New Member - Vaping or Cold Turkey - Help me out guys

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Full Member
Feb 4, 2017
New Zealand
Hi everyone,

I have just signed up in ecf, have been reading the forum great stories for a few days now.

I will start with a brief about myself. A 30 years old male, smoking 1 pack a day for around 10 years now. I have always been pathetic to quit smoking, first of all because I hate the concept of addiction. Then my health (I was diagnosed to have fatty liver four years ago and need to lose 10kg, which while smoking seems impossible), my family and of course the money that is being taken from me by the producers of this hell stick and addiction.

I have tried quitting with patches, gums, cold turkey in the past. The most effective one was cold turkey which lasted once for 18 months, and most recent one for 3 months from Dec 2016 to March 2016. This ended because of a loss of a family member, RIP, and before I knew it I was smoking a pack a day again...

During my last three months quit I was feeling great. Going to the gym every day, building up some muscles, burning some fat, and again, since March last year I am back where I was, struggling to get rid of Nicotine.

The three months quit was after reading Allen Carr's two books, easy way to stop smoking, the only way to stop smoking, and currently I am reading Free From Nicotine by 'John R. Polito'. I truly understand the concept of addiction and what these books are trying to say, but still I feel so dump when I am not able to quit.

Anyway, I decided to give vapor a try. So I bought a good mid-range expensive kit, managed to not smoke for 2 days with this, and the temptation was there and I had one. Since the last three weeks I have been dual user, because I still think vapor is nicotine delivery and is not the solution to my problem, it's just changing the worst to worse. I know that based on some government articles it is now estimated to be %95 safer than cigarettes, but still, I am thinking to my myself if I could quit cold turkey previously, why should I now deal with vaping, wattage, ohms, liquids, new potential risks, a whole new subject, and still a slave to the nicotine.

Sorry for the long complicated post guys. It's just that I am tired of having this addiction dragging me along, sacrificing my health, disturbing my wife, taking all my money even when I didn't have a job for a month, and when I know it is doing me absolutely nothing (thanks to the books to teach me this). So to summarize and give my post a meaning, I would ask my questions:

1. Last week, after my last failed cold turkey attempt, I purchased a new e-liquid to try the vapor again with total quit of analogs. But since vaping the new brand (I am not sure if I can name it here), three days ago I had a dizziness attack, and feeling unstable since then. I visited my GP and she said it might be because of the vaping, or just a minor dehydration. She suggested me to stop vaping for a few days, and if needed, get continue with normal cigs to see if the dizziness goes away - which it hasn't though. Has any one experienced this with vaping a new brand?

2. Is it really easier to get off vaping vs getting off analogs? I have read many stories, various opinions. But need some more experience from you guys. Since getting rid of Nicotine addiction is my final goal, even if I commit to only vaping and no analogs, I am planning to do it for a month or two, and then put Nicotine aside altogether. So using vaping as a quit tool. Would appreciate any opinion on this.

3. Might be out of the scope of this forum, but what do you guys think? what's your experience? shall I keep trying with cold turkey to quit, or switch to vaping for a while? Last time when I quit cold turkey it was the same, I tried, and tried, and tried, and after failing for 10-20 times I eventually got it down for three months. That's why I know that keep trying will work. But it's hard, and each failure destroys my self confidence a bit more. And honestly, where I live, cigarettes do not have a good social look and are really really expensive.

Sorry for the long post again. But I know many of you guys would feel me here.

Thank you.


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Well, a couple of things. No idea what's up with the dizziness, so follow that up with your doctor. Second, if you want to wean off nicotine, you can accomplish that over time with vaping by slowly dropping the nicotine concentration you vape until it's at zero. I'd say dropping by 25% every few months is the easiest, so 12 mg to 9 mg and so on.

Finally, what's the best way to stop smoking? It's the one that works for you. If you can do it cold turkey and don't want to deal with vaping then by all means go that route. I'd say the same about using patches, gums, whatever. It's all about what it takes to get you to stop. Vaping is only one of several ways. Cold turkey never worked for me, but it would have been great if it did.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
May 22, 2015
Hi everyone,

I have just signed up in ecf, have been reading the forum great stories for a few days now.

