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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2013
Two times with in the the past week I had someone say to me that what I'm doing is smoking. One time someone said "So your still smoking" and today someone said "well your trying to quit smoking". The first guy didn't bother me that much because it was more in an inquisitive tone, like he was trying to understand what I was doing and what my PV is. But the second guy really got under my skin. It was almost like he was down playing what I've been able to accomplish.

I've tried explaining that there is not burning tobacco and therefore no smoke, but I don't think that the fact that there is no smoke has any effect on his thoughts. To him, if it looks like smoke it must be smoking, and that I really haven't quit smoking. If he wanted to argue that I I'm still addicted to nicotine I would completely agree and have no problem at all with what he said. But to say I'm still smoking is flat out false. I'm almost at 2 months of not smoking, and while I may be vaping I'm extremely proud of the fact that I went from a pack a day for almost 17 years to no cigs at all within about a week of starting to vape.
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Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
Don't sweat da vaping deniers! Just try to explain what you're doing and why. Beyond that...



Super Member
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Feb 16, 2013
Westport, WA
there's always someone there to crap in your submarine. it's human nature to find fault, blame, and even take great pleasure in seeing other peoples misery. these days i take my victory's where i can get them. wouldn't worry about the doubters and negative Nancy's out there. most people make their minds up about things from the beginning. we know what we have just given up. that's all who needs to know. and of course all of us because we are all on the edge of our seats here waiting for the axe to drop. stay strong stay committed. git er done.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
Well MC, you have indeed made a great accomplishment. You quit smoking after puffing on those stinkies for 17 years. YeeHaw!!! That is super.

I will tell you that vaping has made quitting possible for me but I still feel a little out of sorts and grumpy sometimes and I swear it is the withdrawal from cigs. Still, nothing like my previous attempts to quit by any means. Keep up the good work but cut yourself a little slack because it is a big change:)

Now's you chance to get into the spirit and keep educating people about vaping. It is not smoke. Nothing is burning. It's the same stuff they put into inhalers for people with asthma:)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2013
Thanks Renolizzie! Maybe it is that I'm still withdrawing from the stinkys. Maybe it could be like its like fourthrok said the alignment of the planets. I was actually surprised by this one guys comments because its not like this was the first time he has heard about me vaping. This really was one of the first times I've had someone say something to me in a disparaging tone about vaping. Most people are very supportive and fascinated about vaping. I've even had some family members of smokers ask me where they could suggest their relatives get a PV. Naturally I advise them to check out ECF as well as give them a business card to my local vendor.

J.R. Bob Dobbs

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Nov 18, 2012
near buffalo, NY
time to split the hairs of hares...

honestly vapor is a kind of smoke and smoke is a type of vapor. the clouds in the sky and the exhaust from a car is vapor. Smoke from a burning building is a kind of vapor. Think of it like this...

vapor is to smoke like Chevrolet is to Corvette.

sadly only we know the difference about what is coming out of our PV's vs that noxious exhaust that is expelled from a cigarette smokers mouth. But he was not wrong that your vapor can be called smoke...though you are most certainly NOT smoking, in the sense of what society believes to be "Smoking" with regard to tobacco products.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I'd like to see his explanation for why all the people that work at haunted houses don't die from smoke inhalation.

or people who work in clubs. Its an easy sell to my friends, i'm a DJ and own a fog machine. They all love it at their parties and let their kids dance around in it.

pre-sold :) Hmmm, maybe i'll dump some TPA flavouring in my fog juice next party :)

back on topic: the ignorant of the world will always annoy us with something. Merely life happening. I hear your frustration though :)
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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
I've had people say its still smoking even after explaining to them that its not in a lot of detail.
People don't care what it is. If your doing it in front of them OR (god forbid!) their kids?
They'll call it whatever the heck they want and argue with you about it till you leave in frustration.
Theres a type of person that does this. They dont care if they are right or wrong. They want a WIN.


Ultra Member
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Jan 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Friend of mine ran into this at a gas station, she walked in vaping and a rather large lady behind her in line said "You know there is nicotine in there and your still smoking with them right?" She was in a pretty bad mood that day and turned around, looked at what the lady was buying and said "You know all those sugar free snack cakes are still cake right?"
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