Need tips pls for DIY batch #3 max flavor!!

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ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2011
Okay, for the vets here I'm having my vivi 2.5 drama of flavor muting so I'm adjusting my batch for max flavor. I don't much like VG anyway so I have 2 quick questions:

1) Gonna make low nic (10%) batch. 93%PG/5% VG/2% water to thin it a bit for the vivi.

Any real reason to add the VG and the water for taste and to thin it out? Should I just go max PG?

2) Making a high (35) nic treat batch... Was thinking 10% VG and some water...

If I do an all PG or high PG of 35 mg will I need a mound of Capella's to neutralize the huge TH and slight WL nic flavor?

Any other tips would be appreciated. I'm using Capella's stronger flavors this time. (do not tell me to ditch my vivi!! ;0 )


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ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2012
Hazel Green
93% PG is essentially 100% PG, and you wouldn't have to thin it. 2% water isn't going to thin anything, I wouldn't think.

VG mutes some flavors, but at both amounts you mention it won't change a thing.

Your vivi is safe. I've not burned out a thing since I stopped doing 100% VG and went to 50/50.

My only other thought is, have you ever vaped 35mg? I'm not saying it's too high. But I've never gone over 24mg. I've actually dropped down to 18mg, not out of some thought that dropping my nic is somehow inherently virtuous or anything, but I like to chainvape, and the 24 kinda gets me after a while.

Oh, and you know if you put in too much flavor it'll mute it. (I have read, not experienced.)


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May 13, 2011
If you like vapor, I'd put in a little big of VG. 10% or so would be enough. PG alone will carry flavor better, but that much VG won't really harm the flavor, but will aid in vapor production. No point in using any water at that level at all, so skip it.

That high of a nic content MIGHT have a little effect on the flavor...that's all I can think of. Adding more and more flavor won't really fix anything, just cause you to overflavor, and in turn, not be able to taste anything. Just remember to make a few test bottles at, say, 5%, 10% and 15%. Taste them and then start mixing them to see if you can zone in on the optimal flavor level.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2011


Low: did 5% VG then upped it to 10% VG. AMAZING difference -- my last vivi nova flavor muting juice was like sludge compared to this... very nice...Better wicking and flavor by far.

High nic: (treat) Wish and dj are right--I've never gotten a 30+ WL high nic to taste that great... it's like "Okay this is harsh... some flavor... harsh... aftertaste..." So it was at 35/10%VG... Dropped it to 30mg/15% VG-- this is the base so a 15%-20% Capella flavor add will take it down...

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