Looking for upgrade/suggestions

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Pullman, WA
I've been vaping since March, recently my dog broke my protank that was in my vamo2 from fasttech. My current setup is vamo2 and kanger bottom coil tank t3(I'm waiting for the new protank coming in from fasttech ) ive been vaping mbv juice (thug juice and extreme ice) and Mr e lemon ice. Anymore suggestion about juice and setup? I'm thinking about upgrading it because vamo doesn't seem like hitting very well...

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
The Vamo isn't hitting well? My V3 hits like Mike Tyson in his prime.

What voltage or wattage are you using? With some of my liquids, I have to crank the wattage up to 9.5 to get the same cloud/flavor that others deliver at 7.5 - 8.0.

What kind of batteries are you using? The Vamo does best with unprotected IMR batteries or hybrid chemistry CGR batteries (also unprotected) from Panasonic.

Also, make sure you're in RMS mode, not AVG mode.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2013
Pullman, WA

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Those are the protected versions of the CGR/CH. The battery's own protection system is probably interfering with the ability to deliver the requested electromotive force. You want the ones without the gold stripe. These are hybrid unprotected batteries and are best for use in the Vamo. Another good alternative are AW IMR unprotected batteries. These are both top of the line.

The T3 is a bottom coil tank. The wicks sit in the liquid so dry hits are minimized. Get a 18650 unprotected battery (either of the two above are fine). Then crank up the voltage. You may not need to upgrade your device. Just the battery.


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
If you aren't getting the vape you desire on your device, I would recommend looking into a good rba. It's what you are cooking your juice in that's ultimately responsible for the quality and quantity of a fantastic vape experience. PT's are a nice beginners tank, but they don't stand up or compare to a quality re-builable atomize. IMHO.
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