My Olive Drab Reo...Sgt. Stryker

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Crash Moses

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Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
So...I really wanted an Olive Drab Reo so I did some research and decided to paint my tumbled raw with Plastidip as it seemed pretty durable (I mean...hey...they paint cars with it right?).

I ordered a can of their green camo Plastidip from and commenced to sprayin'.

Per my research I took my Reo apart, masked off the innards and used some old carto filler to plug the button hole. I washed it down good with their special cleaner and started spraying. I did three light coats and then three heavy coats with an hour between each coat.

I let it sit for six hours and then threw a heat lamp on it for two days, removed the heat, and then let it sit another day before I put it back together. The end result was pretty impressive as it looks great and the rubber texture is very nice.

However, I'm not sure I'd recommend going this route. I had a heckuva time cleaning the door grooves (and the door itself) after painting. I used an X-acto and the paint just wanted to stretch instead of splitting along the blade...I think I removed as much aluminum as I did paint. I shoulda masked those areas off for sure.

Also, the rubber texture picks up dirt and other detritus like crazy. It cleans very easily but it also gets dirty very easily.

In addition, I'm not sure how sturdy it's going to be. The paint has already started to split at the bottom corners closest to the door. I figured those would be weak spots so I made sure they had plenty of Plastidip on them but to no avail (Plastidip shrinks as it cures). The rest of it still looks great though. I'm not sure if a few coats of flat clear coat on it would help or not. I may try to touch up those areas and then clear coat it to see if that helps.

I have an old WW2 era Marine EGA collar device on the way (can't verify the WW2 claim but it's definitely pre anchor ropes) that I wanted to epoxy to the front of it (trust will look awesome!) but now I'm not too sure I want to unless I can get a durable paint on it.

Rob, I will give you my first born if you come out with an Olive Drab Reo (which means, of course, that you would have to pay her college not such a bargain).

Anyway, I took some pics. It looks much better in the daylight but these didn't turn out too bad. I've brassed both my RM2s so you can ogle that as well (those turned out splendidly). I have a brass bullet drip tip that looks great too but I'll save that for if/when I get the EGA mounted.

Bonus question for those that bothered to read this far: Sgt. Stryker was a character in what movie? (Title and actor if you like).

The flash made the paint look greyish (or grayish for our UK brethren) but I like how the picture turned out...this is his war face.



Ultra Member
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Jun 2, 2011
SW. Indiana
Looks awesome right now. Check this stuff out, there are similar products for guns that are DIY and you cure them in the oven. Very durable and self lubricating so the door slide will hold up well.
Cerakote Coatings

edit: Looks like there is a place in Lansing to get it done, Pierce Engineering. If you look into it, let me know how much something like this would cost.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013

All you need now is a few Stars on it and maybe a few "rivets" and it would look like one of those vintage WWII Harleys!!!

Buddy of mine did that with his bike and then put a springer seat on it...looks really neat!


I would have though you would have gone with duracoat or a bake on type paint...that stuff is practically bulletproof!

Oh and that movie was the reason I joined the Marines
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Crash Moses

Ultra Member
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Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan

All you need now is a few Stars on it and maybe a few "rivets" and it would look like one of those vintage WWII Harleys!!!

Buddy of mine did that with his bike and then put a springer seat on it...looks really neat!


I would have though you would have gone with duracoat or a bake on type paint...that stuff is practically bulletproof!

Oh and that movie was the reason I joined the Marines

Nice...Starship Troopers is what did it for me (the book...not the movie). My buddy suggested either a white star or a G.I. stencil but I wanted to go with a Marine Corps theme.

I'm definitely going to look into the Cerakote (thanks unloaded). Looks like about $60 for 16 ounces but I'll have to budget for it.

Hopefully I can get it done before Battle of Stalingrad comes out so I can have something military to vape while I'm flying.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
they have olive drab for $44.99, not sure if it comes with the paint gun or not..remember this stuff is 2 part epoxy paint...bake on...bulletproof!

And with something you want "flat" go with multiple thin layers...if you lay it on thick it seems to get a slight sheen to it for some reason

It's how I painted my truck with cheapo wallyworld "camo" paint....thin layers

These are air dry for $39.99

Duracoat Shake 'N Spray
complete kit $34.95

Good luck!
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Crash Moses

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
they have olive drab for $44.99, not sure if it comes with the paint gun or not..remember this stuff is 2 part epoxy paint...bake on...bulletproof!

And with something you want "flat" go with multiple thin layers...if you lay it on thick it seems to get a slight sheen to it for some reason

It's how I painted my truck with cheapo wallyworld "camo" paint....thin layers

These are air dry for $39.99

Duracoat Shake 'N Spray
DuraCoat Shake 'N Spray
complete kit $34.95

Good luck!

Thanks, Warhawk. The Duracoat looks like it might be what I'm after.


ECF Guru
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Oct 4, 2012
Somewhere out there
Looks great Crash I will order the paint tomorrow my friend . I have been eye balling the paint for some time

Hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Looks like my next order will be an OD wrinkle VV G.

You da man Rob :)

Shot thru cyberspace with my iGun :)

Crash Moses

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
I'd be in on one of those ........

Lets hope Rob has great success with it ..... I'm sure he will though, don't see him as a quitter once he buys something :D

It'll sell like hot cakes!

Think of all the hunters that could use know...vaping deer urine to hide their scent.

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