NEW Here NOW! The SMOKtech Nickel Mesh DCT-2-A Single Coil Tank Cartomizer - A Fillerless Atomizer Style Carto for your Tank

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Unregistered Supplier
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Oct 22, 2010
Sugar Land, Texas USA
Great report Turts....

Vapemail is in. (Thank you GV, Danno, Sugarland, USPS. Ordered Monday, received Wednesday!)

(Grain of salt alert!)
The first 30 minutes of use review: Outstanding. Clean, flavorful, vaporous, warm vape. Fits perfectly (as expected) in a SMOKtech Ultimate Dual Coil Tank (UDCT). Spotlessly dry and leakless at the 510 connector. No dry hits, no flooding or gurgly hits. (I chain vape relentlessly.) All good!!

As easy to use as a Raven. Warmer than a Raven. Less airy than a Raven, with a smooth draw. Ravens last a long time and are easy to clean. We'll see how these hold up.

(End of grain of salt, first 30 minutes alert.)

ETA: It'll fit perfectly and look great in the SMOKtech Pyrex Glass DCT 6ml Tank With Locking Flange.


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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
Just got mine in today and so far first carto...dry hits :( maybe next one will be better

You may want to say how long after filling did you start vaping, what PG/VG ratio you are vaping, what wattage/voltage you vaping it at and in general how thick the e-juice is... all of this and more factor into it and if you don't provide that info at least... no one will be able to make a suggestion.


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May 14, 2013
Has this been thru the Alpha program, or are there any user reviews anywhere please?

I picked up four of these this past week. I have not have a very good exp with the two I have opened up so far. Either getting burnt awfulness or gurgling and floods all over the place. I am using them in a smok 5ml tank and a artemis slim locking dct. I've tried them on ego twist batts, my vamo v2, vamo v3, mkb-ts, even my ego mini (350mah) all with the same results.... Burnt with light puffs and drowning in juice w strong pulls. I've been trying to vape bwb caramel cappuccino (50/50 pgvg) and a few juices from roar vapors all 70/30 blends but his juice is thin for a high vg liquid. Not liking these at all :(

Any advice for trouble shooting and getting a good vape would be apreciated
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ECF Guru
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Jun 26, 2011
The Reef just off the Florida coast
I picked up four of these this past week. I have not have a very good exp with the two I have opened up so far. ...

1) Did you get them from GV, or somewhere else?
2) How much did you prime them with?
3) Did you fill the tanks full, or test fill a small amount?


Ultra Member
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Dec 27, 2012
as mentioned by the great guys above, certain products will have no draw on certain batt mods, provari being one of them, you can use a 510 to 510 for that. These are the latest updated versions, we dont say that with our products lightly, if we say its updated then trust in us that it is or simply call the factory we made the claim about.

The initial batch actually did have a tight draw, this was way over a month ago, others who tested it and us informed smoktech and they made minor improvements towards wicking and draw and when those were tested we brought them aboard. so ours should have a good draw which has been mentioned by the posters above but its always a possibility that certain mods will restrict airflow because of how they attach to the mod and seal up any chance for airflow to work.

We have tested the smoktech mesh carto, so have many of our customers here on ecf and we are not seeing ours being reported with the issues some have described, so if you purchased these elsewhere it is best to go to that vendor to deal with issues you might be having since there are many variations in products out there and we strive to carry the newest and latest versions. It would be nice if people posting about this would mention if you purchased it from GotVapes or elsewhere and when. To avoid confusion.. thank you. =)
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Senior Member
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May 14, 2013
1) Did you get them from GV, or somewhere else?
2) How much did you prime them with?
3) Did you fill the tanks full, or test fill a small amount?

Yes sir picked them up through gv
Primed with three drops
The 5 ml tank I filled about half way, the smaller tank almost 3/4 the way full.

I popped open a third one this morning to try. I put it into a 5ml tank about half full of dark honey tobacco from aromajuice and primed it with five drops. This one is hitting like a champ. I think I let this one sit a little longer after priming it and before vaping as my little guy had me busy this morning. How long do you guys let them sit after priming them? Think this could have been the problem?
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May 14, 2013
ok, good to know. you should prime it , not just the coil, but the mesh, they need a little time becuase of the mesh for the juice to get in all the nooks and crannies, so try tod o the same with the others and let us know

I think this may have been it right here.
When I primed the first two I dropped right onto the coil and let it sit for a few min then no fire drag then vape. Results not very good.

The one I tried this morning I dripped down the sides and let sit a bit longer before no fire drag then vape. Very good (like I was so pleasantly surprised good) results.

I'm going to clean and dry burn the first two and try again with them tonight. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I think my problem was not getting enough fluid into the mesh as I dripped onto the coil


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May 14, 2013
You may also want to thin that juice a bit since it's a VG based one

I would consider giving that a try. What do you recommend to thin it with, water or alcohol? What kind of concentration? For the most part even though that is a somewhat thicker juice it seems to be wicking well unless I seriously chain vape the carto, which I may or may not do upon occasion lol.


ECF Guru
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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
People recommend either alcohol or distilled water to thin with... I'd stick with distilled water since the alcohol will evaporate off quickly. The down side to water is that it can sputter sometimes but usually isn't bad if you don't over do it.

Each juice differs in thickness and I've never tried the one you listed... so start with a drop or two in a tank and add to that if needed ( shake after adding ). Pay attention to the thickness before you add and during to get more of an idea of how it is affecting the thickness.

One of the advantages of the Evod, T3, MT3 and Protanks by Kanger is that you can add/remove flavor wicks in the coil so you can adjust for different thickness's of the e-liquids without having to alter the juice themselves. I've been vaping 30/70 PG/VG juices in mine and have yet to have any issue with dry hits. The Vapeonly tank is similar and has more capacity than the Kangers... but I do like how well constructed the Kanger line is, so ATM I've only tried one Vapeonly ( with great results even if I prefer the Kangers slightly )


ECF Guru
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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
Ahh didn't think about the alcohol evaporating quickly, that's a good point. I have ro/di water readily avail at home for my aquariums. 99.99% pure water so I think I'll try adding a drop when I get home. We'll give this juice thinning thing a whirl.

And don't forget to try the other suggestions first since thinning will be a good final step to try.

Always take into consideration that most vaporizers ( carto, atty, clearo, or tanks ) are not made with thick juices in mind so we've got to usually take extra steps with them to make them flow better. Also, different e-liquids even at the same PG/VG ratio will have different viscosities ( thickness's ).... so each one may require different tactics to get a good result in a particular vaporizer.


Senior Member
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May 14, 2013
Oh most def hear you man. On my vape only tanks and evods I mess w the wicks to get better vaping results. But with these nickle mesh cartos I think thinning the juice I tried today will be the way to go.

I think most my issues yesterday were from dripping onto the coil not down the sides into the mesh.

It's funny also how most all vaping devices seem to work with thin juices but all the ones I like are thicker aside from the stuff I buy from (removed vendor name)
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