Need help? Best place to buy m401 or ecig with pcc

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Ok so my girlfriends birthday is coming up and I decided to buy her a new ecig. We bought the blu kits together and hers is starting to crap out on her, surprise surpise. I went to the 510, but she wants something smaller. Thought about the 401 because you can get the 403 batts for it making it a very small e cig. Now she is thinking she wants something with a pcc like the blu, but is not really sure. I know the revolver elite would probably be right up her alley but its a newer ecig and after buying the blu this scares the hell out of me. So my question is where can I find a good price on a 401 starter kit, or a comparable starter kit that comes with a pcc. Let me know anything you might think of. I have plenty of time to order from China if need be but do not want to pay out the .... for shipping because it will be the only thing I am purchasing right know. Thanks guys and gals!!!


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The revolver elite is basically a branded m702 pcc, I believe. The m702 is made by Smoore just like the m403, and is essentially the same e-cig, they just swapped the connectors again. The carts are still compatible though. The smart pcc looks to be pretty amazing and is getting great reviews. I just hope that when the m4xx pcc comes out it's as good, but who knows when that will be finished. has both, and many more models. Shipping is fast and cheap.


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Oct 23, 2008
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If its the Mseries you need, they have almost every possible model and is the most well stocked.

If you get an M401 starter kit, don't forget to get the Manual Batteries. You can also get the manual batteries in 402 sizes. Next, get a USB Passthough cos this thing is just amazing. Get as many atomisers cos they have a promotion at $6 per pc when you buy 10. Also check out the liquid bulk deal and get some blank carts.

For the M702 Smart PCC, check out my review at:

I'll be coming with the M602 and M401/2 manual batts review soon.


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Oct 2, 2009
I get all my 401 stuff from Litecig. Their basic 401 starter kit is cheaper than absolutelyecigs (who ships from China for $15:p). I get my orders from Litecig in 3 days.

They don't have the 401 pcc though. If you need that you could buy it from East Mall- they have a 401 PCC starter kit for $22, which could justify paying for overseas shipping and waiting.

Litecig also has the M702 PCC kit... again; same product, cheaper, and in the states.


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Oct 23, 2008


Vaping Master
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Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Man.. so many choices.
I've only been using an e-cig for a week now, ordered a Bloog and it was enough to get me to know I'll stick with an e-cig but the strength and battery life aren't real impressive.
I just found the Dragon m401 from Truesmoker a few hours ago and was thinking I really wanted to get one of their starter kits. Then I kept looking through threads and now I've seen the M702 Smart PCC from LitecigUSA.
Now my brains fighting itself over get the really cool looking one that has good reviews or get the not so cool looking one that has the advantage of the pcc included for $10 less and no 2 - 3 week waiting period and has good reviews.
All these decisions to make make me want to have a smoke. :p


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ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2009
Man.. so many choices.

....All these decisions to make make me want to have a smoke. :p

If you stick with this I promise you'll have a drawer full of different models and products from many suppliers... and you'll love it!
It's overwhelming at first but the vast amount of options means there's always something new to try and less chance of burning out. And it means you have a reason to keep hanging out here researching different equipment/mods/juices- which is one of the best parts of this little obsession.

Go ahead and buy whatever strikes your fancy, knowing that this equipment doesn't last forever and there's always next paycheck :D


Vaping Master
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Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Both the price of M702 and M401 has been reduced at With fixed shipping, you can even stock up on some extra items. Waiting time should not exceed a week.

Hope you enjoy your second ecig. Happy vaping! :)

Thanks for that I did check them out this morning and the prices are good but the m702 kit at Litecig is only $13 more and comes with 1 more batt, 1 more atomizer, 1 more cart, and should only take 2 days to get to me since he's only a state away. So I did end up going with that.


If you stick with this I promise you'll have a drawer full of different models and products from many suppliers... and you'll love it!
It's overwhelming at first but the vast amount of options means there's always something new to try and less chance of burning out. And it means you have a reason to keep hanging out here researching different equipment/mods/juices- which is one of the best parts of this little obsession.

Go ahead and buy whatever strikes your fancy, knowing that this equipment doesn't last forever and there's always next paycheck :D

:lol: yeah I can see already that it won't be a pick one and stick with only it sort of thing. The choices are good as long as I don't let myself try to many in a short period and end up spending even more on this than I did on smoking. ;) As I said above I did order the m702 from LitecigUSA after making my post this morning but i'm sure i wont be able to resist giving a Dragon a try down the road :D


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ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2009
I am reading all of this and wondering if I should order another starter kit and pondering what I should get?!

I ordered a Joye 510 kit 2 weeks ago not knowing that shipping from China is as slow as mollasses! I haven't received it yet, and now I'm reading that they taste terrible?!

Now reading this thread, I'm wondering if I should should find a supplier in the US and order another kind of kit!? I ordered some carts & juices for my 510, but I don't have anything to vape them with! LOL!

