Need advice for a new regulated device! Something with a good 510 pin

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Verified Member
Aug 21, 2014
United States
I use multiple tanks ( kayfuns, lemo, nautilus mini) and it seems from changing tanks so much that any regulated device I purchase the 510 pin gets pushed down and stops working within a month. I have had a MVP2, a DNA30 hana clone and an istick. The 510 pin on all of them has pushed down after a month or so. I can't keep spending money on a new device every month so I wanted to get some ideas on a new higher end device.

Which regulated devices have a solid 510 pin that will hold up for a while? What is the difference in spring loaded, floating and adjustable 510 and which would be better for the tanks that I use? Thanks


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2013
I tend to stick to one tank or rda on a device and leave it, so I haven't had to many problems with connectors but out of the mods I've picked up over the last couple months the one that seems most sturdy to me is the IPV V3. I switched out a couple different tanks and RDA's on this one until I settled on the mutation v2 and they all seemed to fit well and no problems since the pin is spring loaded. I just got the IPV mini in about a week ago and it also seems well built and even survived a nasty fall from a nightstand this morning.

The difference between the different pin types is just in how they handle adjusting to a new atomizer. A spring loaded pin like in the IPV V3 has a spring underneath it that you can see move when you push on it allowing room for different atomizers. A floating pin will slide up and down in the insulator allowing room, and an adjustable pin will have threads that can be screwed in or out to allow for different atomizers. I have never had a mod with a true threaded adjustable pin but the other two styles both work well, although I like spring loaded the best.
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