Nena the Noob

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
Greenville SC
Hi all! I've been following this forum for quite some time now and FINALLY got off my duff this week and purchased my first here I am happily vaping away as I type. :vapor:

The product I bought is not a really good one...yes, I fell prey to the product that is tucked away in a little corner of a convenience store counter :facepalm: because it was THERE and no one else locally had one. But you know what? It still works. :)

I've had no issues with this little thing at all so far. And the best part is I have only smoked two packs of real cigs in 5 days. Normally that would have been five or MORE packs of the real deal.

As I become more accustomed to the e-cig, I find myself smoking fewer real ones...and that can only be a GOOD thing IMO.

Now I can start learning about all the different types of vap's and eventually I'll upgrade to something a tad more sophisticated...if I'm this excited about my convenience store find, I can't imagine how I'll feel when I learn more. :thumbs:

So "howdy" :toast: to all, and I look forward to learning a LOT from this forum!



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2010
Welcome nena!

Yeah, a lot of people start with the "convenient" mall kiosk or convenience store e-cig and are disappointed about the cost, false advertising or poor performance. Hopefully most of them find this forum before they give up. It's good to hear from someone who has had a fairly good experience so far, but has already done some research and was realistic enough to not expect the convenience store e-cig to be their only, or best, option. As for what model/vendor might be your best bet, let the debates begin!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2010
Honolulu, HI
Greetings Nena!

Off to a great start! Over 60 cigarettes not smoked! Can you imagine what 60 smelly butts and ashes would look like in an ashtray? The 2 packs are inconsequential...but the 60 cigs not smoked is stuff for real rejoicing!

If you haven't read these already, may I suggest that you review the following links...first one is 6 parts, but well worth your effort to shorten the learning curve, and give you a solid foundation so you don't get overwhelmed when we start recommending hardware to you.

Glad you could join us Nena!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 5, 2010
Hi Nena!

It doesn't matter what you bought if it's working for you...yay!

I actually got ripped off online when I started...not by quality, but cost; I spent 4 times what I should have, but you know what? It worked for me, so I just chalked up the mistake as part of the learning curve. Your purchase seems to be working for you, too.

And Shaka is so right; think of the cigarettes you haven't is certainly worth rejoicing over!

The excitement has only just begun!
I to am new to the ecig community, but have over the last month experienced the cost and associated enjoyment associated with ecigs. I started with a Revolver Elite, which is a good smoke with short battery life, then moved to the Modern Vapor 902 which has longer battery life, but lighter vapor, then I really got the bang with the VPYR and a DSE801 atty. This is probably the closest thing to analogs that I can imagine. I am 6 weeks without a Vantage and I love it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
Greenville SC
Well a big THANKS to everyone for the support, well wishes, and ARTICLES! I'm fairly tenacious when it comes to getting my hands on good info so I can make great decisions when it's time to step up to something more sophisticated!

There are several things I already know I want in my next product:

1) More VAPOR. While I do think my little ecig was a good start, I would like one that produces copious amounts of "smoke" when I puff! I do miss that!

2) More TASTE. The cheap products have very little taste, and what is there tastes well....not good. I did get used to it after the first 24 hours but I am sure there are better tasting products out there.

3) Longer BATTERY life. I may have to purchase two ecigs in the future. Generally speaking, when I have resorted to smoking, it's been when the battery was recharging. I do get about 24 hours on a charge so it's still decent.

Okie dokie folkies! Thanks again for the welcome and I'll be seeing ya'll around the boards!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
Well welcome to ECF Nena...

you know not all the convienience store models are intrinsically nore people are carrying them the convienience markets are getting new and different models... I've seen smoke tip brand ones in the store and while maybe a bit pricey for a KR808d-1 model aren't really a bad model...same with some of the cheaper "disposeable models".. most everything you see in the convienience store are going to be 2 piece models because they want to keep you coming back for their cartomizers...

to address your issues I'd suggest looking into models like the eGo...and models you can either refil your own cartridges or you can find juice that tastes better to you...
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