New to forum and vaping.

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Full Member
Jun 5, 2011
New Jersey
Hello everyone. I smoked 2.5 packs a day for almost 20 years. A couple weeks ago I had a horrible pain in my chest when breathing deeply and went to the hospital. Of course I thought I had lung cancer. It was only a pulled muscle in my chest but this was a huge wake up call for me. I prayed to god for my pain to not be cancer and promised I would quit smoking if it wasnt. I have tried every type of smoking cessation product and medication to no avail. Nothing worked for me because I loved to smoke. Deep down I didn't want to quit but I knew I had to before it was too late for me. I tried the njoy brand ecig and it's working great for me so far. I'm down to about 10 cigs a day now and it's unbelievable.

I truly think this ecig is going to work for me. Maybe this brand may not be the answer but I know I will find the right brand and model and I will eventually quit analogs completely.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2011
New Jersey
Btw, does anyone know what model type Njoy uses? I'm currently using the Njoy pro. 5 refill carts costs me around 20 bucks and that just seems very expensive to me compared to other companies that I have seen on the net. I was thinking of buying the Volcano brand Magma kit. For me it seems that would be the best choice. I like alot of vapor without having to draw to hard and long on the ecig and I still like my ecig to look and feel like a true analog cig, so this seems the best route for me. I visited their site from an ad on ecf so I'm assuming they are a reputable company. Does anyone know of any coupon codes for volcano?
Anyway, I really feel that once I get my magma kit I will have permanently quit analogs completely. It's a dream I honestly thought would never come true. I remember saying to people that I know cigarettes will be the reason for my death because in my heart I know I can never stop smoking. As crazy as that sounds, I know a lot of you know what I'm talking about. That's why it's so unbelievable to me that I'm down to about half a pack a day right now. I'm so very thankful for ecigs. They definitely saved my life.

Del Boy

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2011
South coast of England UK
Hi and welcome.

Brilliant. You're getting on nicely there. You've cut out 2 whole packs of cigarettes a day.
The e cig you've got is a great starter/try out. If you can use some of the money you save, from cutting your smoking, to get yourself an upgrade then i think it will help you better and for longer. With an upgrade you could have longer battery life (all day) refillable cartridges (easy to fill ) and an even better vaping experience that will blow analogs clean out of the water.

So, well done and keep it going.

BTW i've pulled a muscle in my chest before and it does feel like something terrible could be wrong. And it


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Dec 31, 2008

Critter Man

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 7, 2010
Of course I thought I had lung cancer. It was only a pulled muscle in my chest but this was a huge wake up call for me.

Intercostal (between the ribs) pain WILL convince you that you're dying! It feels like you inhaled a fillet knife. Glad to hear it wasn't cancer. I myself am making the noob move and I've got a pair of 401s coming. It's kind of like buying a basic sedan when everyone else tells you that you should've bought a sports car. You don't need a fancy PV, you need a PV you want to use. Congrats on the cutting back with the smokes, don't feel rushed to give up those last six a day. Eventually, you just won't want them (based on what I've read here in the forums).

To your health! :toast:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Welcome. Njoy is not one of the better reviewed PV's (personal vaporizers). I would suggest the next step would be a RIVA 901 or 510 and DEFINITELY with manual batteries not auto batteries like your Njoy. You will be pleasantly surprised at the better performance. And pick up some eliquid at about 24mg nicotine strength to start out until you find what works best for you.

Good Luck


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
I no longer use the nJoy (RN4081) but use to. The atty is pretty good little item--definitely a work horse. It's the battery that's the pits. I hear they are getting better though.
I've switched to the 510 because there are more options available.

If you plan on staying with the nJoy keep an eye out on classifieds--I plan on getting rid of some stuff---including mods.

And welcome---stick with it--your health will thank you.
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