I see that people like the 401? or the 702? Decisions decisions! Wish I had something here to try vaping for the first time! The waiting is frustrating.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2009
I ordered a Joye 510 kit 2 weeks ago not knowing that shipping from China is as slow as mollasses! I haven't received it yet, and now I'm reading that they taste terrible?!
I see that people like the 401? or the 702? Decisions decisions!

I started with a 510 and I liked it alright... well, actually I loved it because it was my first vaping experience and a complete revelation for me.
Don't worry! Trust me, you'll open that thing and try it and probably fall in love right away (do remember to blow the primer fluid out of the atomizer first though or you're going to think vaping tastes awful)

I got my first 510 from China too and chewed my nails off waiting for it to arrive. Later I ordered the "no box kit" from for $35. Fast shipping, cheap and a fantastic selection of juice for when you reorder.

Then I tried the m410 (EVO/Dragon/Pilot, all the same thing). and I loved it - I realized I liked auto batteries better, and as opposed to the 510 I could taste way more flavor.

The 510 doesn't taste bad itself- it just runs really hot IMO and burns the taste right out. So when you run out of juice it does taste kinda bad. If you keep your carts full it tastes fine. You'll probably love it- it's not the most popular PV around here for no reason.

If you do decide to get a 401 I do recommend Shawn at Litcig. He has a crazy variety of 40x kits for cheap. Like I said upthread, you will probably wind up trying several (or all!) e-cigs over time so don't stress too much about trying to decide what you like best right now.

Just stay clear of the scammers like Smoking Everywhere and you'll be happy.


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Oct 2, 2009
Litecig is only $13 more and comes with 1 more batt, 1 more atomizer, 1 more cart, and should only take 2 days to get to me since he's only a state away.

And he ships crazy fast so you should get yours right away. I get mine in 2-3 days and I'm in tx!

The choices are good as long as I don't let myself try to many in a short period and end up spending even more on this than I did on smoking. ;)

Good luck with that! I start getting bummed if I don't have a package to track. heh.

i'm sure i wont be able to resist giving a Dragon a try down the road :D

Yeah, I'm thinking about getting one of those pink Phoenix kits, just to do something girly for a change. :)


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ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2009
Thank you so much Birdy! That is exactly the kind of info I was looking for! I wish I had researched more before ordering my first kit. Waiting on a kit from China is frustrating beyond belief! LOL!

I think I will check out cignot and order a no box kit. At least I could have one complete e-cig and maybe a PCC or something to use when I get my kit from China!

Thanks for letting me know about blowing out the atomizer. I had not heard that before and was worried that this new 510 was going to taste terrible. I read somewhere else on the forum that they tasted bad.

One of my online friends just started vaping with a KR808 from Nhaler. She completely quit smoking and loves it! She says that she throws the cartomizers away when they run out because she doesn't want to mess with refilling anything. Isn't it more expensive that way?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
And he ships crazy fast so you should get yours right away. I get mine in 2-3 days and I'm in tx!

Yeah I got an order confirmation at 930am and a shipping notice at 11:30am. and I know the last package i got USPS Priority came from California to NY in 2 days so I figure I should see this Mon. or Tues.

Good luck with that! I start getting bummed if I don't have a package to track. heh.

:lol: addicting eh.

Yeah, I'm thinking about getting one of those pink Phoenix kits, just to do something girly for a change.

lol well I won't do the pink Phoenix but yeah the Dragon looks cool and has a decent price and from what I've read is a good product so I'll have to eventually. I mean cmon its got an ... dragon on it :D
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2009
Thanks for letting me know about blowing out the atomizer. I had not heard that before and was worried that this new 510 was going to taste terrible. I read somewhere else on the forum that they tasted bad.

Hey, no problem! Here's a good intro to the 510 with a lot of info for 1st time users:
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your 510

One of my online friends just started vaping with a KR808 from Nhaler. She completely quit smoking and loves it! She says that she throws the cartomizers away when they run out because she doesn't want to mess with refilling anything. Isn't it more expensive that way?
Yeah, if you just use cartomizers once and throw them away it is more expensive. But you can refill them. Here's a video about how to do that from the vapor4life supplier thread:
Refilling the cartomizer: The Movie

I've been thinking about trying one of those myself... but I've overspent on my monthly vaping budget. wahh.


Ultra Member
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Jun 16, 2009
Pensacola, Fl.
did you guys check out the have the best looking m702 and they are about to have new battery colors. for the best price too, even on eliquid. and on they are having a contest this week to win their next model thats about to come out.
M702 isn't a 401 and isn't compatible.

To OP. I have a couple of models and I use my Manual M401 (Dragon) the most.
The 702 only has mic batt's so keep that in mind, in noisy/windy places they will go off. The 401 has more flavor imo , but a 510 has more throat hit-less flavor.
It gets down to which do you prefer more.
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