I will start with a brief about myself. A 30 years old male, smoking 1 pack a day for around 10 years now. I have always been pathetic to quit smoking, first of all because I hate the concept of addiction. Then my health (I was diagnosed to have fatty liver four years ago and need to lose 10kg, which while smoking seems impossible), my family and of course the money that is being taken from me by the producers of this hell stick and addiction.

I have tried quitting with patches, gums, cold turkey in the past. The most effective one was cold turkey which lasted once for 18 months, and most recent one for 3 months from Dec 2016 to March 2016. This ended because of a loss of a family member, RIP, and before I knew it I was smoking a pack a day again...

During my last three months quit I was feeling great. Going to the gym every day, building up some muscles, burning some fat, and again, since March last year I am back where I was, struggling to get rid of Nicotine.

The three months quit was after reading Allen Carr's two books, easy way to stop smoking, the only way to stop smoking, and currently I am reading Free From Nicotine by 'John R. Polito'. I truly understand the concept of addiction and what these books are trying to say, but still I feel so dump when I am not able to quit.

Anyway, I decided to give vapor a try. So I bought a good mid-range expensive kit, managed to not smoke for 2 days with this, and the temptation was there and I had one. Since the last three weeks I have been dual user, because I still think vapor is nicotine delivery and is not the solution to my problem, it's just changing the worst to worse. I know that based on some government articles it is now estimated to be %95 safer than cigarettes, but still, I am thinking to my myself if I could quit cold turkey previously, why should I now deal with vaping, wattage, ohms, liquids, new potential risks, a whole new subject, and still a slave to the nicotine.

Sorry for the long complicated post guys. It's just that I am tired of having this addiction dragging me along, sacrificing my health, disturbing my wife, taking all my money even when I didn't have a job for a month, and when I know it is doing me absolutely nothing (thanks to the books to teach me this). So to summarize and give my post a meaning, I would ask my questions:

1. Last week, after my last failed cold turkey attempt, I purchased a new e-liquid to try the vapor again with total quit of analogs. But since vaping the new brand (I am not sure if I can name it here), three days ago I had a dizziness attack, and feeling unstable since then. I visited my GP and she said it might be because of the vaping, or just a minor dehydration. She suggested me to stop vaping for a few days, and if needed, get continue with normal cigs to see if the dizziness goes away - which it hasn't though. Has any one experienced this with vaping a new brand?

2. Is it really easier to get off vaping vs getting off analogs? I have read many stories, various opinions. But need some more experience from you guys. Since getting rid of Nicotine addiction is my final goal, even if I commit to only vaping and no analogs, I am planning to do it for a month or two, and then put Nicotine aside altogether. So using vaping as a quit tool. Would appreciate any opinion on this.

3. Might be out of the scope of this forum, but what do you guys think? what's your experience? shall I keep trying with cold turkey to quit, or switch to vaping for a while? Last time when I quit cold turkey it was the same, I tried, and tried, and tried, and after failing for 10-20 times I eventually got it down for three months. That's why I know that keep trying will work. But it's hard, and each failure destroys my self confidence a bit more. And honestly, where I live, cigarettes do not have a good social look and are really really expensive.

Sorry for the long post again. But I know many of you guys would feel me here.

Thank you.

Your doc seems strange.
I suppose it's a relatively new thing but you should drink more water while vaping.

perhaps you should use vaping as a means to an end. Eskie is right about reduction and It is easier to decrease nic and eventually quit vaping altogether (I would imagine). Something which is not always possible for everyone with conventional cigarettes.

Best of luck. :thumb:
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Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
I tried many times to quit smoking and I finally got angry. I switched overnight. One of my preparations was to vape at a high nic content. I did not want to do it halfway. In smoking, I spent about $200 a month for a PAD. I was fine to spend that every month if need be to make vaping work. I was tired of the health, stinking, stigma, and everything else about smoking.

the morning I started vaping, I just vaped whenever it came to mind. I took my vaporizer everywhere, but did not sit it in my line of sight. I wanted to "feel" the need to vape. It ended up about 3-4 vapes an hour. By lunch time, I knew that vaping could and would replace my smoking, no problem. I just continued.

