Need some advice

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Full Member
Jul 27, 2011
Hello! I was so excited about quitting smoking, and just knew e-cigs would be the healthier answer. I ordered the joye 510. I smoke Marlboro lights-about half a pack a day. The e-cig just isn't doing it for me. I still want analogs and i'm not really crazy about the taste of the e cig. I am totally clueless about the e cigs. Any suggestions? I really really want to quit analogs.
Thanks in advance!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2011
YOu just need to find a juice flavor that suits you. I started with strictly tobacco flavors and I had the same problem as you are. Most people dont care for them. What I would suggest is try a couple different flavors, pick something that you like to eat such as strawberry or cupcake or something. And get at least 24 mg nic level


Full Member
Jul 14, 2011
YOu just need to find a juice flavor that suits you. I started with strictly tobacco flavors and I had the same problem as you are. Most people dont care for them. What I would suggest is try a couple different flavors, pick something that you like to eat such as strawberry or cupcake or something. And get at least 24 mg nic level

I agree. Trying to imitate cigarette taste got me nowhere. I was pleasantly surprised at the satisfaction I found with flavors like vanilla and Kona Creame.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I agree that finding an eliguid you like is a big plus as well as starting with a higher nic level such as 24mg or 36mg. BUT, it is much more than that. The regular 510 is only 3.2 volts under load and about 200 mAh which is quite small. The better (more powerful) battery you have, the warmer the vaper, the more it simulates the inhaled feel of an analog.

I would consider upgrading to at least an eGo or Riva or E-Power PV for a better vaping experience.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
You have a 510?

1. If you ordered auto batteries, try a manual battery - easier to get a good hit, much harder to damage or kill with juice leaks

2. If you are using atomizer+cartridges, that is the most annoying way to vape. Try Boge standard resistance cartomizers (I recommend on manual batteries because it a carto leaks it will leak right over when an auto battery can be damaged). I get the longest good performance out of one carto w/ thin clear juices, 20% VG or less. You cannot use the hotter LR cartos or attys on a slim ecig.

3. Juice - no two people are the same. Some must have tobacco juices when they start and get analog cravings from food flavors (I was one of those). Some people are the opposite and do best staying away from tobacco flavors. Some can vape either. Pay attention to how YOU feel after vaping various flavors.

4. Smell the vapor - real cigs dump aroma all over you. With ecigs YOU have to remember to smell the vapor. A huge part of the flavor is the aroma. Find juices with TH and aroma that

5. If you are not getting enough throat hit: use manual batteries and press the button in 1-2 seconds before you start dragging. Drag slowly into your mouth, then inhale. With an ecig, Dragging slower and longer gets you more vapor, not vaping harder. Don't use high VG juices - VG dulls TH and flavor. try 1 step higher nic - nic is TH. And if none of that helps, then you can try a KR808D-1 (like Smokeless Image Volt manual or VaporLife manual) - KR808D-1 is a real 3.7v slim mini - a bit hotter and drier w/ the right cartos (I use Vapor4Life WOW cartos w/ a plastic drip tip as a cool mouthpiece). or skip the slim ecigs and get Ego or Riva 510 at and on THOSE you can use the hotter LR low resistance atomziers and cartomizers.

6. Buy decent juice. Try LOTS of juice samples. Find ones that make you go ahhh.
using tobacco flavors don't help to quit analogs. While you vape all you are doing is comparing it a cigarette and nothing tastes like burning tobacco, but burning tobacco. I was very successful in quitting analogs in just a week's time by switching to Green Arrow (tastes like double-mint gum). Then when I was vaping I thought about how nice it was to get my nicotine fix while having a taste that I liked. After smoking for 40 years, I found I really didn't like the taste of tobacco, but we all fool ourselves into thinking it is good because we need the nicotine. A nice fruity flavor or a mint is a good start.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2011
using tobacco flavors don't help to quit analogs. While you vape all you are doing is comparing it a cigarette and nothing tastes like burning tobacco, but burning tobacco.

