Kick Bass tootsie rolly

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2010
I am in love with tootsie roll flavored vapes but find that chocolate flavorings either seem to come out hit or miss with various vendors... either the chocolate is perfect, or it tastes like chocolate tumms....

Which is why i was hesitant to try tootsie roll from various different vendors. I have tried 3 different vendors so far, and thought i found the perfect "go-to," but as i am somewhat new to vaping, it was important to me to try juices from other vendors just to make sure. when i took my first drag of kick bass's rendition i was immediately in love.

I have tried a lot of different juices with chocolate in them and normally chocolates sometimes feel too dry or forced to me. Kick Bass was the opposite with a nice sweet tootsie roll flavor which maintained the juicy moisture throughout both the inhale and the exhale.

the test phase bottle that i sampled was a vg variation, and it was lovely but i cannot do high vg without issues. i ordered a large bottle of the same juice with a recipe that is 50/50 and it is still phenomenal with a lush thick vapor production and a phenomenal taste.

thank you to the owners for such an awesome product and such amazing shipping speed!

a note about their th... i like a nice throat hit but find that some companies boost their throat hit with almost an abrasive sandpapery feeling. this is not the case with the th on kick bass. they have a full throat hit, but it is not assaultive.

i give this flavor 2 thumbs up.

kick bass is kind of new so i figured it would make sense to include the link to their part of the forum here:

i have other flavors of theirs to taste and review too, but the quality of their flavors and the care of their customer service, this may be the perfect supplier for me.
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