Making fruit flavors pop?

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Senior Member
Verified Member
May 21, 2015
I have had some really good premium watermelon and strawberry juices, I can't seem to get even close with diy. I have read try some raspberry or lemon juice, etc. Tried that as well, no luck. On hand I have Cap sweet strawberry and sweet watermelon as well as TFA strawberry ripe and candy watermelon. I just received some Inerwa shisha strawberry, which at first taste seems pretty good on it's own.

Some suggestions on what really makes the flavors pop would be appreciated. Please try to answer in percentages, drops vary way too much.


Ultra Member
May 17, 2015
It's the little things that make a world of difference. Having some really bold fruit flavors to add definition really helps. Bold flavors I use at .5-1% to add kick are TFA honey dew, TFA papaya, TFA kiwi

For sweetening with fruits I use Cap Sweet mango, TFA cantaloupe, Cap tangerine and Cap sweet peach. I use 1-3% of these basically a few drops at a time until I find the right flavor.

I also use a few drops of koolada for throat feel but that seems to be personal preference that some love some hate.
To add creaminess I use Cap vanilla custard. At about 3-5%.
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