Making The Best Of ECF

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Kevin Freeheart

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2010
Live Free Or Die
I've been a member of ECF for a while now and it's an invaluable resource for vaping as well as a wonderful community.

I see a few things that sometimes reduce the quality of the site though and thought I'd offer my hints or tips to making the best out of the forum.

1.) Use titles effectively.

ECF has a LOT of traffic. This is awesome since there are so many people with so much experience to lend a hand or offer advice. The downside is that there's sometimes a lot of cruft as well. Nobody can possibly read every thread on this site, so catching attention is important to solving your problem.

Threads like "Newbie needs help" don't tell us what kind of problem you're having. We have to actually open the thread and read it to know what the problem is and while that doesn't seem like a lot of work, it actually is. When I visit ECF, I usually open up about 15 or 20 threads at a time. There are hundreds of new posts every time I visit, and I sometimes visit several times a day. I'm skipping over a LOT of posts because I have to.

A title like "DIY Juices Have No Flavor" is better. It catches the attention of DIYers almost instantly. Those folks know what they're doing. The fact that you're DIYing is a LOT more important to solving your problem than the fact that you're a newbie. Which brings me to...

2.) Being new doesn't really matter.

There is only one reason why I EVER open threads about "Newbies". That reason is to welcome new visitors to ECF and encourage them to hang around and have fun. Being new, however, doesn't really matter in the long run. You stop being new at some point. :) You never really stop having questions or issues.

There are scores of personal vaporizer models. There are hundreds of vendors selling juice and parts. There are thousands of flavors and blends. I don't think anybody has POSSIBLY tried them all, but if they have, then there's modders making new vaporizers for themselves and DIYers making new blends.

NOBODY, period, ever, has "done it all". So your question isn't stupid. I am guilty of this myself. I've asked a question and tossed in the "newbie" thing in case the question was stupid. But it's cruft and useless really. The most experienced vapers here have questions. People who have been vaping for years still run into issues with hardware, or can't quite get that last flavor down pat. Whatever it is, it's likely NOT stupid, so forge ahead and just ask. We're all here to get a better vape and have fun.

3.) The forum you see isn't the same for everyone.

This deals with text formatting, signatures, avatars and the like.

ECF has several available themes. Some are light, some are dark. Most people here likely view ECF on their computer's monitor but not everyone does. Smartphones are extremely common these days and a lot of people are viewing ECF on them. Smartphone users see the same content but it LOOKS pretty different in many cases, so it's easier to browse on a smaller screen.

Some people use special software to deal with visual disabilities. Some people use dark themes to extend battery life or to make reading easier. Themes are NOT just here for snazzy looks.

When you format your text, sometimes it conflicts with those different themes. I just saw a user who changed the text color to all bright blue. On my dark theme, it was unreadable. Sure, I could switch themes to see what they said, but that's a hassle and with 15 other posts ready to be read, simply wasn't worth it.

Formatting can be fun and playful or express a mood, but it can also make people not want to read your posts. It's a trade off, and it's up to you to balance that how you see fit.

4.) Use "What's New" and "My Posts".

As I've said before, ECF has a lot of traffic. If you like a specific forum or have a specific issue, ECF has forums to do that but sometimes posts don't go where they're supposed to. Maybe someone with a DIY question put it in General Discussion. You miss that post if you head directly to DIY.

Also, let's be honest. With a few exceptions, most threads generally get worse beyond page 4. There are some that are fun to see how big they get (Bump Everytime You Buy Something New, for instance). But for specific issues or suggestions, usually, you've got a great answer (or several) by page 4. The "What's New" feature exposes you to the latest posts since you've last used it. It's a lot easier to answer someone's new question using that feature.

5.) Improve search with tags and Google. (Courtesy of HzG8rGrl and MrsJaaxx)

The search on ECF doesn't always work that well. There are two things you can do to get better results.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the posting page, you'll see a section for "Tags". Here, users can add in keywords that they think are important, possibly using terms that might not appear in the thread or title at all. If more people did this, ECF search would get better overtime. Even if they don't, it gives you a term you can find later that should be easier than remembering a specific thread title or line from the post.

The second thing you can do to get better search results is use Google. Google's search is pretty powerful but some of the ways to make it more powerful are a bit esoteric for some folks. If you go here and then add your search terms after the "" part, it will search for that and limit results to this site.

You don't need a special link to make use of that either, but you do have to include the "" part to limit it only to this site.

Anybody else have good advice or tips they find invaluable?
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Excellent post. The only thing that I can think of to add is that if you are searching for a particular thread using the search feature here and not turning anything up, use Google. I remembered a post from about a year ago when Cashmere posted about setting a fire alarm off in an airplane bathroom with his e-cig. The search here didn't turn it up, so I went to google and typed in "Cashmere airplane fire alarm ecf" and got my answer right away.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
There are some that are fun to see how big they get (Bump Everytime You Buy Something New, for instance). But for specific issues or suggestions, usually, you've got a great answer (or several)
Yeah, I've been here awhile and there are quite a few of those I posted in I wish that I never had.
When I use What's New/My Posts I now have about 15 or 20 of those types of threads that are constantly cluttering my results.