I agree with this. I started with a tobacco flavor, and I thought I liked it, but now that I'm using a totally different flavor I'm enjoying it a lot more. I don't feel like I'm substituting for analogs anymore; it's now a completely different (and more satisfying) way to get nicotine.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2011
1) Some people NEED tobacco flavor at first-- I did
2) Does "not doing it for you" mean nicotine cravings as well? If so get a stronger cart/dose
3) As posted above, try other flavors

**Your body is addicted to more than just the nicotine, some people have trouble with missing the other chemicals. I dumped a 3 PAD Marl UL habit in 2 days but I was jonsing for a cig for a few more days... some people need more time to adjust... And I was pounding myself with nic hard...


Super Member
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Verified Member
Sep 21, 2010
Remember how many brands and types of cigarettes you've probably tried over the years, before you settled on one? Vaping is like that, but 100 fold. There are so many choices it can boggle the mind.

If the community settled down and picked 20 juices, put them all in one convenient place, and made it easily available to try them, most of us would probably find all of this much easier.

However, cigarette makers have been around for a very long time, and spent a lot of our money to use us as guinea pigs, sorting out what will sell well.

Basically, vaping is going to be a little trickier for some at first, as you try to find that one vape that removes you from your old habit, but I assure you, it's out there.

Good luck.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2011
I agree with everyone about the flavor thing.... the nic level however, I dissagree... you smoke 1/2 a pack of marlboro lights a day... I smoked a pack and a half to 2 PAD american spirit mediums..... those have damn near three times the level of nicotene as marl lights..... I quit on 18mg juice after four days of vaping.... Im not saying dont try 24mg juice.... just dont figure it as your cure all.
I smoke Marlboro lights-about half a pack a day. The e-cig just isn't doing it for me. I still want analogs and i'm not really crazy about the taste of the e cig. I am totally clueless about the e cigs. Any suggestions? I really really want to quit analogs.
Thanks in advance!!

It would help to know what flavors you tried, and what kind of flavor your looking for. So far all I can personally recommend is Kentucky Cherrywood by Vermillion River.
If you're not getting you're fix because vaping isn't strong enough, try getting a PowerCig from V2 (crazy slow shipping btw) or some other 5 volt device.
Btw, the PowerCig is a "passthrough" which means you plug it into a USB port to power it (you can get an AC to USB adapter to use an outlet). But you can find 5 volt devices that run off of batteries.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2011
I went down this exact road. I had an ego and I just could not quit the analogs. I bought a volt, and boom... no more analogs. I needed something that was really close to smoking until I could get rid of the extra chemicals that I was addicted to. I needed simple because for me it was just so hard. So, I feel your pain. All of those pieces of equipment are great, don't get me wrong... and they have a great place in vaping. I love my ego when I'm home, but for day to day, rat race, volt is what works for me.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    When you try out a new atomizer, make sure you blow out that nasty primer into a paper towel first. Then you can put 5 drops or more directly into the atomizer and give it a good 10 minutes to soak into the wick before putting the atomizer on your battery. ;)

    Try getting a few sampler packs from the e-juice vendor and don't be afraid to try a few juice or dessert flavors. :)


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Jun 22, 2011
    I use a 808 and a Riva. I love the RIva. I started out on prefilled carts and it took a while to find the flavor that worked for me. Most people say get non tobacco flavors. I am just the oppisite. I need richer flavors, I use coffee, buterscotch, caramel flavors along with tobacco flavors. I was a two pad Virginia Slim smoker for 15 years. The only Virginia flavor I have found that I like is the prefilled carts from, all others I have tried were awful to me. I never smoked a Camel cig in my life but found that I really like the Kamel flavor e juices along with wowboy and 555. I even like Hilton and never even heard of those. I found that I need a higher level of nic in the am and at night. During the day I can vape a 6 or even a 0 and I'm fine. But I tend to chain vape during the day and will get a headache on anything higher. You just have to find what works for you. I have had great luck buying and trading on this site. Saves a ton of money and you get to try slews of flavors, then if you don't like them, you can post them on here and swap out for something else! If I were you I would get a 510-808 adapter and buy some prefilled cartos until you find what you like. (but I am an 808 fan) Just remember to focus on the cigs you didn't smoke instead of cigs you did! Another thing I found was sometimes I had to go back to a flavor several times before I decided I liked it. Good luck!
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