MAOIs and stress / anxiety / ( 'depression')

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
MAOIs and stress
A few further thoughts on MAOIs and smoking/vaping :

There is a group of people for whom nicotine alone is mostly effective but not always - and the not always is times of stress (a typical post : No matter how much I vape, I still want to smoke analogs (and i still do smoke) Havent quit yet, who's in this category?). "So I really stopped. Until I got stressed. I vaped the hell out of my PV and wasn't finding it taking off the edge of the stress. I was getting my fix for sure, but found it wasn't the nicotine that was causing my craving. So now I smoke occasionally as a stress manager. I vape for nicotine."

Hence the need for MAOIs is probably related to stress / anxiety and can be thought of as 'everyday (modern life) stress' as much as a type of 'clinical depression'; some people are more anxiety-prone (not necessarily a 'bad thing'), more perfectionist, 'worriers' one might say ('less careless' to put it positively).

[ The following article mentions that MAOIs have had sucess in smoking cessation, though no sources are stated : MAOI - What is it? - Description, MAOI Side Effects, Usage, Warnings and More ]

I see this post as a start at defining what the MAOI need is and which people most need it.

This has all been rather taken as given, but making a stab at explicitly stating the notion might lead to further insights and hone the idea.

Further, I might blunderingly suggest that as anxiety-proneness is a 1-D scale, about 1/3 will have no particular interest in the MAOI aspect of 'smoking', 1/3 will need it sometimes and 1/3 will feel it is 'something mssing' from nic-only vaping. This latter 1/3 would be many of the people who don't 'take to' vaping - a sizable percentage; perhaps as much as half for those who at least continue some level of tobacco use (behavioural factors for non-transferance aside; I would guestimate succesful transference at about 30-40%).

Hence WTA (Whole Tobacco Alkaloids, not just nicotine but the MAOIs as well), or nicotine plus MAOI, e-liquids (an optional choice like PG or VG) could significantly increase the sucessful switch to vaping as a far safer alternative to smoking.

The simple-minded equating of smoking with nicotine intake has been a major 'oversight' in the health promotion by smoking reduction/cessation field; given that this insight is not particularly new (there are patents on MAOIs for NRT use dating back as least as far as 2002 plus research articles dating much further back), one could reasonably call it something of a disaster.​
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010
Hence WTA (Whole Tobacco Alkaloids, not just nicotine but the MAOIs as well), or nicotine plus MAOI, e-liquids (an optional choice like PG or VG) could significantly increase the sucessful switch to vaping as a far safer alternative to smoking.

This is an interesting idea. Personally, I definitely notice the effects of cutting myself off from analogs and therefore the MAOIs. However, it is my understanding that MAOIs have numerous interactions with medications and even certain foods.
I know nicotine has interactions with some drugs and can effect the way they are metabolized, but I think the interactions are less severe than those with MAOIs. Would MAOIs make vaping more dangerous?
Any thoughts or corrections on this?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2009
This is an interesting idea. Personally, I definitely notice the effects of cutting myself off from analogs and therefore the MAOIs. However, it is my understanding that MAOIs have numerous interactions with medications and even certain foods.
I know nicotine has interactions with some drugs and can effect the way they are metabolized, but I think the interactions are less severe than those with MAOIs. Would MAOIs make vaping more dangerous?
Any thoughts or corrections on this?

mle, this has been researched and discussed ad nauseum here on the forum. If you search the forums, the answers are available.

The short answer is that the MAOIs in tobacco are reversible MAOIs, which don't have the same interactions as the irreversible (pharmaceutical) MAOIs that people think of when they hear the word "MAOI."

Here is a good place to start getting some facts...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Aweseome thread. I have posted this elsewhere but I just feel e-liquid makers have made such a massive oversight in only putting nicotine in their juices that it drives me mad.

Vaping has halved my cigarette intack but even the best flavours aren't as yummy as a Camel Blue or a Dunhill Orient with half the filter cut off with scissors....

Strange thing is that I PREFER vaping in the day as it stimulates the heck out of me even at 11mg and leaves no stink or tight chestedness.

However both in the evenings and when drinking - I want to feel relaxed, not stimulated and the vape just does not do it for me, even gives me insomnia if I vape up to an hour before bed.

I wish and hope that one day e-juice makers will look into putting other tobacco constituants into their juices other than just nicotine (perhaps the moais) so that they are more satisfying. I can't complain and 50% reduction is nothing to throw a stick at and I certainly feel less tired and healthier (face is more colorful now, hair seems better, more energy etc) but I still need more than just nicotine (in fact I don't like the nic buzz that much outside the working hours of the day and anything over 16mg makes my head pound and my ears get a weird rushing and pounding sound in them which I hate!)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aweseome thread. I have posted this elsewhere but I just feel e-liquid makers have made such a massive oversight in only putting nicotine in their juices that it drives me mad.

Vaping has halved my cigarette intack but even the best flavours aren't as yummy as a Camel Blue or a Dunhill Orient with half the filter cut off with scissors....

Strange thing is that I PREFER vaping in the day as it stimulates the heck out of me even at 11mg and leaves no stink or tight chestedness.

However both in the evenings and when drinking - I want to feel relaxed, not stimulated and the vape just does not do it for me, even gives me insomnia if I vape up to an hour before bed.

I wish and hope that one day e-juice makers will look into putting other tobacco constituants into their juices other than just nicotine (perhaps the moais) so that they are more satisfying. I can't complain and 50% reduction is nothing to throw a stick at and I certainly feel less tired and healthier (face is more colorful now, hair seems better, more energy etc) but I still need more than just nicotine (in fact I don't like the nic buzz that much outside the working hours of the day and anything over 16mg makes my head pound and my ears get a weird rushing and pounding sound in them which I hate!)

The best option is to leave in all the tobacco alkaloids when making e-liquid - what is termed WTA.

If I had to take a different route and add something to e-liquid, I'd try a tincture of PassionFlower, possibly combined with Valerian. Many tinctures suggest a usage of over 1ml per day so they might not be suitably concentrated; but then again, maybe less is needed for our purposes.

PassionFlower does have some of the same MAOIs as tobacco, plus favanoids and terpenes that may also contribute to the overall effect.

I am not recommending anyone experiment.
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