New to vaping. Few questions.

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Aug 22, 2010
sierra nevada foothills, ca

First off i wanna say this forum has been a wealth of knowledge into PV. I am completely new to it and am looking at it to attempt to quit smoking and live a bit healthier, but i have a few questions. I am considering a joye 510 unit as from what ive read these are pretty much generally considered to be the best. Ive seen the no box unit at cignot for a very reasonable $35. First question is are the ones cignot sell official joyetech devices? Ive seen them sold all the way up to $85 so im wondering if they sell cheap knock offs. Second question is battery life, Ive heard of the 510 battery lasting anywhere from 1 hour or less up to 3 hours or more, whats about average? Im about a half pack a day smoker, so i also have a question as to nic strength. I am guessing i should shoot at about 24mg cuz im thinking of vaping about as much as i smoke (every 2-3 hours). Also would another unit suit me better? such as an ego or riva? I know alot of this is personal prefference but i am trying to get into something new and dont wanna have a poor experience with it. Thanx for any answers or advice you can provide.


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Sep 22, 2009
Tampa, Fl
Hello Cat and Welcome to ECF. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with a 510 model but I have heard nothing but good things about the ladies that own the Cignot store. You can call them or email them and they will gladly steer you in the right direction as far as what you will need. Extra batteries, juice, a passthrough maybe.
Someone with some 510 experience will come along and answer your questions though. Just wanted to welcome you aboard.
Tracey :)


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Aug 8, 2010
I've seen a lot of people on these forums say Cignot is an excellent supplier.

Edit - Yes, I'm almost certain they're official Joye.

The 510 is fine if you don't intent to vape heavily. The batt should last an average of 1-2 hours (vaping time), so if you're occasionally vaping, you'll get maybe a day's use out it. But for sure, the best thing to do is get a spare battery anyway. Most starter kits come with 2 batteries - a manual and an automatic.

The eGo is very similar to the 510 (the parts are mostly interchangeable), but the battery is bigger, more powerful (better vape) and lasts 6-8 hours. What you can do later on is buy an eGo battery and cone, put them on the 510, and you've got an eGo.

I'd buy a 24mg juice, but maybe get some 0mg as well (which is just a PG/VG mix). If 24 is too strong, you can cut it down to 18, 12, or 6mg.



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Aug 22, 2010
sierra nevada foothills, ca
Thanx for the quick replies! I was thinking the same thing about upgrading to an ego battery if I get heavily into vaping. My idea for the whole thing is to put analog cigs down and use the 510 whenever I get cravings. I am also wondering with the 24mg liquid how much nicotine am I getting per cartridge fill? I know the average analog delivers 1 mg per cig (maybe a lil more in my case because I smoke camel 99's) so about how much vaping is equivalent to one cig? (again I am assuming this is relative to how much vapor you get per draw and the efficiency of the actual device) thanx again for the info.

Oh also what exactly should I do with my 510 when I pull it out of the box? I've read that I need to get rid of the packing juice on the arty and prime it. Do the batteries come recharged?
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Senior Member
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Aug 8, 2010
I am also wondering with the 24mg liquid how much nicotine am I getting per cartridge fill?

You should check the Health & Medical forums for that. To be honest, I read dozens of threads, and there doesn't seem to be an answer everyone agrees on. All I know is, I'm not getting all the other chemical crap they put in analogs.

Oh also what exactly should I do with my 510 when I pull it out of the box? I've read that I need to get rid of the packing juice on the arty and prime it. Do the batteries come recharged?

My 510 attys had no primer and the batteries were charged, so I started vaping at once and put the spare batt on charge. But it might be different with each supplier.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Yes cignot only sell teh JOYE stuff. I only buy my 510 atties from them and yes they come with primer which you must blow out because it ha a lovely oil taste if you don't lol.
The general consenus currently (it changes lol) is that vaping is up to 3 times as inefficient as a cig for nic delivery - so vaping 3 times as much to get the same 'nic hit'
isn't unusual. Vaping also delivers nic in a drip-drip rather than a WHAM that cigs do.
I started with 24mg, found it too high (I smoked ultralights, a pack a day and 2 at weekends), and came to 16-18mg which was much better. Im curently on 12 mg because i love vaping and would prefer to vape a lot in small doses than a little in high.
Most kit packs come with prefiled carts, which in the main aren't a great taste, but dont judge your new product based on those - buy lqiuids to refill from other places.
Cignot do a decent range called BASIC but the flavors are subtle (although nice) so you may want to branch out to somepalce like TAsty vapor or Backwoods brew whose flavors are a lot stronger :)


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Aug 22, 2010
sierra nevada foothills, ca
You guys are amazing! Very friendly and willing to share info with a pv newb like myself! I have been looking into tasty vapor as they seem to be a high quality supplier. I've also already read about the horrible cheap chinese carts the 510 comes with so I've already planned on buying a few empty carts to fill my own. The more I read the more I feel this will be the perfect tool to put down the nasty habit I've had for nearly 15 years. Thanx again so much for your ideas and opinions.
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