Learn something about E-Cig to help my father out from smoking.

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Full Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hell yeah! If I can do it, that young whipper-snapper of a father of yours sure can.

He has to want to. It would help if he had another that did it, too. There is a joy in just sitting on the sofa with a good flavor. For myself, I wanted it and so I switched overnight.

IF he wants to, then consider:

2 complete units. The Mod/battery unit and a clearomizer. The second one is a back-up. I kept mine in the car because I am always near that. I would get a mod that has an internal battery that charges like a phone. The cable will come with it.

juice - I would take him to a vape shop and let him try flavors for free. Then get 5 x 10ml bottles of juice that he accepts and has been sitting on the shelf for 2-3 weeks. Juice is like wine, it gets better when the juice components "meld" with each other. I would recommend 24mg of nic in each bottle. Some shops mix the flavor right on the spot and it usually doesn't taste right.

Also, for juices, sampler packs would be ideal.

For the mod/battery I would look at the iStick 30w (watt).

For the clearomizer, I would look to a Aspire Nautilus mini and extra coils.

If you are in China, I would get on the internet and go to fasttech. They are based in China.

If he makes it a hobby, he will appreciate it much more.

Happy vaping!
Thank you so much. That's a lot of information. I'll take that, and looking into where to buy.:)


Full Member
Feb 2, 2015
Firstly... Hi Mangguo, Welcome to ECF.
I just want to say that the level of selflessness I've seen here is incredible... not only from you and your determination to help your father, but the responses as well. Cudos to everyone! That's what we are all about here!

The hardware recommendations are great! I was just curious if you know what kind of tobacco is his favorite? Does he still prefer cigarette, or has he developed a taste for the pipe tobacco?
There are some incredible Tobacco juices out there... I'm a hard-core tobacco vaper and I prefer NET's (Naturally Extracted Tobacco). To me and a large number of tobacco loving vapers around here, there is nothing better than a quality NET in the tank.

With that said... if he still appreciates cigarette, there are some great tasting cig-vapes here...
Cigarette-style e-Liquids
My personal favorites are Pipe Tobaccos such as the Black Cavendish styles... very aromatic, some sweetness and smokiness with a nice vanilla-ish aroma.
Pipe Tobacco e-Liquids

The only issue with NET's is they are notoriously "Gunky" on coils and wicks... they need to be changed out or cleaned up twice as quickly as you would with a arti-bacco.

As it's been said already, starting out with something that your father is familiar with such as a tobacco should at least get him interested in the idea of vaping. Then if he starts to get more involved, there is an unlimited array of flavors and styles that he can experiment with as he progresses! The first important step is to get him interested... I hope he's willing to listen to you and give it a fair shot, then we can go from there!
Good luck and keep us posted in the future! :thumb:
My father is more into pipe tabacco. I will give a try and talk to him and buy him what is needed.
Will keep you posted. Hope my father will be interested and finally quit.
Thank you:toast:


Full Member
Feb 2, 2015
Welcome to ECF Mangguo - you've already had brilliant advice from everyone so I won't add any more, but I will say I am a few years older than your father and smoked for 41 years before switching to vaping, so yes, it certainly can be done. Good luck to you and your father. :)
Thank you so much. Good luck with my father and I:toast:
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