Joining Reonaughts shortly......

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Jul 4, 2014
Couple of questions for the pros before I pay for the cart so I don't get buyers regret. I am waiting for a reply on a PM to Rob on a question only he can answer but thought I would post and get a few opinions while anxiously waiting. Current gear vision spinner, provari, ipv2 50watt, copper stingray clone v2. aspire nautilus, taifun gt, kayfun lite v2 dual air, igo-w, and a magma. Assorted aw and sony vtc5 batteries, ohm and multi meters, and assorted wire gauges. Cotton, cotton pads, and silica. Many hours spent reading and watching youtube on ohms law and battery safety. All purchased pretty much in that order over last 5 months. You fine folks have convinced me reoville is the place to be. So now that the background is set: I prefer dual air kayfun over single taifun. Single or dual coils I'm still playing with. AFC liked nautilus over magma for sure but could just be the ring on mine. I'm a flavor as opposed to cloud chaser. LP will definitely be the version. Leaning toward mini but will probably pick grand. Want opinions on which reomizer and throwing cyclone in the mix because MOV is just a few miles out of the way on my daily commute. Opinions please......


Earthbound Misfit
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Jul 14, 2012
NC Foothills
Sounds like you already have it nailed down to a great choice... LP Grand.

The grand always looks larger in photos, actually it's not that big. It feels about like holding a pack of
smokes in your hand. Feels perfect to me and I have smaller hands.

As has been said, rm2 and cyclone are flavor factories. Both are much easier to build on than a kayfun plus you
don't need to empty the tank to check gunk buildup on your coil or rebuild it. Just pull the cap and look/rewick, etc.

Your vaping life is on the verge of becoming greatly simplified without sacrificing any quality.



MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
As above, you'd prolly be happiest with a grand - best mix of battery capacity, juice storage, and size. The LP is wise as it gives you the widest range of atties that are compatible. Speaking of which, here are some thoughts...

* The RM2 is a staple in most reonauts' kit. You'd need the LP version to go with the grand you want, and it's the reigning champ for ease of build (mos def easier than a kayfun or taifun) while delivering killer flavour.

* The RM3 is great for dual coil setups (you'd need the DC version) and is very similar to the RM2 in terms of vape characteristics - small chamber = big flavour, tighter draw is good for mouth2lung inhalation.

* The RM4 is great for duals if you like direct lung hits - airier than the RM2 or 3. It has AFC if that's important for you.

If you budget allows, I'd recommend the RM2 and one of either the 3 or 4. The cyclone would be a good one to have in rotation as well, but these 3 are stellar from Rob's stable.


Vaping Master
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Dec 15, 2012
Want opinions on which reomizer and throwing cyclone in the mix because MOV is just a few miles out of the way on my daily commute. Opinions please......

If you like your Nautilus AFC and don't want to spring for another nautilus bf set-up right away, my AFC fits the IGO-bf that Rob sells. I have one of the brass ones, I'd guess they'd all fit?


Resting In Peace
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May 31, 2013
Northern California
Reonaut- has or soon will have a Reo
Reonaught- does not yet own a Reo
Reonaughty - (here's where it gets tricky-- generally a Reonaut with a twisted sense of..... )
Reonut- subset of Reonauts. Most own a stellar amount of Reos, or have otherwise OD'd on porkie dust

yes, i am the evil spawn of Merriam and Webster...
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