Mom and Pop Vapor - Withholding over $350.00 e-liquids!!

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Oct 24, 2011
I placed an big order at Mom and Pop Vapor valued $583.04 (value after the discount) on January 29, 2012.

The order was eventually sent on 02/04/2012 by EMS (upgraded because of their delay of shipment) but was stopped at the Greek customs because of two facts: the description indicated electronic cigarettes (electronic kits and essential oils, although there was nothing electronic in the package) and a packing list mentioning all e-liquids and their nicotine contents in details. So, since nicotine e-liquids are now banned in Greece (a new law that was announced after I had placed the order, just my bad luck!) the complete order was not accepted by the customs and was returned to Mom and Pop.

The box was still on the way back to Mom and Pops when the supplier kindly re-sent a very small part of the order to me, amounting to a total of about $50.00, with proper description and without any packing list, which I received.

When the supplier received the returned box, he tried to re-send another small part of the order but once again I didn't received it. By his e-mail dated 04/20 I was informed that it contained 5 bottles of juice and 6 cartos, thus its value was around $100.00 after discount.

On April 20, I was also told that the rest of my order still at Mom and Pops warehouse was a little over 3 pounds and since it was not a small one, I had the choice of either receive it in one shipment or pay half the postage, around $20.00, to have it into two parts.

Since 2 out of their 3 shipments never reached me, I kindly asked Mom and Pop if there was any chance I could get a refund for the rest of the amount or if I could change the e-liquids with something else, something that will not be seized by customs such as equipment. To their denial (which I surely understand, after all it is a commercial company), I asked the rest of the items to be sent to me in one last shipment, as suggested by them on their e-mail dated April 20. I thought it was better to try it once again than not trying it at all... After all, we are talking about items worth $350,00, this is almost half of my month's salary!

To my surprise, I received an e-mail from them telling me that there is nothing more they can do, so they will seize the rest of the items! They say that they have no legal responsibility to do anything and that I took the risk by placing the order. Last but not least, they claim that they are doing what every other supplier will do and that they are out work time and money with the equipment and the e-liquid, labor and shipping money.

Well, I don't know any supplier who would keep items of almost $350.00 without returning them to his client! I have dealt with more than 20 e-liquid suppliers and never had a problem. Even if I deduct the shipping cost for Mom and Pop's 2 extra shipments to Greece, the value of the my items still at Mom and Pops' are more than $350.00, since the first shipment was paid by me when placed the order, the second costed $8.00 (postal stamp) and the third one that I haven't received couldn't be more than $15.00...

So, up to now, I have received only the 1/10 of the complete order and I am told that I am not going to receive anything more.

I can fully understand the risk of customs and the fact that my order can be seized by them, that is why I am deducting the price of the lost items but being seized and withhold by the supplier is out of my imagination. It is the first time that something like this is happening to me - or anyone I know, to be exact.

All I want is to receive the items I have ordered and paid good money for, the biggest part of which are still at Mom and Pops' premises.
And, frankly, I don't think that it an unreasonable requirement, is it?
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
This dispute is actually over $10, not $350. Fani did in fact order from us in January. We did upgrade her shipping to EMS ($20.00). Customs did take her package. 30 emails back and forth and 2 more tries to send her package in pieces to her, I asked for ½ the shipping cost for the last package because as everyone knows, we feel bad when a customer is not happy and also throw in extras which I did with each package. Fani apparently understood the email fine initially when she said in her email of 4/20 “Of course I will contribute to the shipments, you have done so much for me already! Thank you! I will do it immediately when I will receive this pending package and I will let you know about it. Can I also add 5 dollars in order for 6 X Tank Filler Tips to be added to the rest of the items?”

Now, she is reading it differently. We were in fact out time, money, equipment and shipping money. I asked for $10.00 from her and I would ship the last package. She was positive that she wouldn’t get the package and so didn’t want to put any more money forward, which is why sharing the final shipping cost was the best option for both of us. We cannot sell the e-liquid she ordered, we don’t want to keep it from her. We simply wanted to share the responsibility of the shipping cost for the last shipment since we had covered fully, each shipment since the first shared shipment cost. As I told her before, if she is willing to pay half the shipping cost $10.00 of the total $25.73. We will ship the 12 remaining bottles of e-liquid that were not seized by customs to this point to her.


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Oct 24, 2011
First of all, thank you for replying to my thread, and I really mean it, since you are not replying to my e-mail any more and to one specific question I have asked : "does this mean that you are going to keep and not send to me the rest of the e-liquids that are still remaining at your premises?"

If the problem was for the $10.00 only, an answer to this simple question should have been enough. Your refusal to reply to this question as well as phrases in your e-mail such as "not want to remedy this situation at all as I have no legal responsibility to do anything" and " I will let you know if we will be taking any further action on this or not" and last but not least "I am sorry but there is nothing more we can do for you" show that was not really the problem...

