Just bought my first E-Cig

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Full Member
May 14, 2012
Hello ECF,

It's always nice to find a community that has plenty of information and lots of friendly users. Now on to the good stuff!

Ive been a pack a day smoker for over 17 years I purchased an eGo-T and started using it on Saturday. I've smoked maybe 4 or 5 analogs since and I think I can get used to vaping. Any tips, pointers and advice would be much appreciated. However I have a few questions.

1. Is there nicotine in the vaper that is being exhaled?

2. Is it safe to vape in the same room as my wife and 3 year old son?

3. I smoked Newport 100's , Does anyone know of a juice that tastes similar? I bought some of the juice from Vermillion River and it's ok but im not sold on it yet. I saw some fruity kinds of juice that sound amazing, anyone have any experience with these?

Again thanks for reading my post and have a nice day!


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Mar 9, 2011
Northern Virginia
Welcome to ECF Stiles and good for you on making the change. My opinions......

1. Is there nicotine in the vaper that is being exhaled? The nicotine absorption rate in eliquid less than what a "normal" cigarette has, if there is any nicotine in your ehaled vapor then it is trace amounts if best.
2. Is it safe to vape in the same room as my wife and 3 year old son?A good question! I have a 2.5 year old son, I do vape around him, I do vape around my wife, it has not bothered either of them, of course I am always as careful as possible to keep my APV's away from the little guy. I am also a previous clinician and still work in the medical field for now 16 years, there is zero evidence that yourself vaping or "second hand" vapor will cause any adverse effects

3. I smoked Newport 100's , Does anyone know of a juice that tastes similar? I bought some of the juice from Vermillion River and it's ok but im not sold on it yet. I saw some fruity kinds of juice that sound amazing, anyone have any experience with these? I have not purchased from that particular vendor, but juice is really going to be a trial and error, some you like, some you love, some you toss after one toot :) I have had great products and customer service from Mom and Pop, Ave Juice, Mad Vapes, Pink Spot


Vaping Master
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Apr 11, 2012
Usually the first thing to go is that you stop caring if it looks like a cigarette. The next is that you stop caring if it tastes like a cigarette. That's where all the awesome and fancy flavors come in.

For me and many others, early on it seems to help a great deal if it tastes similar to what you've been smoking. I think it helps with the psychological part so you don't feel as if you're missing anything from the old habit. But it doesn't take long (maybe a week or two for me) until you're off sampling all of the many great flavors available and finding a new "all day vape".

I can't really help with suggestions since I was a non-menthol smoker, but I'm sure many others will post their favorites..

I'm no chemist of physicist, but it's my understanding that a very large percentage of what's exhaled is just water vapor. Sounded like a little hooey to me as well at first or just maybe something to quiet the ignorant objectors to public vaping. But I was reading where, having something to do with the chemical make up of our juices and the molecular bonding characteristics of atomized glycerins, that it actually pulls water molecules from the air (throat and lungs too) resulting in the exhaled vapor being well over 99% water.

I can support that theory somewhat, though very non-scientifically. Based on the fact that vaping does indeed dry out your mouth and throat, and that condensation actually forms on my mustache and sometimes even in my nostrils when I'm getting really good vapes from a good juice. :laugh:

So I'd say the safety of vaping around others is a personal choice. I'm sure the best scenario (even for us) would be to not vape or smoke at all. However it seems that it is immensely safer to vape around others than smoking around them considering all of the chemicals and carcinogens coming from a burning cigarette..
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Caelius Felix

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Jun 18, 2011
Austin, Texas
Backwoods Brew makes a menthol tobacco flavor that many think is very close to an analog. But as TravTech says above, after a short while you don't really care about trying to match what you smoked and can move on to other flavors. As you will see from reading reviews and comments on ECF, taste is subjective and there is no way around a considerable amount of trial and error in order to find what you like.


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Jan 24, 2012
Out in the middle of Nowhere
You'll probably change your mind when it starts getting too hot or too cold outside! lol!
I've vaped around a non-smoker (inside a car with the windows rolled up) and sitting right beside my Mom, who quit smoking 20 some odd years ago, and they both said they can't smell anything...well, my Mom did ask once if I was using the chocolate, but I was vaping banana at the time, so I think she was just craving some chocolate! lol!


Vaping Master
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Apr 11, 2012
Thank you for the quick replys... I've found my self going outside to vape even though my wife says it doesnt bother her. Something about sitting on the same chair in the same patio (where i would smoke analogs) that makes vaping more enjoyable.

Again thank you for the replys.

This is actually probably a good thing. The less your mind and body sees vaping as a disruption to old habits or a denial of past indulgences, the more likely you'll be able to stick with it. This and many other things can be adjusted later, the most important thing early on is successfully staying away from cigarettes.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Hello ECF,

It's always nice to find a community that has plenty of information and lots of friendly users. Now on to the good stuff!

Ive been a pack a day smoker for over 17 years I purchased an eGo-T and started using it on Saturday. I've smoked maybe 4 or 5 analogs since and I think I can get used to vaping. Any tips, pointers and advice would be much appreciated. However I have a few questions.

1. Is there nicotine in the vaper that is being exhaled?

2. Is it safe to vape in the same room as my wife and 3 year old son?

3. I smoked Newport 100's , Does anyone know of a juice that tastes similar? I bought some of the juice from Vermillion River and it's ok but im not sold on it yet. I saw some fruity kinds of juice that sound amazing, anyone have any experience with these?

Again thanks for reading my post and have a nice day!

I was a menthol smoker for 37 yrs........In the beginning my favorite menthol liquid was Cool Rush by Cool Rush E-Liquid your taste buds will change in time.....I still use it in my daily rotation........good stuff:)


Full Member
Apr 16, 2012
Columbus, OHIO
Great question regarding the 2nd hand vapor and I can only say that I quit because my 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with Asthma and she has had no ill effects from my vapor. I am still careful to not really vape around her but as we all know with little ones sneaking up on you and it does happen from time to time. I can also tell you that I always smoked in the garage and 2 weeks after quitting she was playing in there on a rainy day and came back in needing her inhaler. Just the smoke residue/soot, I believe, set off her asthma. So, hopefully we are doing better by them.
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