Need Advice from a BWB vaping veteran

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ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2011
I just got a package of juices in today and I had a question about steeping. I know for a fact some BWB juices need to steep, but I was wondering if any of them just taste the same no matter how long they sit. In the past I've had a few that didn't change at all over a few weeks (Malty and Cherry tobacco)

Casablanca and 555 I'm pretty sure need some time. But how about Honey Flue and Maple tobacco? They taste pretty good right now but I'd rather wait if they are going to get better. I want the full experience ya know.


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Apr 3, 2011
New York
I agree with Maple Tobacco getting slightly better after a week or two. Honey Flue having some tobacco in it I would assume the taste changes at least a little, but I've never had a bottle of that big enough to steep.

I am surprised the Cherry Tobacco didn't change for you. When I first got mine the taste of the tobacco and cherry were two totally different tastes at the same time, which wasn't to my liking. After a couple weeks the flavors fused together forming an amazing liquid.

In my experience the Malty Toffee, Malty, Cola, Vanilla Bean, and a lot of fruit flavors will be at their peak a week after their creation or sooner, and change very little afterwards.
Every juice needs some time to sit before the flavor really blends in, whether that be a day or a month. I find only very complex flavors like Ejoker, RY4, Casablanca, Cherry Tobacco, and Applewood somewhat (to name my favorites) benefit immensely, or are unvapable (compared to what they will become) before a week or two


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2011
yeah the casablanca right now is pretty gnarly. having a hard time getting the taste out of my atty. i have a bottle of cherry tobacco made on 8/29 and it still tastes pretty much the same to me. never really tasted anything i thought was tobacco in it just seems like cherry. The RY4 I had definitely changed. And when it did it went fast. I want some more sooooo bad


Vaping Master
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Feb 22, 2011
Champlain Valley, NY
Hiya Born.
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