There are quite a few, like "All my mods" and the "FDA vs Smoking Everywhere" threads that I want in the results.
But there are quite a few, like "Bump everytime you buy something new" that I wish I had never posted in.

Now I wish I could delete my posts from those threads so they don't appear in my results.

Got any tips for that?


Trippy Tip Hoarder
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
I have to agree on the font colors. I use a dark theme, it makes it easier for me to read. When colors are used I usually have to highlight with my mouse so I can read them. Easy enough to do on a pc or laptop. Probably a hassle for phone users.

I would like to add that when you go into a thread you can add tag words. I like to search by tag words and the search is more effective than the basic ECF search. I have added a tag for this thread 'Freehart Advice'. You will see the option just below the quick reply box.

Kevin Freeheart

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2010
Live Free Or Die
The only thing that I can think of to add is that if you are searching for a particular thread using the search feature here and not turning anything up, use Google.

Good tip, I've added it. :)

Now I wish I could delete my posts from those threads so they don't appear in my results.

Got any tips for that?

In theory, yes. :)

If you go into your Control Panel settings, you can change your default "Subscription" setting to "In Control Panel Only". Every time you post in a thread or start a new thread, it will be added to your subscribed list. You can organize that by folders and stuff. And if it's one of those threads you later regret posting in, you can manually unsubscribe. Then, just use that feature in place of "My Posts".

The downside to that... it's only future forward. As far as I know, there's not a "Subscribe to all of my old posts" option.

I would like to add that when you go into a thread you can add tag words.

Added, thanks!


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
If you go into your Control Panel settings, you can change your default "Subscription" setting to "In Control Panel Only". Every time you post in a thread or start a new thread, it will be added to your subscribed list. You can organize that by folders and stuff. And if it's one of those threads you later regret posting in, you can manually unsubscribe. Then, just use that feature in place of "My Posts".

The downside to that... it's only future forward. As far as I know, there's not a "Subscribe to all of my old posts" option.
So then to look at my subscribed threads I would go into Settings and choose List Subscriptions.

If the subscribed threads are listed in order of last post made in the thread, that would be PERFECT for me.
Otherwise it wouldn't work for me at all.

I'll check it out and see what happens, unless you already know?

And thanks!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I wish sometimes (not often) that I could go back to something I just posted and delete it. If a time limit, say 5 or 10 minutes, existed so that members of a certain level could delete their own posts I'd really like that. It can even say "Post Deleted by WomanOfHeart" and allow me to give a reason if I wanted to.

I can understand the reasons why this might not be a good idea, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

I like the idea of subscribed threads being listed in order by the last post if I want that. It's so hard for me to find my posts that I want to scream.


Trippy Tip Hoarder
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
I wish sometimes (not often) that I could go back to something I just posted and delete it. If a time limit, say 5 or 10 minutes, existed so that members of a certain level could delete their own posts I'd really like that. It can even say "Post Deleted by WomanOfHeart" and allow me to give a reason if I wanted to.

I can understand the reasons why this might not be a good idea, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

I like the idea of subscribed threads being listed in order by the last post if I want that. It's so hard for me to find my posts that I want to scream.

I hit the back arrow on my browser and just remove my post and put something like Duh... in its place. We do have 48 hours I believe to make any changes.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Damn dude, your subscribed threads trick is fantastic, and way better than the What's New/My Posts thing.

First, it updates immediately, where the My Posts thing updates periodically.
And if I post in a thread that appears in my Subscribed list, it drops off and doesn't show again until someone else posts.

And if a thread shows up that I don't want anymore, I can drop it from my Subscriptions!!

And maybe the best thing of all, it is just one click on Settings to get there.
Because when you click on settings, the first screen shows your subscribed threads that have been posted in.

Extra full of Super Win!!!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2010
Northern Michigan USA
Kevin who likes you anyway, just go away.:cry::sneaky::thumbs: LOL you now I think you're all right.

One thing for noobs, Don't get mad about the 5 post rule. It's here for a good reason, to stop spammers and it works great. Plus that way you are a stranger here but once, put up a catchy title like Kevin said especially for your first post. Hang out on your first post for a while and say Hi to the nice people. Almost all of us vets will come in and make you welcome and answer a question if they don't think someone else has already helped out.

Keep in mind that sarcasm doesn't always go over so well in the written form, so the emocons can really be your friend even if they seem silly at first. The go advanced bottom right button right under here will give you access to a whole bunch of them.:headbang:

edit: hit the edit button and fix your post it's I use it constantly if you hit the quick reply it's the go advance button is right under here...........................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................:blink: well it's down there someplace.

Happy Vaping all. Very cool thread should be a sticky
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