Liberty Flights and freedom finally here!

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Brandnew vper

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ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2010

Just got my order from my liberty flights e liquid and my freedom smokes liquid. Im very excited still no 401 kit from litecigusa and i paid extra for express shipping and live in upstate NY and they are in PA? Wtf? Anyway it will probably come tommorow. Something to look forward too. And her are my reviews and flavors.

Liberty Flights

1. luxury Blend 18mg- Not bad at all, taste pretty good and a great throat hit from 18mg nice after taste too. Nice vapor lots of vapor! going out i got quite a nice flavor too. Still a little on the sweet side for me though.

2. Winston 18mg- Doesnt to me taste like a winston, well maybe the aftertones. overall not bad and a desent vape not great though for the "smoke" But a nice all day vape. decent throat hit.

3. Original Red 24mg- This was my favorite! very impressed how close it came to feeling like a real cig when i exhaled. Great throat hit! not overbearing. Nice taste not to sweet (suttle sweetness) But lots of vapor. And great tabacco flavor.

My freedom smokes

1. Virginia 24mg- Nice throat hit. Too sweet but great flavor for those seneca smokers like me. And great vapor. I also thought this flavor closely resembled a parliment or marlboro light. Not bad

Overall i think the liberty flights and My freedom smokes e liq a very good. MY freedom smokes had better servce came in a day! And liberty took about 5 days but still responded to my emails quick and had good service too. I recomend these to newbies trying to find a closest thing to a real cig. which your never gonna find the realest tast also make sure you clean your atomizers after each one i used a brand new atty for each one. I also used a 403 and was impressed by the amount of vapor they let out! overall great liqs. But try them yourself.
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