Need some advice.

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So I'm looking into getting a new tank for my MVP 2. I want to stick with a clearamizer. I currently have the Kanger T3s, but the air flow is horrid. Does anyone have any recommendations on a tank that I can actually suck some air from? Also looking for something with a single coil that is fairly easy for me to rebuild after heavy use. Any suggestions?


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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
The kanger aerotank will suit your needs. Or, I believe you can purchase an aerotank base and use it with the T3s, but don't quote me.

I'll add the Aspire nautilus to that list. Some prefer one or the other; I give the edge to the Nautilus, but that's just me.


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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
So I'm looking into getting a new tank for my MVP 2. I want to stick with a clearamizer. I currently have the Kanger T3s, but the air flow is horrid. Does anyone have any recommendations on a tank that I can actually suck some air from? Also looking for something with a single coil that is fairly easy for me to rebuild after heavy use. Any suggestions?

miniprotank2 v2

For a rebuildable there's the kayfun.
I use T3S clearomiser all the time. For the first 8 months, using Kanger heads and for the last 3 making my own.

There shouldn't be a problem with the airflow. Have you rebuilt some heads yet?

I haven't rebuilt any heads yet. I want to soon though. If I unthread it a little bit then I can actually draw some air with it. But when its tight I have to open a small hole with my lips in order to make it work. Its really annoying, lol.


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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I haven't rebuilt any heads yet. I want to soon though. If I unthread it a little bit then I can actually draw some air with it. But when its tight I have to open a small hole with my lips in order to make it work. Its really annoying, lol.

The T3S is eGo threaded so there should be enough room there for airflow, unless one of the holes is blocked and the other hole, you maybe just happen to be covering with your finger when you hold it.

check is the airholes on the base of the tank are clogged with something.


airhole on the base.


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There is nothing obstructing the holes at all. When I take a hit I hold the battery itself and not the tank. I see threads through the holes. Is there some sort of seal that is keeping me from drawing air or something?

Drill your holes. Start with a tiny bit and only one hole at a time, then the next hole, and so on. If that's not enough, go up with the bit size, and do it again, one hole at a time, until you reach your desired airflow. If that doesn't work, you'll have to drill holes above those threads, if they're restricting the airflow. You can only increase airflow so much though. It's also restricted by the size of the hole in your atomizer, which is nearly impossible to increase without wrecking the atty. I ran into that problem with my PT2. If it's still not enough, you'll just have to get a proper RBA. And you can drill those out as well. You'll probably want a carbide bit versus a screw type. I use a Dremel with tiny carbides for work, and on low speed it's great for drilling my PT2.

Current vape:
Innokin iTaste VV v3
PT2m w/ 0.8 ohm 32g 5 wrap parallel micro coil at 11w
Local juice


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
There is nothing obstructing the holes at all. When I take a hit I hold the battery itself and not the tank. I see threads through the holes. Is there some sort of seal that is keeping me from drawing air or something?

Take the tank off the batery and suck on it to see how the airflow is.

Is there a "CE" sticker covering one of your airholes? I just checked on of my evod tanks and noticed that they happened to put a sticker on the base and it was covering 1 of the two airholes.

unless you prefer a draw on the tight side, i'd drill the holes out BIG. like 2mm or 1/16 inch.
the air has to pass through the center pin on the atomizer head itself, and then pass thought the slot on the end of the atomizer:


coil head showing airhole at bottom of coil head and the slot that the air has to flow through sideways.

also, if there is eliquid all over the ego threads, I guess that could obstruct the airflow.
So I found a difference between the battery I used to use for my T3s and my new MVP 2. From the bottom of where the tank seats to the top of the threads is a different hieght between the two. Its just high enough on the MVP 2 to keep me from being able to suck air through device. Its about a 1mm difference. This is also why when I screw my T3s onto my MVP 2 I have to unscrew the bottom of the atomizer in order for it to touch the battery terminal on the other battery. So how can I fix this problem?

I've also noticed this with many other batteries that I have tried. My fiance and my father's batteries cause the same issue, which is no airflow. Is this a defect in the base of the tank?

I looked into maybe drilling new holes to be able to suck air through, but I won't be able to. I would be drilling into the smooth aluminum part of the tank, which would then cause it to leak everywhere. Really wish I could get this to work.
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