Juice in V4L prefilled carts...pg/vg ratio, etc...

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Senior Member
Jan 21, 2011
Lakeland FL
Something Ive noticed, is whenever I get a new prefilled carto from V4L, there seems to be no color to the juice in the filler material, yet some juices that Ive ordered DO have color to it. So I can safely assume the juice sold for refilling isnt actually the same thats used in the prefilled cartos?

Also, I recently found out that Bloog fills with 100% PG juice for all of their 12 flavors. What PG/VG ratio is in V4L's prefilled cartos? Does it vary by flavor? And if the juice used to prefill is 100% PG, why does some juice I buy have VG in it?

Just curious over here :)


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Oct 24, 2010
Saint Petersburg, Florida
So far all of the carto and 30 ml juice bottle flavors seem to be the same. There are a couple of juices that have the same flavor in WOW and premium. The prefilled cartos are usually drier than when I refill them, but they taste they same (usually stronger flavored) when I refill. Refill & let it set overnight or longer and the filler is often white regardless of the color of the juice.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2010
NE Illinois
I can confirm it is the same juice in the prefilled and 30ml bottles.

There is some VG in all our juices....the ratios vary by flavor and line(Wow or Premium).

Liquids with more VG will produce better vapor.....more fog! PG seems to have more flavor. It is always a tradeoff.

I prefer fresh juice and a fresh cart for the best experience. Some folks like to refill the prefilled, but a fresh blank will give better performance and flavor. Some will say they notice a difference between the prefilled and juice flavor. The only explanation I can offer is possibly the time the liquid has sat in the carto....it is definitely the same juice usually filled from the same exact batch.
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