Need help with Prebuilt coil

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Full Member
Sep 21, 2018
So I'm looking into using Prebuilt coils. I came across wotofo Prebuilt coils. And Idk how to figure out what the wattage range is for them. I don't want to buy the wrong ones and they end up being to low or way to high... & Yes I've tried a could build calculator but I can't seem to get it right. I'll list what they are & if anyone can help that would be great..
Brand : wotofo all using N80 wire
( #1 fused clapton- .5ohm - 26g + 38g )
( #2 dual core fused clapton-.28ohm
2-26g + 36g )
(#3 dual core fused clapton- .62ohm
2-28g + 38g )
(#4 framed staple clapton- .33ohm
28g+38g ×9-28g / 36g)

This is was they have labeled for the wires on wotofo's website. Just looking for some help please no rude comments I'm trying to learn and my brain for some reason cannot comprehend on how to use steam engine at all


ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Wattage range doesn’t work like that for coils. Rbas tend to use lower wattages for the same effect as coil cartridges to begin with. You actually want to start way low and then go up slowly till it reaches a point that you like, then stop. I’m currently vaping a .11 ohm single coil @35w for example. Works great


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Nov 23, 2012
What amperage coil have you used in the past and at what wattage did you use with those coils? How did you like that coil/wattage combo? Too hot, too cool, not enough vapor, too much vapor? etc...

Do you know that you like fused claptons or just something you want to try.

How do you vape, mouth to lung or direct to lung?

Steam Engine will tell you how to build your coil or will tell you what your build will produce in terms of resistance, heat, etc... The manufacturer of the prebuilt coils you are looking at have already told you that.

Wattage ranges from manufacturers are simply suggestions. Lots of people find they vape better at wattages under the recommended range and some find they like them better great than the range listed.

That is one of the cool yet frustrating things about vaping, you customize it for you. I know it can be incredibly frustrating trying to find that sweet spot. I promise you it will happen. Its best to avoid changing too many variables to soon or too many at the same time. This makes it hard to understand which change produced which results. It's like trying to boil the ocean. Just keep trying and keep asking questions.
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Jun 17, 2017
Reading this one thing comes into my mind: Kiss or keep it simple stupid.
Try any of those, start low and slowly go up, if you're a mtl person generally you'll probably stick with low wattage anyway but for dtl inhales, you can either like 80 watts or 30w

For example i tend to keep my vape at around 4.2 volts on any resistance but sometimes i go lower or higher depending on material and flavor i'm using. Right now i'm using a single Kanthal A1 coil of .57 0hm at 32 watts and it gives me great flavor and vapor production.
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