Nagging Spouse Rant

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Bernard Marx

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2014
My wife of a loong time never really wants to give me too much encouragement in case I get too powerful in the relationship so when she commented in the car that she could smell my Irish Cream vape I tricked her by asking if it was 100 times better smelling than cigarettes and she confessed that it was. I am a King now! Bow down to me! (heh,heh)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2014
Bolton Ontario Canada
Sounds like your husband and my wife should get together. After stopping smoking it gave her one less thing to complain about so now it's on to vaping. I gave up telling her that her hair is falling out because she colours it every 2 weeks. She has sent me articles on how bad it is. I usually find an article directly related to hers as a defense. She is right because she says she is right, end of story.

I try not to argue with her it only brings me down to her level.


Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Dead Moose, AK
Talking to him isn't going to work. I tried that. He just sees it as another habit and I am just substituting. It's just frustrating to hear it. It's probably only once a week but it feels like once a day.
You need to slap his azz silly. Better yet, send him my way (iff'en he ain't too big of course 8-o).

Mrs. Kodiak might bellyache, piss and moan about a lot of things I do (and deservingly so), but thankfully vaping ain't one of 'em. You need to sit dumbass down and just shove the facts down his throat. Wait for him to start up again and don't let up until you're finished. He may not understand or agree but after 13 years us men do realize when to forever shut our mouths about certain issues.

Failing that... send his azz to sleep in the garage.


Vaping Master
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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
My husband (30.5 yrs married, 34 yrs together total) was first in line to give me a hard time about vaping. Not smoking, because he did, too. I started vaping when his mother was dying of cancer though, so it wasn't a huge battle. I said to him and anyone else who has confronted me that vaping has to be less dangerous. It just has to be.

I don't know every single thing that is in this juice, or how it will affect me long term - it hasn't been around long enough for anyone to really know. But if it's harmful for me, even if I get sick with some weird disease and die (I mean I doubt it, but still) at least I stopped paying big tobacco to kill me.

Hubby used to also complain about me buying vape stuff, not so much the amount, but that I buy online, so it's on a credit card and he hates that.

On the other hand, I nagged about him working so much overtime, and leaving his dirty clothes laying around, and never watching anything on TV but First 48 and Cops.

Last week, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The other day, he thanked me for quitting smoking, and for trying to get him vaping as well.

We only wish we had had the option to vape 20 years ago or so. I hope we have 20 or so more years to ..... at each other.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 25, 2014
Mobile, AL, USA
I am very sorry that you are having to endure this from the one person that should be supporting you.

I am still fairly new to vaping, Today is my 3 month no smoking anniversary and I understand that this is a hard journey for most people. My husband was supportive at first but soon he did try to complain about the money I was spending. To an extent I am still spending more than I have to because I am still trying to find that perfect battery.

After about a week of his nagging I had had enough and I told him he had three choices. 1} I could start smoking again because of the stress he was inducing. 2) He could knock it off and accept that this was better than smoking and be happy. or 3) He could pack his crude and not let the door hit him on the way out.

I made it clear that going back to smoking was not an option for me so that left him with two choices. Shut up or get out. He has been much more supportive and has not complained again, not even once.

Ryan Kelly

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Apr 14, 2014
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
my girlfriend is the same way sometimes. threatened to break up with me multiple times if i didn't quit cigs so i started vaping. she doesn't nag me as much as when i smoked but now that she can't play the health card she plays the money card. whenever she sees me with a new device she rolls her eyes and sighs and lectures me on how i could be saving money if i just stuck with one e cig. WELL IT ISNT THAT EASY. SOMETIMES YOU SEE SOMETHING SHINY AND YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT

Dj tank

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Feb 13, 2013
Ann Arbor michigan
my girlfriend is the same way sometimes. threatened to break up with me multiple times if i didn't quit cigs so i started vaping. she doesn't nag me as much as when i smoked but now that she can't play the health card she plays the money card. whenever she sees me with a new device she rolls her eyes and sighs and lectures me on how i could be saving money if i just stuck with one e cig. WELL IT ISNT THAT EASY. SOMETIMES YOU SEE SOMETHING SHINY AND YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT

Do the same to her if she has more than 2 pairs of shoes (heels). Really do you need more than 2?


Vaping Master
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Jan 27, 2011
east TN
my husband of over 30 years never said one word about my smoking........until we got married, then he would not shut up about it. my attitude was that he didn't have to marry me, so I ignored him. I started vaping (only because I was tired of giving the govern so much of my money). one day he came in the room and made a face. I said, well you are just never going to be happy are you?. he hasn't said another word. but if he did I would throw all his annoying habits back at him. he is free to leave if he doesn't like it :)
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