New Inawera Tobacco Flavours (RY4, US Mix, Virginia, Dromedary, Arabic Tobacco) by Tino d'Milano

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Jun 27, 2012
Hello, dear DIY community :)

There has already been the odd Inawera review here - not that many in fact, as they are not stateside, but as previous reviewers found, some of their flavourings are actually quite nice and worth the import. Here in Germany, they are actually moderately popular.

Inawera has recently teamed up with a new supplier, Tino d'Milano, to complement their portfolio in the "higher" range.

The stuff I'm reviewing here today is actually not available until the end of August, but by then what I have set up should have steeped properly and I can update the findings from below.

So - to keep everything transparent - here is the disclaimer: I have received the aroma samples free of charge for testing purposes and obviously to give them feedback. However I have not been asked to make any falsely positive reviews in order to get this. I buy with them on a regular basis and from time to time they invite their customers to test new products for them. That's all it is. Of course, I am recycling a lot of what I wrote to them in this post. If you think that makes me already too biased, don't read on :)

There are five new tobacco-style flavours coming out:

  • Virginia
  • RY4
  • US Mix
  • Dromedary (clearly a take on Desert Ship or Kahmel)
  • Arabic Tobacco

First of all, some basics about this test:

All liquids were tested with the following setup:

  • Nic Base used was 18mg, roughly a "tradizionale" mix with less water.
  • Mixing strength: the provided aromas / flavours seem somewhat less concentrated as competitor's tobacco aromas. While some FA and TPA tobaccos are already overdosed at 2-3%, I had to go to around 5-6% with this to get a decent tasting experience. It even feels like I could go with another per cent or two without spoiling the result. This is true for all flavours in this test.
  • Atomizer was an Olympian 306 dripping atty in Low Res
  • Battery: Ego Twist, at varying voltages, but mainly at around 3.8V
  • All impressions below are after 24h of steeping. I will post again in a week or so as tobacco liquids in general need some serious maturing time.

Well, after all of this introductory blurb, let's cut to the chase:


"Sniffing" test of aroma bottle

  • smell is not very intensive
  • strong floral note, smells of violets or similar
  • no tobacco note in the smell - let's see if one develops in the mix

Vaping test

  • No unpleasant aftertastes or side components
  • prominent vanilla note
  • tobacco is present but light and muted
  • very light floral note, but not creating a negative sensation

My verdict:
The main quality of this flavouring is not the aroma in and of itself, but the absence of any unpleasant components or aftertastes (see Arabic's cheesy note). Other than that it's a pretty non-committal, middle-of-the-road tobacco style flavour, going in the direction of Asian tobacco liquids with a well-defined vanilla-note. This could be a good all-day vape, and I am looking forward to see the results from steeping in a week or so.


"Sniffing" test of aroma bottle

  • very chemical smell, solvent-like
  • none of the typical RY4-type aromas (vanilla, caramel, tobacco) accounted for

Vaping test

I was very sceptical to create a mix with something that smells of solvents as prominently as this. But "in the interest of science" of course I created a sample anyway :)

  • The solvent-like smell has vanished in the finished mix
  • Vanilla is the prominent taste, however slightly artificial
  • There is a tobacco note, but it is very muted and understated (may improve with steeping)
  • It's missing other flavours from the classic RY4 flavour profile such as caramel and slight nuttiness.
  • Slightly on the sweet side, but this can be expected of an RY4 type flavour.

My verdict:
Meh. To create a good RY4 is a real science, this is shown already in the availability of dozens or even hundreds of RY4 type liquids on offer (check Bill Herbst's excellent thread if you're into RY4 as much as I am) let alone the flavour offerings. TPA alone has three different varieties. This shows that there is no certainty on how a good RY4 has to taste.
If I take the original flavour profile / Ruyan / Dekang as a benchmark, with a well-balanced combination of tobacco, vanilla and caramel with a nutty undertone, this flavouring agent does not achieve this. I can taste vanilla and a hint of tobacco. Not unpleasant, but non an RY4 in the typical sense. I may revise this opinion after steeping, but currently this is rather boring.

US Mix

"Sniffing" test of aroma bottle

  • clearly present tobacco note
  • second aroma component seems to be cocoa-like, however not as prominent as in the Arabic Tobacco aroma

Vaping test

  • Slight cocoa note shows up again
  • Tobacco note pleasant and definitely more present than in the Virginia sample
  • Light floral / perfumy note, can't put my finger on it. Not sure yet if I like. Hopefully this goes away with steeping.
  • Side note: the aroma seems less concentrated as competitor's tobacco aromas. While some FA and TPA tobaccos are already overdosed at 2-3%, I had to go to around 5-6% with this to get a decent tasting experience. It even feels like I could go with another per cent or two without spoiling the result. This is true for all flavours in this test.

