New to diy liquids (First Mix)

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I just made my first recipe, made 30 ml in 3 bottles. Made a 50/50 blend at 18mg strength, ith 10% double chocolate (clear) (TFA), french vanilla (TFA), and 7% caramel (CAP). Going to try one soon and use the other 2 bottles after they steep for week or so. Hopefully it will be good lol

If you guys have any suggestions for recipes for the flavors i have on hand please post them as any help would be appreciated.

Red type 2 blend (TFA)
Turkish( TFA)
Smooth (TFA)
Western (TFA)
black cherry (TFA)
Bourbon (LorAnn)
Double chocolate (TFA)
French Vanilla (TFA)
Caramel (CAP)

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Congrats on the start of your DIY adventure. It really is a lot of fun. Only flavor I have that you listed is the double chocolate and it was great mixed with peppermint. I made my peppermint with a 50/50 mix of Everclear and peppermint. Made a nice juice. I haven't made that in a while, thanks for reminding me. Good luck and I hope all your juices come out great. I know they will. If not, play with em'. Be sure while you are adjusting any flavors or percentages, that you keep meticulous notes. The most important part is to just have fun.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2014
Salem, Oregon
I started out like you about a month ago and here I sit with 50+ flavors and find myself needing other flavors to mix a recipe that sounds good. I don't know how you came about gathering those particular flavors but I went through thinking, "oh...that sounds good" and "I'll bet that would go good with this" then I find recipes that I think they'll work for and realize there are others that are also necessary to bring out other flavors or that are flavors I just hadn't realized were even there. suggesting to you would be to start looking through the recipes and finding ones you want to make and make yourself a list of flavors you need.

Today, I set out to make a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake and got halfway through it when I realized I hadn't actually bought that white chocolate that was on my "to get" list Raspberry Cheescake is now steeping. Also, don't know if you know about Dannyv45's blogs but they are here on ECF and very helpful! Like his one on chocolate...I'd have never thought that one should use hazelnut to bring out the CHOCOLATE flavor.

Happy mixing!!!!
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