more.

harmony gardens

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
Now I'm drooling over one of these,,,


They are back ordered,,,, and hopefully we'll have more information from Nhaler about the upcoming Xhaler, which sounds similar to the VP1,,, The VLP uses the 14500 battery, and looks like a really nice long lasting set up. I'm still switching between the 901, 401 and 510 right now.

What's the PV du jour, Vicks???

mlr grl,, how's the stick??

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Now I'm drooling over one of these,,,


They are back ordered,,,, and hopefully we'll have more information from Nhaler about the upcoming Xhaler, which sounds similar to the VP1,,, The VLP uses the 14500 battery, and looks like a really nice long lasting set up. I'm still switching between the 901, 401 and 510 right now.

What's the PV du jour, Vicks???

mlr grl,, how's the stick??

Ooo - you bad, bad boy, Harmony - that VP2 looks very tempting..... too entirely too cool and sci-fi looking....... must resist the urge to buy more GEAR!

>hand strays toward credit card<

Xhaler. . . . . meh. No real interest in that one.

Now - as to the PV of the day - I'd have to say the Prodigy with the 901 atty is pushing the stick to secondary place (the poor KB has been relagated to backup position - I hope it doesn't get too jealous!). I find I'm adjusting the draw style to suit, just for the throat hit on the device.

There are still problems with it, though - the 901 attys aren't really resiliant enough to withstand the extra power - I've burned out 2 so far, and only been vaping with the small attys for - what - 3 weeks? Not a good track record. I'm sure my wallet will make the ultimate decision on this one as I burn through my 901 stock as to wether or not I keep using it for the throat hit.

The 801 attys in the Prod do seem to have more staying power as far as life......

Sheesh - we REALLY need a good, Wisconsin Modder - one who wants to take the time and effort to come up with a kickin' atty mod that DOESN'T BURN OUT! I'd be the first in line to snap up couple of them.....

I mean - we've got dozens of battery mods - everyone's coming out with variations on that theme - but nobody's addressing the attys..... Thoughts?

harmony gardens

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
LOL,,, that VL's definately looks like a winner. I like the trend toward making the smallest possible battery housing.

From everything I've read, the 801 is more robust at higher voltages, but you're right,,, work needs to be done on improving Atty's.

Then again, with all the drama and uncertainty surrounding vaping, it's amazing that there is as much innovation as we're seeing.

In a related mod thread,,, check this out.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Waukesha, WI
I'm curious about the new PS Protege that CaSH is cooking up. Wonder if that one would be better for me than the Prodigy. I'm like the smaller size better than the Protege and uses less voltage so it shouldn't get as hot, but still uses the cheaper, longer-lasting batts.

Vicks... are you planning on trying one? If so, I will wait for your review before purchasing. LOL I might just go for that one when it comes out. Have a wait ahead as they are still in development, but I'm pretty excited he is doing a smaller model.
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