Looking for cool vaping device and wondering about the different categories(Pipe/Cigar/Hookah/MODS)

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Hi all,

First a little history:
I smoked cigarettes for about 9 years and then stopped cold turkey. After a while I picked up a worse alternative and started smoking hookah in cafes.
I've been smoking on and off, mainly on, for the last 3 years now and I enjoy it because of the social part. Classical cafe + hookah + service + game on tv sounds quite nice. Anyway I am looking to stop it so I went and looked at vaping devices.

I got myself a basic E-Smart device and couple of E-juice flavors. So far I am not impressed. I miss the water gurgling, and the thick thick smoke.

The one I bought:
Electronic cigarette E-Smart Black - Kangertech

So I decided to get myself a good MOD or something similar to try and make it stick.
I am taking advantage of the fact that my bro is coming back from the UK and can bring me some of that stuff for about 100 pound (156$) max.

So anyway I did my research as I am very new to the concept and have watched about 20 youtube review vids and browsed through countless eshops.
I have collected sort of a list and hope that you help me make the right choice :p

First of all..
Pro: Novelty item | cheapish 50 GBP
Con: Doesn't look like it produces a lot of vapor and no Variable V or W

Pro: Looks awesome/ Cheapish ~90$
Con: mouthpeace looks big - didn't find a non-US store - no VV or VW

Maduro Gift Box Set from Cigr8 ~88$

Pro: will be the most realistic looking and won't be able to take it with me outside which is a plus
Con: Too big and might require me to buy a real hookah for the kelvin H1

e-hose 85 GBP
e-hose-mini 50 GBP
kelvin-electronic-h1-hookah 70 GBP

Pro: Most technological choice - lots of options - most expensive
Con: might get me hooked on them..lots of customization options...look dreadful

youtubeDOTcom/watch?v=DwVoYajEwBk Gonna take his advice and get one of the following:
MVP V2 ~25 BGP
eVIC ~70 Supreme ~100
iTaste 134 ~100 BGP

If I opt for one of the cheaper mods I might get an Aspire Nautilus mini for it as the reviews rave about it like GrimmGreen on youtube
Don't know about compatibility though.

Personally I am leaning toward the pipe but also toward the MODS as well especially the eVIC.


PS: Had lots of links, was forced to remove them
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Senior Member
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Feb 5, 2012
Aloha, OR USA (near portland)
Hi and welcome to the forum. I have had most of the equipment you mention.

I think as a Hookah smoker you will be disappointed in most ecig setups since they don't produce clouds of vapor. Until recently I would have recommended you buy a good rba (and learn how to build a good coil and wick it) and a mechanical mod with high-drain batteries so you could build sub-ohm coils. I would now recommend a sigelei 100W mod with an aspire atlantis (0.5 ohm coil). This system produces clouds of cool vapor and requires less attention/learning to use than building your own coils.
Cons: somewhat expensive ($130-$180 US) and a bit bulky. You'll also need a good set of high-drain batteries (at least 20A) and a good charger (nitecore or luc)
Pros: fits in a shirt pocket (or purse), batteries lasts all day (or two), easy to fill, produces clouds of cool vapor (if you set it down to 20-25 watts), and sounds somewhat like a hookah (the airflow and the juice snaps on the coil).

Good luck finding the perfect system for you.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I have had most of the equipment you mention.

I think as a Hookah smoker you will be disappointed in most ecig setups since they don't produce clouds of vapor. Until recently I would have recommended you buy a good rba (and learn how to build a good coil and wick it) and a mechanical mod with high-drain batteries so you could build sub-ohm coils. I would now recommend a sigelei 100W mod with an aspire atlantis (0.5 ohm coil). This system produces clouds of cool vapor and requires less attention/learning to use than building your own coils.
Cons: somewhat expensive ($130-$180 US) and a bit bulky. You'll also need a good set of high-drain batteries (at least 20A) and a good charger (nitecore or luc)
Pros: fits in a shirt pocket (or purse), batteries lasts all day (or two), easy to fill, produces clouds of cool vapor (if you set it down to 20-25 watts), and sounds somewhat like a hookah (the airflow and the juice snaps on the coil).

Good luck finding the perfect system for you.

Hi RSE1 and thanks for your response.
I think what you are saying about the disappointment is correct but at the same time I don't see myself building mods due to many reasons, one of them that the availability in my country.

I've seen most of the above devices in videos and while they don't give out massive amounts of vapor (unmodded atleast) they still fit the bill as cigarette/shisha replacement.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Well I got myself one of these from fasttech:

along with this kick module:

I also put in an order for extra kick tubes just because they're stackable so I can use them for rigging up stuff.

The threading on the chiyou is m21x1 which is the same threading on my vamo and my sigelei zmax.

I've also ordered a poldiac because it's a top-fired mech: one of the few top fired mechs I can find; when I get it then I'll figure out about the threading and whether I can use a kick and 18650 battery.

I also ordered a king, and a stingray.
Well I got myself one of these from fasttech:

along with this kick module:

I also put in an order for extra kick tubes just because they're stackable so I can use them for rigging up stuff.

