Madvapes/Top Vapor Dekang USA Mix flavor change?

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ECF Veteran
May 29, 2011
First, apologies if this is posted in the wrong area, if it is I request a mod please move it.

Back in Feb when I got my first 510 kit through madvapes they sent me a 10ml bottle of Dekang USA mix at 24mg, I actually found it pretty enjoyable except the high content of nicotine started to make my chest hurt, after using my original cartos until the bitter end, I put in an order for a pack of Boge cartomizers as they were highly recommended from a friend, and a 10ml bottle of 16mg USA Mix -- Well this USA Mix came in a different bottle with a Top Vapor sticker on it instead of the label with a picture of tobacco plants like the first bottle had, it also seems to have a bit of a different taste to it, I cant quite place it other than its not as smooth, kind of has a bit of a strange powder/bitter (after?) taste to it.

I heard that Madvapes doesn't mess with the Dekang flavors and ships them as they come, did this perhaps change? Did the lower nicotine content change the taste or did they have to cut the mix to order??

Could the change in cartomizers have changed the taste a whole bunch?


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May 29, 2011
Actually, about 10 minutes after I posted this, I got their weekly newsletter, and at the bottom it had some info about their "Dekang" Juices ---

Why does MadVapes offer custom China e-liquids? We offer many sizes and nicotine levels of our e-liquids and if we were to stock each size and nic level we would have to have thousands of bottles in stock. In order to provide you with a product that has a competitive price we’ve decided to buy China e-liquids in bulk, custom bottle it and add your desired nicotine level per order. This enables us to offer every size and nicotine level, as we do in our Top Vapor e-liquids, without having to stock large quantities of every variation of China e-liquids. This helps us pass the savings on to you. We do not alter the China e-liquids in any way other than bottling and adding nicotine.

Yeah, I read that too. That's referring to the second type of juice listed on their site, the "Custom China". The first juice listed is the "TopVapor USA", and the third is the "China", or straight-up Dekang. I think that your first order must have been the China or Custom China, and that this liquid you most recently received is from their in-house TopVapor brand. The odd thing is that the TopVapor line doesn't include any juice called "USA Mix". So who knows what's in that bottle? I guess it could be Dekang USA Mix with the wrong label? Or maybe it's genuinely one of their TopVapor tobacco flavors (there aren't very many of those)? Have you contacted them? I've heard good things about their customer service, and I'm sure they'd be happy to help...


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2010
North Side
I ordered the custom USA mix and it came in a TopVapor bottle....was clear in color....etc...
To make a long story short......The custom China juice is Dekang with no Nic and MV adds the Nic level you order....and bottles it in TopVapor bottles....I found it almost without flavor, so I will not order any more Custom China.....

Mad Vapes is a great company, and they gave me a credit for a part of my order of Custom USA Mix, but it left me with 120 ml of Custom USA Mix that I will not use.....only ordering 100% Dekang in the more Custom China for me....

Hope this helps....


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2011
Hmm, okay, well I remember looking in the Chinese E-Liquid area and didnt think I wanted a huge bottle of the stuff which seemed like thats all they sold there. I guess I could complain but, its only a 10ml bottle so ....woopy doo, Ill just mix it with my mandarin or my Top Vapor Tobacco juices. Thanks for the replies though.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2011
Hmm, okay, well I remember looking in the Chinese E-Liquid area and didnt think I wanted a huge bottle of the stuff which seemed like thats all they sold there. I guess I could complain but, its only a 10ml bottle so ....woopy doo, Ill just mix it with my mandarin or my Top Vapor Tobacco juices. Thanks for the replies though.


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2010
North Side
+1 for the first response... they sell Dekang as well as their TV line...

Thats what I've heard to do with funky juice... mix it in so you dont waste it!

Mixing it with 100% Dekang USA Mix will only dilute the flavor of the good juice, so I am going to order some USA Mix flavoring and try to add some to the flavorless Custom China juice to see if it will work.....hopefully it will.....


Senior Member
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Dec 22, 2009
Redwood City, CA
...I found it almost without flavor, so I will not order any more Custom China.....

I just received a big bottle of it and I find the flavor to be really strong. in fact, I bought it in 36mg and cut it down to 24mg with plain pg and the flavor is still strong to me. I wonder if this is a case of personal taste or inconsistent mixing at MV?


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2010
North Side
Since MV only adds the nic, the flavoring is not added by MV, so inconsistant mixing should not occur......Have been using Dekang USA mix for over 8 months so I think I have a pretty good idea what it taste like....and the Custom China USA mix(almost no flavor) doesn't compare to 100% Dekang.....

BadState, your order was what flavor? Was it USA Mix?
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