Need help e juice

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Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma
It's been forever since I've posted here and I'm glad I'm back. I need some help with juice. Hubby Scott and
I just celebrated our 6 year vaping anniversary. When we started to have good juice you had to mix it and that's still what we do.

However I'm on the hunt for delicious juice for Scott. He wants some coffee, vanilla, and a mystery juice of my choosing. I found some but my problem is Scott is amazing when it comes to flavors of all types. I taste spaghetti sauce, he tastes onions, garlic, salt, and more. Drive me crazy actually. I need juice that will pass his annoying taste buds. Anyone have suggestions? I've checked virgin vapors and another which has left my brain. I wanna know where else I should look. any suggestions, tips, replies, etc, will be greatly appreciated.



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Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma
Cool thanks for the tip! I'll check them. I forgot to put something important into this search. First thank you, it amazes both of us that we've been vaping 6 years. Even more we were spending about $7000 a year plus gas smoking cigarettes. We have dropped down to $2000 maybe. That's only if we purchase items like mods. But what I forgot is that because we have always made our own juice we started by ordering flavoring Capella, Lorann, Flavor Art, and more. I use Flavor Art tiramisu.

Anyway, by all means is love to hear more opinions.
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Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma
Yeah, I was smoking nearly two packs a day and Scott was smoking one. We got them in Nh so that helped a bit but they were still over $9.00 per pack. Every now and then if someone is smoking I'll want one or sometimes just too much is happening and I'll ask Scott to bring me a pack on his way home. I've found two things, 1, oh man they suck! They burn and taste like ..... 2, an entire pack lasts me 3 or 4 months easy. Funny tho, when we decided to vape I had seen them at a kiosk in the mall. I was headed from Boston to Oregon. But didn't get them. Few months later Scott heard a commercial and came home asking if I wanted to try. He did tons of research, we were ready to spend the initial cost for flavor, mods, etc... We got them Laborday weekend. Scott instantly switched. He's never smoked a real cigarette since. It took me a few months due to health issues. My doc didn't want me just switching to vaping. He was thrilled but wanted me to be careful. When I saw him I showed him how e cigs work, to this day if they put me in a room for a check up he knows I'll vape in the room before he comes in. Not a lot, just once or twice. He finds it funny cus I now smell like cookies.

If you wanna go back to mixing your own juices I'd be more than happy to help ya. For me Scott took a bottle, ran a piece of tape down it, then measured off the ingredince. It takes me less than a minute to make a large bottle of juice. Suggestions I have to start with is your base. Pg, veg, and nic all come in different qualities. The better the quality the better your juice will taste. And high quality isn't difficult to get. Gimmie a shout via email if you want some help. Always happy to help another vapor.



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Sep 22, 2014
Congrats on the 6 years, holy *smokes* that's a long time!! I quit a year ago and have gone back and forth a bit, I know that YUCK taste well!!! Back to vaping now though and just starting to try DIY myself for financial reasons...medical bills forthcoming. Ugh!

So one thing I've noticed in the DIY forums and online searches is that my favorite (and only, since I can't seem to find anyone else's juice I love) vendor, Ahlusion has next to NO clone recipes. Lots of people asking for them and some suggestions of a single flavor you can buy that *might* be in a juice as a component but I've yet to find a full recipe, that and I find posts from DIY'ers who say they still buy Ahlusion juice since they can't replicate it and they love it. They might be what you're looking for, something your husband can't easily replicate at home. I think this may have something to do with the owners having culinary backgrounds and maybe doing their own extractions, that's my guess anyways. At one point they were going to sell their flavoring...what I wouldn't give!!! Man, I wish they hadn't scratched that idea. My second vendor who I like but just haven't found an all day vape from is Highbrow, I *think* they may also do some extracting, if I remember correctly, it's been a really long time.

Ahlusion has quite a few Coffee juices, actually they have around 200 flavors on the menu so quite a few of everything, lol. They also have regular sales ranging from 20%-35% and sometimes up to 40% and if you order from the custom menu you can ask for a free 10ml sample too.

I'm sure you'll get some more suggestions but for what it sounds like you're asking for, something not easily DIY'd, Ahlusion is my suggestion, followed by Highbrow. The only thing though...if you end up going with Ahlusion and your husband comes up with a clone recipe...please, pretty please, share it with me!! Congrats again and I hope you find something exactly perfect for your vapeaversary!
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Dec 3, 2012
Staten Island, NY
Thank you so much for your help and suggestions. . I do think That may have been what I was doing wrong because the juice tasted bitter....
I'll pm you if I need when I get started!
Thank you! !!!
And I agree with the ahlusion recommendation too.... I haven't tried them but have read many good things about their juice!

Elizabeth Baldwin

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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
I second Nicoticket's Wakonda. Omg that stuff is delicious. It's my favorite all time juice. Out of 4 years of vaping it's the best I've tasted. I've made my own eliquid for a few years now, but I load up on Wakonda when it's on sale.

Right now, use the coupon code BOGO and get 50% off your order. 60 ml costs 31.99. You can get it for less than $16 with the coupon code. It's a one time code so be sure you order all you want to try.

Btw: I ordered 3 bottles of Wakonda, 60ml (180 total) a couple of weeks ago. It was on sale 30% off then. I never pass up Wakonda.


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Sep 8, 2009
Boston, Ma
When I think 6 years it amazes even me. Funny thing is we've had many talks with people who want to vape but don't know how to start. We had an hour conversation with some people at Disney World once. That was funny. Basically we always tell people if they want to vape to set aside some money because there is an initial cost of mods, tanks, RDAs, juice, etc... In the long run those costs go down dramatically.

Thank you for the tips. I'm gonna go check out their juices now. When you make your own juice there are things that can make it Good or bad and that's Nic. We get ours from we think is the best for us.

Everyone's different in how they make or wanna make juice. Flavor is a massive part. I've learned a few things over the years. Dark flavors loose their flavor quickly. They can also change depending on the amount. The tiramisu I use changes. I used small 30m bottles until I found someone selling 120m bottles. I opened it one day and nearly fell over cus it smelled like alcohol. Later I had Scott open the bottle but didn't tell him anything. He instantly smelled the alcohol also. Called the seller and they sent another 120 bottle. That one also smelled like alcohol. I went back to my small bottles. I tossed the first bottle. Then I mixed a bit of the second 120m bottles in when I made juice. Smaller bottles, cost more, but it's so much better. Capella flavors don't seem to have the same problem as FlaourArt. Last tip, put everything together and store it in the fridge. Everything stays fresh.

Keep that stuff in mind because it will make a huge difference.

I'm gonna go check out the juice. I'd love to hear more. I don't know everything and never will claim to. It doesn't matter what you do there's always more to learn and I'm always happy to learn.
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