You posted my answer to your e-mail dated 4/20. It is true, those were my exact words, only they were an answer to your following proposal:
"The rest is a little over 3 pounds and so it’s not a small order. I would rather send it in two shipments but the postage is a little steep with all that we have been through. If you are willing to pay half, $20, I’ll send it in 2 smaller shipments. If everything got to you and you would like 2 smaller shipments, click here and pay $20 to cover ½ the shipping and that should be the complete order. X Dollar Miscellaneous - Mom and Pop Vapor Shop Otherwise, let me know, and I will ship it in one box."
Forgive my English, it is not my native language, but I have to stop at the phrase "If everything got to you and you would like 2 smaller shipments" and "Otherwise, let me know, and I will ship it in one box."... As you know, I didn't receive the last shipment, so not everything got to me, and I don't want 2 smaller shipments. So, yes, I want them to be shipped in one box.
Can you please explain to me how I am reading it differently?

Nevertheless, paying $10.00 after loosing more than $200.00 is of course not a problem at all. If that was your problem and you seized the items because of that, I am proceeding with their payment right away. Since my dear friend, Emonty, is willing to receive the items and then forward them to me, I kindly ask you to send them to him. And since our conversation is now public, I promise to come back to thank everyone for the support and to give a closure to this issue when I will have the rest of the items in my hands.

I am proceeding with the payment of $10.00 right away, please keep your promise and ship the items to Emonty.
Thank you.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
You did not wait even 24 hours for a response to your email. Your immaturity is now showing. We did not seize anything, customs did. We are not in this business for money, as evidenced by our prices and how much we give away to all of our customers. We love vaping and the vaping community. We remedy every problem as fast as we can, however, sometimes that is not within 24 hours or even 48 hours. There are more than 30 emails between us which shows that we were willing to work with you. I am not comfortable at all that this has gone public, but since it has, (20% off all e-liquid using the code "thankyoufani" for a limited time) I have no choice but to defend myself and in doing that, point out where you are mistaken and that your attitude should be aimed at your customs agency and not toward our company. I am happy that your friend was able to receive the package for you. All we were ever looking for was a small contribution toward our shipping costs as the additional shipping was due to customs, not us and that was made clear in several emails to you but since you were 90% certain you would not receive it you said you would not pay shipping. An email with a shipping notice has been sent to the email we have on file. Hopefully this remedies any issues you have with us.
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Oct 24, 2011
30 e-mails and 4 months later, I am about to receive part of the e-liquids and you call me impatient? :ohmy:

I don't want to answer to this, I would stick to what Emonty told, "end good, all good", you can choose to insult me by calling me immature and impatient if that is what it takes to solve this issue but there is one more question that has to be answered.

I have ordered more than 30 bottles, I have received only 4, you said to have sent 5 more (13 ounches), and now you claim that they are only 12 bottles left. Even if you changed two of them with tanks, my "immature" math shows at least 8 missing...
Since it has been already stated by you that "the remaining items are a little over 3 pounds", will you please let me know what happened to the others?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
As far as we are concerned this issue has been resolved, yet we are still going back and forth. I have taken portions of your order out of the original box and mailed them to you. I did not keep track of which items I sent as I took them directly out of your original box. Once I packed the envelope, each time, I put additional items in as we were building a good relationship via emails. You received one package, sent to a friend of yours, and another was seized by customs or lost in the mail, since it contained illegal items, it was decided that you were not going to follow through with your postal authorities for fear of legal issues. What is left in the original box are 12 bottles, still in the bubble wrap. That is what is being mailed to emonty tomorrow. I can't imagine any reason that I would have to short you anything that you ordered so I am not sure what you think my motive would be to not send you everything. You seem to think that I want to keep your money and not give you anything for it when the opposite is true. My motive was to get you everything you ordered, plus more, with upgraded shipping. It is unfortunate that has turned into this.

BTW - I never called you impatient at any point, I believe both of us showed loads of patience with both countries mail systems and the Greek customs.
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Oct 24, 2011
Got them today!! Emonty received and forwarded them to me, and now, at last, I have a very good portion of my order in my hands. This will be the closure of the subject, thank you Mom and Pop for keeping your word and sending them after all.

Please allow me to take this opportunity and thank Emonty for his co-operation and his kindness, and all my good friends for their love and support, especially my beloved Terry! :wub:

I always insisted that although Greece and Europe in general are at the other side of the world, internet brings us all close.
Now, ECF brings us even closer and I am really grateful for hosting my complain and helping me resolving this matter. :thumbs:

Thank you all once again!!
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