New guy here...Question about k100 batteries

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Full Member
Jun 21, 2014
Buford, Ga
Hello all,

Been using an ego and a mini trophy tank for the past few months. Recently bought an optimus rda and that of course fueled the fire for a better mod. My k100 should be here tmw and from all my research it seems the batteries should be replaced with something better but my question is is that only for sub-ohm vaping?

I built a new coil for the optimus last night right at 1.3 ohms with 28g kanthal and it works awesome on my ego so I cant wait to try on the K100 but will it be safe with that 1.3 coil? I know my 1.8 trophy tank will do fine but how crappy are the kamry batteries? I know they are not high drain. Will I be fine until my new batteries get here next week? And also is the kamry charger ok to use with better batteries? I really dont plan on subohming except maybe on occasion for a fun build so im not worried about having to advanced of a set up. Thanks in advance!

Also I have a multimeter and realize the stress of making sure I have no shorts any where


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ECF Veteran
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Apr 11, 2014
Lansdale, PA, USA
Good luck with the new stuff.

The charger will work with any 18xxx or 26xxx battery.

3 amps is not a problem for any decent battery. Batteries with the word fire in their name are often not decent.

An Efest 18650 battery will do 10 amps so, leaving some for safety, you can go down to about .6 ohms with one. Whatever battery you have you can Google it to see how many amps it will handle.


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Verified Member
Jun 16, 2014
Cincinnati, OH USA
Glad your stuff is working out well for you! I just posted an answer to a question posted by another user in a similar vein:

(Just paste that line in after the .com part of the forum address - I'm not allowed to post links yet)

I tried to put a good deal of useful info on how batteries are rated, the meanings of the ratings, how to calculate how low of a coil resistance is safe, how to calculate your voltage and amperage in VW mode, etc.

Hope that helps,
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