I, slowly, over about 2 years lowered my nic content. When I dropped a step, I would vape a little more often, but then my work/routines would get in the way and I would be settled at that level. At breakfast, I had a tank with a step up nic content and a step lower nic for when I sat in front of the TV with it in my hand.

I would just follow the physical need for awhile and see a doc if you need. A lot of info is here, too.
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Full Member
Feb 4, 2017
New Zealand
Wow, I am really impressed with your support guys.

Thank you everyone. Yes, you are all right about the possible reduction. I hate analogs, and do not want to be dual. I know it's just a minor temptation, because the first few days I was okay with just vaping and not smoking at all. no hard craving.

I just gave all my remaining analogs to a by passer asking for a cig, so I now only have my vapor, 3 bottles of 18mg and one bottle of 6mg in case if I want to vape lower or mix them up. Though along the process I will try to confirm if the dizziness is caused by the vaping, and will try to drink too much water.

I am really motivated to not have analogs, I hate them. Anytime I will feel the need, I will vape a bit. Wish me luck guys :)

Thank you all.


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
I am really motivated to not have analogs, I hate them. Anytime I will feel the need, I will vape a bit. Wish me luck guys :)

Thank you all.

The best way to use vaping to stop smoking is to do just that. Vape. Don't limit your vaping, especially at the beginning. Don't try for the "I'll only use my vape if I'm desperate". Vape enough so you have no desire for a cig and you will begin to forget about the cigs. You can deal with getting off of a vape if you choose to (lot's of us don't, we just like vaping) down the road when cigs are a distant memory.


I'm your huckleberry.
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
Vape away! Just drink more water than your usual daily intake as PG and VG are hygroscopic and will dehydrate you rapidly, hence the vaping headaches. Start high nic and slowly work your way down...if your desire to quit analogs is there, this will help immensely and help curb those cravings.


Ultra Member
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Feb 12, 2014
Ont. Canada
If one can quit cold turkey that is the way to go. Why put anything in your lungs you do not have to. When I got into vaping four years ago after smoking for 42 years I never considered vaping like taking vitamins. I honestly wanted to quit playing hockey 5 and six years ago and only played once a week. Fast forward four years I am having the time of my life playing 3 or 4 days a week pushing age 60. No one will ever convince me vaping is not safer and less harm than smoking. Everyone asks me when I will quit or get to zero nicotine and they all get the same answer, Smoked 42 years so I still have 38 years to get there. CHEERS!
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E-Cig Afficionado
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Mar 19, 2013
New York
You can try to quit cold turkey, if you can do that it's better than anything else.


I'm guessing you'll be unsuccessful, don't get me wrong it is possible and some people have done it. But I've seen ALOT more people fail than succeed in fact you're odds are pretty bad. I'd say give it a shot cold turkey if you see yourself failing instead of going back to smoking pick up an e-cig and give that a proper go before you go back to smoking.

Let us know how it works out and if you need help with anything just ask.
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Ultra Member
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  • Oct 28, 2014
    The pure nicotine of vaping is far less addictive. After a long period of dual use, once I was vape only I didn't taper off the nicotine, I slashed the levels overnight. It's just not that appealing without the whole tobacco cocktail. During the dual use period I never once went backwards, it's very easy to not plunge back into smoking.

    I would have a trouble quitting vape because I really like it, but it has become less fresh and new so maybe someday. A friend quit vaping simply out of lost interest, he was forgetting to even do it.

