long island banning e-cig???-please watch-urgent

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If this is true, then there is nothing you could say or do in a private meeting with them to convince them that what they want to do is wrong.
Any info you wish to give them is all right here on this site right in front of their eyes. my .02

Think about how long it took us each to find all the info on here that we wanted to find about ecigs. They asked about some stuff and wanted me to find it and send them links. The few things I don't know where they are... Kate does so I found and sent them. It is a lot of info especially if you have never used one of these devices before.

Spikey, It's not out of the norm for them to postpone the meeting until just after they pass their ban. Be careful!

Government likes to pass unpopular laws as feat accompli more often then not. Half the time no one notices the law has been passed.

You are absolutely right Grey... we have anticipated that and we are setting a protest in motion for NEXT Friday BEFORE the vote on June 9th if they don't ACTUALLY meet with us next Wed! (Are you reading this legislators aides? We WILL protest WITH media if you refuse us a meeting and/or blow us off... and some of our members will bring their kids to say "please don't make my daddy/mommy smoke cigarettes again Mr.Cooper!" on camera!!!) It will be a "standby" protest that we can call to action at the last minute if necessary. I am getting phone numbers at the Vapers Club meeting tomorrow so we can organize last minute if we need to.

So we are aware of this and have a backup plan :) If nothing else works.. we will protest AT the vote with BIG signs saying "don't kill my mother/father/child/husband/wife/etc..."

But that is only if reasoning with and educating Mr.Cooper does NOT have any effect. Please bear in mind we are only asking them to restrict use/sale to users over 18... not allow it for anyone.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
London, UK
It does seem that implementing, draconian, knee jerk and ill thought through law, is not what one would expect from a well-respected legislature.

It would be such a pity if Suffolk County, which prides itself on showing leadership and protecting the health of its citizens, were to find that the e-cig is relatively safe for users and safe for bystanders and that the imposition of a ban actually perpetuated ill health, wouldn’t it?

Surely the Suffolk County Legislature need to take their time, call for and thoroughly review the evidence from a range of sources, then come to well thought out and considered decisions, as they seem to have done in the past.

While considering the evidence, the imposition of an under 18 restriction is clearly a worthwhile and responsible measure with, from various accounts, all around support.

Taking this prudent and sensible course of action would put the SCL once again in the leadership position on these issues.

(I will not mention that Gasoline and Kerosine are a key component in e-cig use - keeping schtum)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 6, 2009
Savannah, Ga
It does seem that implementing, draconian, knee jerk and ill thought through law, is not what one would expect from a well-respected legislature.

Well-re--re--spec-ted le-gis-lat-ure Er... Wait...

Sorry, the term was so unusual I had to sound it out to be sure I understood what you were saying. To be honest.... I think you must be a little bit drunk, since I'm pretty sure there has never been such a thing.

I mean, you have things that are well respected... and you have legislatures..... But legislatures which are well repected! Science fiction!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2009
Oklahoma USA
regarding the age thing - i went through my records awhile back and had average age of customers 44. I just went back through my customer records (including all new customers since last time) and now the average age of my customers is 42 years and 5 months. My youngest customer is 22 years of age. My oldest customer is 69 years of age.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2009
queens n.y.
OK JUST SO EVERYONE IS AWARE THIS WAS POSTED 5/12/2009 I could not see the date,thought it was happening yestarday & was unaware old posts can show up as present threads. do not remember all I notified I know it was only a few 3-4 peeps so SORRY THANKS for your understanding Guess I am back from ZIGTON @ present time
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
This is definitely an anti cigarette approach...here we go with biased reporting again.
This is so bogus, available to people of ANY age?? Blatantly inserting our BIG BROTHER WELFARE STATE these things are BAD FOR YOU propoganda.
CRACK is BAD, e-cigs are your target.
WE have some work to do. How about a rebuttal PLEASE
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A representative from Tom Barraga's office (another Suffolk Couny Legislator) has made us aware of a Health and Human Services Committee Meeting on Thursday this week which we have been invited to attend. Representatives of the Vapers Club will be allowed to speak at the meeting. Hopefully we can take this time to educate some of the legislators as to what the PV is.

We at the Vapers Club also have a meeting with Legislator Jon Cooper's office this Wednesday and they seem to be receptive to learning more about the device and it's use so we are doing our best to educate them.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
A representative from Tom Barraga's office (another Suffolk Couny Legislator) has made us aware of a Health and Human Services Committee Meeting on Thursday this week which we have been invited to attend. Representatives of the Vapers Club will be allowed to speak at the meeting. Hopefully we can take this time to educate some of the legislators as to what the PV is.

We at the Vapers Club also have a meeting with Legislator Jon Cooper's office this Wednesday and they seem to be receptive to learning more about the device and it's use so we are doing our best to educate them.

Any one who wants to attend the thursday Health and Human Services Committee Meeting please let Spikey know, we do need all the support we can get!!! Things are in gear here on Long Island and all your help and support is greatly appreciated...



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
New York City
Any one who wants to attend the thursday Health and Human Services Committee Meeting please let Spikey know, we do need all the support we can get!!! Things are in gear here on Long Island and all your help and support is greatly appreciated...


I can't as I'll be on vacation but I am curious if people are allowed to bring video cameras and such? If you can, it would be wonderful to tape it.
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