Lovin It

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2010
pittsburgh pa
Greetings everyone! Ken here. SW Pa, Near Greensburg (Jeannette). Relatively new to vapeing but pretty excited to have found an alternative to analogs. I love to "smoke" and so far vapeing seems to be a good, healthier substitute. Don't know If I'll quit analogs completely but seems like a possibility now. I NEVER thought I'd say that!! I have, so far, cut way down on the analogs and don't even miss them. Wow! This is huge for me. I am even finding that I greatly prefer vapeing for many reasons and in many situations. LOVE being able to vape at times and places where I couldn't smoke before. This is like a Godsend for me and apparently for many others.

Really looking forward to learning more and getting involved with others in the vapeing scene. I would really like to be able to get together with other vapers so I can see and try other equipment and juices. I've been frustrated by buying stuff online not knowing if I'll like it or not but then being stuck with whatever i get. Still searching for the right juice(s). There are so many choices and reccomendations and I've already spent a fair amount of time and money on stuff I can't stand and found only a couple flavors which I enjoy. What a waste. Wish i could just go to a "juice" store and try samples till I find the right ones.

Anyway, Glad to finally be part of this new experience. Have found fellow vapers to be extreemely helpfull and friendly. Thanks to all of you!


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Dec 15, 2010
wenatchee WA
Welcome to ECF, if you have a bunch of juice that you dont like you can go search for PIF and there you can either give it away, trade, or PIF...take an offer from someone and post one right back....just a thought plus you can try a bunch of different flavors and what not and help you find what your looking for, hope you have a great day and happy that you like vaping...lol!-)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2010
Greetings everyone! Ken here. SW Pa, Near Greensburg (Jeannette). Relatively new to vapeing but pretty excited to have found an alternative to analogs. I love to "smoke" and so far vapeing seems to be a good, healthier substitute. Don't know If I'll quit analogs completely but seems like a possibility now. I NEVER thought I'd say that!! I have, so far, cut way down on the analogs and don't even miss them. Wow! This is huge for me. I am even finding that I greatly prefer vapeing for many reasons and in many situations. LOVE being able to vape at times and places where I couldn't smoke before. This is like a Godsend for me and apparently for many others.

Really looking forward to learning more and getting involved with others in the vapeing scene. I would really like to be able to get together with other vapers so I can see and try other equipment and juices. I've been frustrated by buying stuff online not knowing if I'll like it or not but then being stuck with whatever i get. Still searching for the right juice(s). There are so many choices and reccomendations and I've already spent a fair amount of time and money on stuff I can't stand and found only a couple flavors which I enjoy. What a waste. Wish i could just go to a "juice" store and try samples till I find the right ones.

Anyway, Glad to finally be part of this new experience. Have found fellow vapers to be extreemely helpfull and friendly. Thanks to all of you!

I wasn't sure I would totally quit smoking either, but it didn't take long until I absolutely lost the taste for analogs. Within two weeks of picking up my first kit I was smoke free. Doesn't mean you will be too, we're all different, but don't be surprised if one morning you wake up, light up a cig, snuff it right back out and grab your PV, never to look at analogs again. I even kept my last pack as a souvenir. Still has about 10 in it, always will too.

Anyway, welcome to the ECF and best of luck to you. Keep us posted on your progress.


Bella Chic

Vaping Master
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Dec 4, 2009
Southeast Texas
Hey Kardenm and welcome :) Glad to hear you are enjoying vaping so much, that is really awesome! Like Webbcm said you can go to PIF (pay it forward) or go to the classifieds too. You never know if your going to like something if you don't try it out, but if you don't you can always find a new home for it :) That's what is so great about this community. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2010
welcome aboard kardenm...some folks are posting their favorite juices here
after you got the liquid "balance battery voltage with atomizer resistance to get an ideal vape intensity"
then really not reason to turn back to analogs....
they really will stink!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2010
SW Oklahoma
Hi, and welcome to ECF, Kardenm! Congrats on cutting back on the stinky-stix! Finding the "right" juice is probably one of the toughest parts about vaping. I still haven't found the *perfect* juice for me yet, but I have found a few nice ones along the way. I ordered a DIY mixing kit yesterday and I hope to be mixing my own juices next week. But just in case, I've also ordered some other juices I've been wanting to try, LOL.


Full Member
Sep 19, 2010
Escondido, CA
Welcome from another recent convert. You're going through the same sort of revelations most of us have, based on all I've read and you've found an excellent forum here that will have all the info you will ever need about vaping. From what I have experienced and what I've read and seen, the general phases from tobacco to vaping are roughly like this,

Phase 1. Discovery and elation that e-cigs have been the only solution that might work. And how "smoke like" vaping really is.

Phase 2. Diving in. Finding an e-cig that replicates in both look and feel of an analog cig. (That's after realizing people call what you used to smoke, "Analogs"). This generally ends up being a 510-like model or maybe an eGo for those that do a bit more research. Some will get disposables or a kit they saw at 7-11, but without a real interest and motivation to learn what vaping is all about, it can really limit chances of success, imo. You have to get excited about it, like you and I both did in Phase 1. But you have to make sure you have enough stuff so you don't run out and fall back to analogs, it's a fairly significant daily routine change.

Phase 3. Flavor and Mod Hunt. Your desk transforms from being covered in ash and ash trays and lighters to becoming what, in my case anyway, looks like a mini .... lab, lol. A hundred bottles of random flavors, attys, drip tips, cartos galor of every size and shape, sringes, pipettes, and roles of paper towels always near by. You've purchased flavors from 10 different sites, watched all sorts of reviews, and you start narrowing down on that all-day vape flavor and have probably at least upgraded to an eGo or Riva or something similar.

Phase 4. I want top performance and styling! I'm at this stage. I way past caring if what I'm vaping with looks like an analog anymore. I want a sexy box mod or some sort of self feeding system with big batteries. Something that's no fuss, works dead on reliably and will last for days without having to fiddle with anything other than swapping a juice bottle around. Buuut..you've already dumped a small fortune on all the stuff you purchased in phases 1 through 3 and you remember telling your wife this was going to be a cheaper option over analogs as well as healthier..so you hold off and just drool at all the killer new mods hitting the market. That where I am today... Dying to pull the trigger on a Reo or Ali'i or Phidias or Monkey Boxx or Wetbox.. etc etc..

I'm not sure what Phase 5 will be. Probably getting more active in the vaping "community" and maybe even making your own mods. I've definitely seen more than a few DIY projects I'd like to attempt.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2009
Central PA, USA
LOL This is exactly how it was for me! I had no intention of quitting either. :D I went from 2 packs to 0 my first week. Have never looked back! :)

Welcome! Like you I had no intention to quit. So when I bought my first pv it was just to "cut back" what a surprise it was! I went from 30 analogs a day to 5 to 3 to 0 by the end of the week. It is amazing.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2010
pittsburgh pa
LOL. Love it you guys and gals. This really is exciting and amazing. I'm actually starting to like the Ecig (using an Ego with LR atty) better than the analogs! Love your spiel Lugnut, I can sure relate to some of that. I have at least found one combination which I can vape on to really satisfy the urge for nic AND the urge to "smoke". And youre right Vanisle I keep "forgetting" to Smoke.
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