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New Member
Nov 27, 2012
United States
Hi all, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is David, I live in the Dallas, TX area. Ive been a 1-1.5 PAD analog smoker for about 15 years, and just got my first PV on 11/26/12 from a local vendor, Good Vapes. They set me up with a eGo stardust kit and it is working great for this noob. This is good stuff, I wish I would have found pv's/e-cigs years ago!
The crazy thing is, I wasn't even planning on quitting, I had been entertaining the idea of using e-cigs to offset and reduce the number of analogs I smoked. And yesterday as I was waiting for traffic to clear I seen Good Vapes in a shopping center and decided to stop in and check it out. I bought the kit and walked out with vape in hand. Since then, Ive had about 1/3 of a analog cigarette after a big meal, but I put it out in favor of my vape. Not because it was better for me or because i just spent all that money on it, but because it was like finding a new brand/flavor analog that I preferred over my old brand.


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
David, great to hear you are enjoying vaping and found it so easy to switch! And welcome to ECF. Anytime you have any questions, just pop in here and ask away.

Now, your Stardusts are eventually going to need some maintanence. Here is a video on how to do that. There are many more vids on the net about it, just wanted to point you to one of them.

Have fun and happy vaping :toast:
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