New Poster 5 Weeks into vaping. long vanity post.

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New Member
Jun 17, 2013
Wayne, MI
Good evening/morning everyone. I'm 52 and have been smoking since I was 13 or 14, I am neither a wordsmith nor am I a good speller so I ask a little leeway on this. This is my story on the transition from smoking to vaping I'm hoping it will give some encouragement or help if anyone is thinking about switching to vaping, it could just bore you so I apologize if that’s the case.
About Me.
As I said I’ve been smoking for close to 40 years, 1 PAD for most part but the last 4-5 years 2 PAD. I’m currently disabled due to a back injury, but was used to working 12 -18 hours a day in a Warehouse doing physical labor and also as an A+ certified computer tech. My new sedatary life style has been difficult to get used to.
Introduction to vaping.
My sister’s brother-in-law whom I’ve known for most my life started smoking Finns after his DR told him he was killing himself He has been analog free for over a year! I tried it but did not like the flavor but I did like the concept.
Reason to start Vaping.
While there are many good reasons, I had a very specific reason! I’m due for another back fusion surgery and I have to be off the nicotine for 3 months to increase my odds for a successful fusion also as I’m sure most of us that have quit cold turkey the pounds just pile on, I wanted to keep that to a minimum as I don’t need to stress my back anymore than it is.
I started looking online and came across ECF, I read and watched Videos for as much as I could stand it as often as I could. I also suffered from information overload and would have to walk away from the computer when the smoke would start sizzling out my ears. After about a week I figured out about what I was looking for, I am of southern descent so there’s the cheap part but I also didn’t want to spend money twice by “get an ego” and then move up from there. I set my sights on the Vamo due to the video’s by Pbusardo, the ability to use multiple threaded tanks and cartos (EGO + 510), and the VV/VW option. I also went with the EVOD clearomizers and I picked up one Protank as I wanted to stay away from dry hits and be able to see how much juice I had left ( nice theory yet as I was just taking a break outside in the dark>>> yep nasty dry hit . I ordered most from Fasttech with the charger combo. I then started looking at different E-Liquids and after reading a lot of reviews and comment on here I ordered 3 different sampler packs. What I didn’t want was something the size of an analog or any juice that was tobacco flavored.
I was like a kid at Christmas and I couldn’t wait until the package arrived.
The Arrival.
The packages started arriving, since I ordered the e-liquids from a few U.S stores they arrived first. I was getting really antsy to the point my wife had to ask me to Shut up about the stupid Vaping stuff (she really deserved a medal as I was driving myself crazy!) Then it arrived, I couldn’t wait to get started, I read the directions (weird huh) and immediately made a mess trying to fill one of the EVODs. I was lucky I had alcohol pads handy for clean up. I managed to properly fill the protank (my wife was taken aback by the size of it) and sat down took a deep breath and tried my first Vape! Now I had read the proper vaping method and went over in my head – yet the first vape was inhaled just like an analog? Why why did I do that? 10 minutes later after I had hacked a lung I did the proper method of vaping, I then knew this was what was going to work for me. I soon realized as long as I had a bit of nicotine in the morning and after dinner I could vape the 0 nic the rest of the day and be satisfied (no explanation for that I guess I’m weird)
A rookie mistake, 3 weeks in I had been tightening the clearomizers too tight, next thing I know I’m getting the dreaded 9.9 ohms on my Vamo. I tried the fixes to no avail. I was devastated! I quickly ordered 2 more from fasttech and I bought 3 packs of analogs (yeech) man did they taste nasty! But with no stores that I could find near me I had no choice. On day 2 I ordered an Itaste VV to try to get me through until my beloveved Vamo’s arrived. At day 3 I couldn’t take it anymore I ordered a Vamo from the closest store I could find ( Priority that please!) My Itaste arrived first, it was so good to not have to touch another analog but it also left me wanting for the awesome performance of the vamo which arrived 3 days later.
How Lucky.
August 3rd I’m perusing the ECF and notice there was a Vapexpo in Ann Arbor on the 3rd and 4th only 30 minutes from me, August 2nd was my Birthday so I had $80 of Birthday money to spend, off to the expo I go. I was a little overwhelmed by the amount and variety of E-Cigs available and some of the High class juices there. I managed to trade a Vamo and only spend $20.00! I will say what a mix of people into Vaping, Probably the most diverse crowd I’d ever been in, and all were friendly! If there’s one around you it’s worth the trip. I’ll only mention one thing from there and that’s Fancee Juice Meesetracks a couple MLs after dinner with a cup of coffee and you’ve just had a fine dessert.
Health, Cost and Conclusion (about time)
The first morning after I started Vaping I woke up with a strange sensation in my chest, the heaviness and rough feeling I’ve had for years was gone, I have had a few hack attacks clearing out the tar I’ve been inhaling for years, I did have a bit of dry mouth and before I got my 0 nic juice I probably ingested too much nicotine but now since I only use low doses of nicotine in the AM and after dinner I’m equivalent to around 2-3 analogs a day and will soon be going 0 nic all the time ( as soon as I get my gallon of 0 nic Meesetracks J J/K) my cost is at $375 currently so roughly I’m breaking even compared to analogs, I figure I will spend between $40 and $50 a month on liquids. My inventory currently for equipment is 3 Vamo’s,14 EVODs ( hey there was a special plus 10% off!) 3 protanks ( 1 is leaking so I have to figure that one out) 10 extra atomizers for the EVODS and ProTanks, an Itaste VV with 5 tanks (that also fit the Vamo) and about 350ml of various liquids.
I do clean the atomizers and tanks once a week using the cheapest vodka I can find (no taste and evaporates quickly) and have not had one malfunction besides the vamo I killed.
So this was my experience, I’m sure yours will be different. Selecting E-Cigs and Liquids is harder than choosing a Car, Color and Options. You can start out much cheaper than I did to see if its right for you or you can easily spend 2-3x more so don’t let my cost scare you off. Do a lot of research; ask questions if you can’t find the answers through the search function on ECF. Then make up your mind what you want to try. If you’re lucky enough to have a vape shop close to you then that should help a lot. A good E-Cig and juice with the support this site provides I can’t see ever going back to analogs. Good luck and for those that made through thanks for reading.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 13, 2013
Illinois, United States
Welcome Wabbit.

your spelling is perfectly fine. Better than some people i have to call relatives.. thier speeling is leik this or in txt Lngo. they do not even use the correct text terms which drives me up the wall and has in turn gotten me blocked from most of their facebook account so i cannot critique their spelling errors.. lol.

great job on researching and buying what you want rather than buying cig-a-likes and then moving through them.

your A+ certification (hardware and/or software certification? I am xp/vista/7 software certified, and hardware certified) should atleast come in handy for some part time work doing computer repairs. there is no shortage of computer repair work around me. it seems everytime i fix one 2 more are given to me to "look at" which i end up fixing without thinking about it then feel bad charging them for a repair when i was supposed to look and give an estimate.

Hope your next fusion goes well and a speedy recovery.
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