    There was someone here recently who started vaping after 6 years not smoking, for fear that their current situation was going to lead them back to smoking. While it would have been better healthwise to stay quit, it shows how continuous a job quitting is.
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    Ultra Member
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    Apr 2, 2013
    BC Canada
    I was skeptical the first day I got our ego kits. I didn't mind the taste of the 24nic Chinese 555 juice(only option available) but didn't have cravings all day. The real test was the next morning without that first morning vaping worked just fine with no cravings. I did just dandy the first week or two until I burnt the clearo and had to change the head then vaping went downhill with a poorly wrapped head that tore my throat out with hot metallic vape. I had to re-evaluate vaping and decided to get more into what makes this vaping tick. Joined this forum, watched a few videos figured out the problem with my clearo head then solved it, back to happy vaper. That started me to rebuild my attys then began making my own juice so I have come full circle and vaping like a boss now.
    A big step is to throw away all your tobacco products so there is no temptation to light that cig...out of sight, out of mind.


    Super Member
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    Apr 25, 2015
    Illinois, US
    I think you are more hung up on the nicotine thing than you should be. Nicotine in itself is not the awful demon it is portrayed as. It is very much on the same level as caffeine. The problem is that most people just instantly associate nicotine with cigarettes. In a cig, there are literally thousands of chemicals. Nicotine is just one of those. In fact, there are even some studies now that are showing it may actually be beneficial(source: )

    Personally, I would use vaping as a means to an end in your shoes. Use it to get the hand to mouth sensation, and to get off cigarettes. Once you have that, you can step down in the nicotine levels and eventually be rid of it. Then, if you still want that hand to mouth sensation, vape 0mg liquids. If not, just stop vaping.


    Full Member
    Feb 4, 2017
    New Zealand
    Hi guys,

    I read and appreciate every single one of your replies.
    I didn't smoke nor vaped today for around 14 hours to see how it affects the dizziness, but it didn't. So I feel like it has nothing to do with vaping (until end of next week, which if it is not resolved I will visit my GP again).

    Hence, I will start vaping tomorrow to quit analogs altogether, and once settled in, I will start decreasing the nic level. Will use all your support and posts here in ecf.

    Thank you all.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Dec 24, 2014
    1. Last week, after my last failed cold turkey attempt, I purchased a new e-liquid to try the vapor again with total quit of analogs. But since vaping the new brand (I am not sure if I can name it here), three days ago I had a dizziness attack, and feeling unstable since then. I visited my GP and she said it might be because of the vaping, or just a minor dehydration. She suggested me to stop vaping for a few days, and if needed, get continue with normal cigs to see if the dizziness goes away - which it hasn't though. Has any one experienced this with vaping a new brand?
    Welcome and glad you joined.
    Might like to read:
    A list of symptoms when quitting tobacco and changing to an ecigarette
    vapetown Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

    2&3. Is it really easier to get off vaping vs getting off analogs? I have read many stories, various opinions. But need some more experience from you guys. Since getting rid of Nicotine addiction is my final goal, even if I commit to only vaping and no analogs, I am planning to do it for a month or two, and then put Nicotine aside altogether. So using vaping as a quit tool. Would appreciate any opinion on this.
    Do what is easiest for you. Goals are great but take the time to achieve them. I would not recommend setting arbitrary time or quantity restrictions, but let my body and mind tell me when it's time. Too much pressure is counter productive.


    Full Member
    Feb 4, 2017
    New Zealand
    Welcome and glad you joined.
    Might like to read:
    A list of symptoms when quitting tobacco and changing to an ecigarette
    vapetown Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

    Do what is easiest for you. Goals are great but take the time to achieve them. I would not recommend setting arbitrary time or quantity restrictions, but let my body and mind tell me when it's time. Too much pressure is counter productive.

    Hi Brother Bob,

    Thank you and all other supporters in here.
    yes, of course. If I can entirely quit Nicotine with vaping, even if it takes 6 months but its permanent it's totally worth it.

    I visited my dr, and the dizziness I had initially was probably because of dehydration. So I was asked to stop vaping for a few days to confirm this. I will start switching completely to vapor from Tuesday again, if it's confirmed dizziness is from vaping, I am fine with that, at least I know the reason. Will go on and keep myself hydrated until my body gets used to it.

    I also read many threads that relate dehydration to vaping, so need to improve my knowledge on this for the time being.

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