Lurker's Chit Chat Thread

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ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Good morning. Hope you are feeling better today. I must have been worn out because I slept fo 5 hours without taking any medication of any sort. Whew. But I woke up tired. :( I have had a swollen gland on my jaw since last Saturday. I had my dental checkup so I don't think there should be any problems there. I went for my physical and possibly picked up a bug there. I don't know. I just wish I would fell bad like I usually do instead of this. I've almost decided to call the doctor Monday if it is still there.
    I do indeed feel better this morning hon, sorry to hear about your swollen gland tho' ... and you've been running that fever too! :ohmy:

    Sound's like your body is trying to fight something off :unsure:


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    That is what I thought. Fever is not a bad thing if it is fighting something off. I don't know how long I should give it to or should I introduce it to some Mr. Doxycycline that I have in the medicine cabinet. Or I guess I could to the doctor Monday.

    Honestly? No more than three days if you were to ask me :unsure:
    If you're not better by then you probably need a little help.


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    I think you might be right.......... It is suppose to be 66 degrees today and it is already 58 and sunny. Maybe I could use some more Vitamin D. I'm cold now so I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't running a low grade right now. But I have a big cup of hot coffee that is helping. :)

    You've all ready been running fever off & on for quite a few days haven't you? :?:


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Since last Saturday I have. Daddy said I should go to the doctor. But they would probably just put me on a antibiotic and I have some of that. I know it is not a good idea to medicate yourself but why pay the money if you could do the same thing. Of course there is that liitle chance that is something else. Who knows. I will give it til Monday.

    What are you doing today? Any great plans? I have no plans except for maybe a long hot shower.


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Since last Saturday I have. Daddy said I should go to the doctor. But they would probably just put me on a antibiotic and I have some of that. I know it is not a good idea to medicate yourself but why pay the money if you could do the same thing. Of course there is that liitle chance that is something else. Who knows. I will give it til Monday.

    What are you doing today? Any great plans? I have no plans except for maybe a long hot shower.
    Well ... :unsure: You all ready said you know it's not a good idea to use that old antibiotic so I'll leave it at that :facepalm:

    No plans at all hon, you know me :D


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Well, everyone have a wonderful day. I'll be back later. Bye.jpg


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    This one is for Dale :)
    View attachment 323163

    Hopefully everyone is having a good morning :) I am drinking tea, and getting excited about moving. The only down side is I won't have internet service for a while. So I will be on here a lot less for a little while.

    Awww!! Thank you Rose! :wub:

    Haha, I don't know whether to :D or :cry: ???

    I'm glad you got a place but we'll miss you while you're off :)


    Ultra Member
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    Good morning Lori :wub:
    I slept good from 10 til 3 tho' :)
    Nah, she don't eat much but you gotta keep a lot of sausage on hand :D
    Oh good!!! I'm sure you were dog tired!!

    Well, I'll have you know I've been curbing that. I think I only had it once this week. :D

    Told ya you couldn't get rid of me. Already made myself at home thank you.


    Of course I didn't have to haul as much stuff as I have before. Finally figured out that everyone and everything I need is already here.:wub:
    I agree!! :wub:

    Good morning. Hope you are feeling better today. I must have been worn out because I slept fo 5 hours without taking any medication of any sort. Whew. But I woke up tired. :( I have had a swollen gland on my jaw since last Saturday. I had my dental checkup so I don't think there should be any problems there. I went for my physical and possibly picked up a bug there. I don't know. I just wish I would fell bad like I usually do instead of this. I've almost decided to call the doctor Monday if it is still there.
    Another vote you go see the Dr. on Monday. :)

    This one is for Dale :)
    View attachment 323163

    Hopefully everyone is having a good morning :) I am drinking tea, and getting excited about moving. The only down side is I won't have internet service for a while. So I will be on here a lot less for a little while.
    How cute!!
    So, we'll sure miss you, but I am sooooooo happy you're getting a new place!!! :banana::banana::banana:

    ...I think I will have some tea myself. :)

    Hubby is working, son is golfing and now I can get in the shower and sing as loud as my swollen gland will let me. :laugh: Hugs2all
    Bye, and ENJOY!!!

    Well, was getting caught up while eating breakfast, then one thing led to another, and I didn't it's almost noon. I do have load #2 in the washer, and I'm dressed (in my comfy weekend attire).

    Our high for today is supposed to be in the 50's today,but overcast. Tomorrow should be a little warmer with some sun.
    Today is shaping up to be a good day to take a nap though!!

    I do need to mix up more juice, and maybe wrap some evod coils. I really don't like to let that go.
    I'd rather do 10 or so, than 25. :unsure:

    I also have mail to go through, and a couple checks to write....and get the dreaded State Income Tax papers to get ready to mail. :( We owe.:cry: I figured we, I've been putting that off. Guess I'll get that out of here this weekend.


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Hubby is working, son is golfing and now I can get in the shower and sing as loud as my swollen gland will let me. :laugh: Hugs2all
    Yay! Wonderful ... what'cha' gonna be singing? :laugh:

    Oh good!!! I'm sure you were dog tired!!
    Well, I'll have you know I've been curbing that. I think I only had it once this week. :D
    ...I think I will have some tea myself. :)
    Good, glad you've cut back and your body will thank you ;)
    What kind of tea are we having today? :?:

    Well, was getting caught up while eating breakfast, then one thing led to another, and I didn't it's almost noon.
    I wondered :unsure:
    I also have mail to go through, and a couple checks to write....and get the dreaded State Income Tax papers to get ready to mail. :( We owe.:cry: I figured we, I've been putting that off. Guess I'll get that out of here this weekend.
    Ewww ... bummer :(

    I found you!!..:evil:
    Bout time WDS!!! :wub:

    Love it Welsh! :wub:
    Eeee the Robinator :ohmy: :laugh:
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