My verdict:
This is a solid tobacco aroma with a flavour profile similar to some of the Asian ready-made Liquids with a similar name. The chocolatey / cocoa-like taste is more a complement than a prominent note, it seems well-balanced. Currently the only thing about it I don't like is the slightly floral aftertaste, which however may go away after steeping. I will update in time.


"Sniffing" test of aroma bottle

  • very pleasant combination of tobacco and woody notes
  • the aroma has a slightly sweetish quality to it, however this is very understated

Vaping test

  • Surprise: even with hardly any steeping (one day is virtually nothing for tobacco style liquids) there is a clear flavour profile reminiscing the classic Desert Ship:
  • Tobacco has woody character and is very prominent (the first proper tobacco liquid in this round)
  • Well-balanced nuttiness, very pleasant.
  • Good flavour density, there is a hint of caramel as well, but there is hardly any of the sweetness from the "sniffing" test remaining.
  • Very nice finish, compared to FA's Desert Ship this one is completely without the peppery / soapy finish.

Even without too much steeping, I already love this. Well-balanced flavour profile that reminds me of a good turkish blend. Even in the DIY version this can easily compete with some Asian ready-mades (Desert Ship / Kahmel type). Steeping will certainly make the flavours develop and meld, but this is already a very nice vape straight after "the shake". My winner in this round.

Arabic Tobacco

"Sniffing" test of aroma bottle

  • very intense cocoa note
  • I can't really detect any other aromas other than cocoa

Vaping test

  • strong cocoa taste, slightly on the artificial side
  • no detectable tobacco note (may need more steeping)
  • slightly "cheesy" aftertaste, not very pleasant

My verdict:
Currently this is not a tobacco flavour but an unsweetened cocoa liquid which has an unpleasant aftertaste in the category of "fermented" or "cheese". Let's hope more steeping will improve this, currently this is not a favourite.

Right, that's it for now. Let me repeat that tobacco DIY liquids have a tendency to require at least a week if not more worth of steeping, so wouldn't be surprised if there will be a totally different verdict in a week's time. Watch this space.

Catch you all later,



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Jun 27, 2012

I promised an update after the steeping time. I did the review, but totally forgot to post it here.

So, if you're interested, here goes:

This is the follow-up to my previous test, after 3 weeks of steeping.

Set up for testing is the same as before.



After steeping, this juice now presents itself ... just as boring as before. It's not unpleasant, but certainly undistinguished.
The steeping developed a slightly floral, nearly fruity note (which doesn't belong in an RY4), and a faint tobacco note is still noticeable.
Still no sign of either vanilla, caramel or nut.

Again, not unpleasant, but in my view the efforts from FlavourArt and TFA (RY Double, not the fishy Asian version nor the overly floral standard RY4) are superior to this. (Please strike the last line if not allowed in an Inawera forum)

Not on my purchase list (will buy more Dromedary instead)



This has developed all right. The tobacco is present, and overall sweetness has increased.
Previously absent, after steeping there is now a distinct note of geranium on the exhale, (maybe this is what the previous poster described as rotten fruit).
I don't find it unpleasant, it adds a somewhat grassy note to the liquid and brings it closer to a cigarette feel. No harshness whatsoever, I stand to my previous conclusion:

Still an okay vape, now a little bit on the sweet side. However I have to say this may be due to dosage at 5%. Nice non-commital, middle-of-the-road sweet tobacco vape

Arabic Tobacco


Yuck. The cheesy note has not gone away - quite the opposite. If the flavour could be described it's something along the lines of eating last Easter's chocolate off somebody's unwashed feet.

Sorry, I had to throw the rest away and put the Atty in grain alcohol to get the very pertinent flavour out. Blegh.

Dromedary (now called S'Camel in store)


The originally strong woody notes have dissipated a bit and are now a lot more understated. This now presents itself as a well-rounded, light tobacco, with present notes of caramel and some nuttiness, and a hint of vanilla (pleasantly no overt taste of vanillin) on the exhale. In fact, this shows a lot of the qualities the RY4 should have brought, and unfortunately didn't.

Definitely 10 out of 10 and a new favourite vape - the first flavor agent I have had to buy a refill of it's so good!

US Mix


Having read through my previous write-up, I can't believe this is the same liquid. It is.
However, the cocoa note is now overpowering everything else. There is only the faintest hint of tobacco, idling somewhere in the background. The floral note of the first review has thankfully dissipated, however this focuses plainly on the overbearing cocoa / dark chocolate.

Not on my purchase list (Hooray, more Dromedary to buy)

What's more: Inawera will come out with five more tobacco flavours (Parliament, Davidoff, Cherry Cigar, Tobacco, Winston and US Blend (not US Mix :)) and I have been asked to review this. To follow here on the forum shortly.


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