The threading on the chiyou is m21x1 which is the same threading on my vamo and my sigelei zmax.

I've also ordered a poldiac because it's a top-fired mech: one of the few top fired mechs I can find; when I get it then I'll figure out about the threading and whether I can use a kick and 18650 battery.

I also ordered a king, and a stingray.
Looks very cool but I would prefer something already built as I have no experience building mods or even normals

Also -- if you use high-VG eliquid, you'll get massive clouds of vapor.

Will do that too. :)
were you using nicotine/tobacco hookah? i'm not real familiar with hookah's, is it a dry tobacco like substance?
No I usually smoked flavor hookah which does contain nicotain as far as I know but it is not as strong as tobacco hookahs

If your new to vaping. I would almost want to suggest a variable voltage or variable wattage mod. That what I went with after becoming unsatisfied with my blu cig pack. It's so nice and convenient to change the power outage.
I think I am becoming more and more convinced of that


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 25, 2014
Hattiesburg, MS, USA
I like my MVP 2.0 and Aerotank mini. It's not like I get so much vapor I can't see for minutes, but I like flavor over burning clouds and the clouds are enough that I have to exhale to the side while driving. The MVP 2.0 isn't a high-wattage device, just lets me get the wattage around the point that I get high flavor, good vapor, and no burnt taste. If you get those from the right vendor, you'll be out $70 or so with shipping.
If that's higher than you're looking to spend, you'd probably want to go with an itaste or spinner for your power source.

And welcome to ECF :)


Full Member
Jan 21, 2012
I think I am becoming more and more convinced of that

Once I went to variable devices I never went back. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing other mods out there. I've owned my fair share over the last few years. But I always go back to my variable box mods. Speaking of which I'm going to be purchasing a vaporshark rdna 40 mod tomorrow. Because of the 20 percent off cyber Monday discount. Will bring the price down to 152.00. I'm nor sure when your liking to purchase, but I can report back with my impressions of the mod. If it's anything like their other mods it should be top notch.
I like my MVP 2.0 and Aerotank mini. It's not like I get so much vapor I can't see for minutes, but I like flavor over burning clouds and the clouds are enough that I have to exhale to the side while driving. The MVP 2.0 isn't a high-wattage device, just lets me get the wattage around the point that I get high flavor, good vapor, and no burnt taste. If you get those from the right vendor, you'll be out $70 or so with shipping.
If that's higher than you're looking to spend, you'd probably want to go with an itaste or spinner for your power source.

And welcome to ECF :)
Thanks :) I am leaning towards the pipe and the VV mods to be honest. The MVP 2 seems very cheap compared to the number of people who love it. Probably gonna check it out.

Once I went to variable devices I never went back. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing other mods out there. I've owned my fair share over the last few years. But I always go back to my variable box mods. Speaking of which I'm going to be purchasing a vaporshark rdna 40 mod tomorrow. Because of the 20 percent off cyber Monday discount. Will bring the price down to 152.00. I'm nor sure when your liking to purchase, but I can report back with my impressions of the mod. If it's anything like their other mods it should be top notch.

Looks very nice although very expensive as well :) I thought 152$ but i see it in ukecigstore.com for 150GBP, a bit over my range.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Try to see if Eleaf iStick is available in your area. It would give you what you need (for well under the price of other VV Mods). Nothing would suck worse than $1000 or more sitting unused on a shelf six months from now. Try instead to concentrate on e-liquid flavors you like. If, several months from now, you wish to continue then look at something a little more advanced.
Just wanted to let you guys on what I decided to purchase.

I've decided to go with the evic supreme deluxe which was a lot more expensive than I figured but it looks to be a pretty awesome mod.
I was leaning towards the 134 mini but.. in the end what is done is done.

It came to 154 GBP/240$ bundled with some ejuices and 5 spare atomizer heads for the delta tank so I HOPE it is worth it.
I'll have to check amazon for a spare battery though because they were out.

Anything I should know about the purchase?
I'm also coming over from hookah-land and ended up starting out with a Nautilus Mini on an R2D2 VV/VW mod. I wasn't really into the hookah for the clouds it would make, but more for the enjoyment of sitting around on the porch with a bottle of wine, the hookah and some friends. Kinda hard to sit outside with it in the winter though, so here I am. :)

I'm content at the moment with the Nautilus Mini, but I've found I can't hit it the same way I did the hookah. Namely emptying my lungs and hitting that sucker like a freight train. I try that with this setup and I end up hacking my lungs out onto the floor. But, if I take it easy on the thing, I still get a satisfying amount of vapor and a spinny head. I also like not being stuck with the thing for an hour or so, like when I light up a set of coals for the hookah. It also wasn't realistic to do the hookah by myself without feeling like I was wasting a bunch of shisha. And then there's the winter temps, and I won't smoke inside my apartment.

I also have an Aspire Atlantis and a Vanilla mech mod on the way to try out. I work for a battery company and got my hands on some 30A 18650s for cheap, so I thought I'd give it a shot. A friend of mine manages a vape shop out in California and I've been annoying the hell out of him with questions for the last week or so too.
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