Luxyoun Mac 150 Watt??

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ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2015
So I was doing some research on what my next mod will be for my new sub ohm tank with its .25 ohm coil and my decision was originally between a sigelei 150 and a Smaug 150w but then I went to Luxyoun's website and saw the Luxyoun Mac 150 Watt. I thought for sure I would have to go with a box mod to get over 100 watts, which I originally hated the idea of because I would much rather have a cylinder mod. I can't find almost any information on this device so its hard to decide whether to get it or not. I think cylinder mods look wayy better than box mods and are way easier to carry and feel better to hold so this might be the perfect mod for me. It uses one 26650 battery so there will be a long battery life and a high amp rating unlike a 18650 cylinder mod. I know it will be thicker than a 18650 cylinder mod but I'm fine with that over a box mod. Does anyone know of any cons about this mod? If you know anything about this device please post because I can't find a single review on it. Thanks!!:)

Link to mod on Luxyoun's website:
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