Joye510 has burnt taste to it

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Full Member
Jun 8, 2011
Soooo I got my Joye510 starter kit from The Vapor Pro yesterday and I unboxed it,charged one of the batteries for eight hours as instructed. Went to vape and my ecig has a burnt flavor to it,I couldn't say whether it's the atomizers or the juice,it just gets the burnt flavor within minutes. Now I understand the joye510 batteries don't last long. But come on, my flavor cartridge tastes like crap! Anyone experienced with manual batteries have any input?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2011
United Kingdom
Most starter kits, especially 510s come covered in primer juice to keep the atomizer moist. It tastes absolutely gross. So screw off the atomizer and blow it out onto a tissue from the side where you would normally inhale. Blow until no liquid comes out. Then drop about 10 drops of e-liquid and leave it stand atomizer down for about 10-20 minutes. After that blow out again and drop 2-3 drops of e-liquid. Try it, it worked for me :)


Full Member
Jun 8, 2011
Update: Battery has finished charging,I added three drops to the atty. And one more for good measure. Works like a charm! My battery is working like an ecig is supposed to. I can now hear that familiar hissing sound that comes with owning a brand new battery. And the vapor production is top notch! Now I understand what all the fuss is about for the 510.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Once you learn the personality of the ecig, you will be able to instantly recognize dry, flooded, etc. Gurgling is a sign of flooding, as well as low vapor and a cooler atty barrel. Dry is associated with a burnt taste, hot atty, and low vapor. Just right can vary from silent to a little crackling and popping, but you will have good vapor and taste for the juice you are using.

Blow the atty out into a towel or sink to reach a starting point for a refill if you are having problems. Screw it back onto the battery and try it. The cart filler must touch the bridge (the metal mesh in the atty) in order for juice to be transferred. Sometimes the filler gets pushed back in the cart and you get a dry atty. It should be even with or close to the end of the cart.

Boge cartomizers are a good, long lasting way to enjoy your 510.
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