Join the ECA!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2008
[FONT="]To all of our friends and family,[/FONT]
[FONT="]The Electronic Cigarette Association (ECA) is comprised of international manufactures, suppliers, resellers and consumers who are dedicated to the advancement of electronic smoking technology. The ECA strives to educate the public on electronic smoking devices and tobacco harm reduction. The ECA strongly believes and enforces that any form of smoking is an adult action, and adults who engage in this behavior should have the freedom to choose smoking alternatives.[/FONT]

[FONT="]If you are a manufacturer, supplier, or reseller, please know that you will be required to follow some very specific guidelines regarding your marketing claims. You will also be required to start a transition into safer manufacturing, labeling and bottling practices and a push towards better testing. It is imperative that you understand the ECA believes that self regulation is a viable option for this industry and if you are not willing to participate in a fashion that has been set out by your fellow suppliers and by the consumers, we wish you the best.[/FONT]

[FONT="]Consumers: We are SO excited for your participation! We have a hard road ahead of us and the fight will not be easy. But with all of us joined together, we will be a group that simply cannot go unnoticed. The ECA will lobby Congress and we will need your help. You will be asked at specific times to contact your elected officials so that our presence on the Hill does not go unnoticed. The ECA needs you and needs your donations. In return, the ECA will fight for your right to easy accessibility AND will lead suppliers and manufacturers into compliance for your safety.[/FONT]

[FONT="]As for our presence on the hill, we are securing a former Congressman as our spokesman and working on a few other heavy hitters. We also have support from Bill Godshall of He has given us a wealth of information and is 100% on board with our cause. He has rallied all of the non-smoking leagues within the Tobacco Harm Reduction camps he can and promises to do more. Mr. Godshall has added our petition to his email list and believes the testimonials are beautiful and will carry weight in the health community. We also have Dr. Siegel, Dr. Nitzkin, David Sweanor,, and many others who are huge proponents of the electronic cigarette. We all need to rally together and show the health community that the electronic cigarette industry and community is here and we are willing to do what needs to be done.[/FONT]

[FONT="]You have asked for a list of participating suppliers thus far. Each of these suppliers have participated time, blood, sweat and tears up until this point and moving forward, they will also be providing dues and donations. They have also committed to some of the following rules and while these are limited in scope at this time, they will not be limited to simply these: Bottles will be childproofed. Proper labels will include warnings and will not include any language that can be conceived by a reading age child such as “cherry” or "bubblegum”. [/FONT]

[FONT="]Suppliers will make no claims regarding health, smoking cessation or quitting, until such claims are scientifically proven. They will sell the product in a fashion that does not glorify smoking and they will also adhere to any FTC regulations on tobacco advertising for smokeless products. Manufacturers will need to uphold certain safety and cleanliness standards as regulated by either their state board of health or governmental regulators such as the FDA. Self regulation is in the best interest of the FDA, the industry AND the taxpayers and this is an extremely feasible option. We have every intention of working hand in hand with the FDA, but would like to be considered a self-regulating industry, just as the homeopathic industry has done.[/FONT]

[FONT="]This supplier list will change and all members of the association, whether a consumer, manufacturer, distributor or reseller will be notified of changes to the directory based on participation. Suppliers, do you want to be added to this list? Contact your customer list so your consumers on the forum can speak up and say you did your part! We will gladly add you ASAP. [/FONT]

[FONT="]AlternaSmokes, AltSmoke, Bloog Planet,, Cloud9Smoking, eCigSupply, electronixstix, eLiquidPlanet, eSmokeyTreats, Instead, Johnson Creek, JuicyLiquid, LiteCigUSA, njoy, Skyrl, Smoke Liberation, TheSmokeSafe, TheSmokelessShop, Sun Valley Systems, TimmyT, TrueVapor, Vapor4Life, Vapor Guys, VaporNine, VaporStix[/FONT]

[FONT="]Please visit our website, [URL=""][/URL], where you will be able to join as a member whether you are a manufacturer, supplier, reseller, or consumer. All countries are encouraged to participate. In the upcoming weeks, we will have projects and opportunities for those who wish to volunteer time to the cause. We have estimated that in the beginning months we will need a minimum of $15,000 per month to fight this fight. This money will come from dues of suppliers, manufacturers, and resellers as well as dues and donations from Consumer members. Obviously, the more money we can raise, the more we can do. We will have fees in hiring a PR firm to represent us, Lawyers to argue and defend our position, and then there will be administrative fees for those we need to hire to actually run the association on a day to day basis.[/FONT]

[FONT="]As we are still in the process of legally forming the association, we cannot take donations or accept dues, however, by signing up with your email address and real name, this allows us to gather and do what we can while the legal portion, including by-laws and industry suppliers, is being developed. With the information that has come to our attention recently regarding the true essence of time, it seems ridiculous to sit back and wait regarding things that we can be doing on a grassroots level. As soon as we can move forward on the financial portion of this endeavour, all members will be notified.[/FONT]

[B][FONT="]This is not a losing battle.[/FONT][/B][FONT="] We have a short amount of time, but everything we have in our arson will need to be used. We have to ban together and we have to stop conspiracies within our ranks. We have all sat on this forum for months now and discussed the “what if’s and the what to do’s” and now we have a clear road that we need to take. We need to utilize our allies in the health community, we need to rally behind them and rally Congressional members on our own, and we need to educate the everyday public on who we are and what it is that we are doing. [/FONT]

[FONT="]Have you started a vaping club in your area like Spikey has and want to get the word out? Please contact Antoinette Lanza of BloogPlanet via, ECA’s Consumer Liason, so she can ensure that your group will be listed on the Consumer participation website (coming asap). New Suppliers, contact Kurt Auer of VaporGuys via (TaleyWhacker), ECA’s Secretary, that you are interested in participating so he can offer you an application as soon as it is available.[/FONT]

[FONT="]Looking forward to the Future and Success of eSmoking/Vaping![/FONT]

[FONT="]Joanna Watt
Acting President[/FONT]
[FONT="]Electronic Cigarette Association[/FONT]
Joanna Watt - President of the Electronic Cigarette Association
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