New to vaping, need advice

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Full Member
Sep 15, 2014
Cape Town
I quit smoking analogs fulltime many years ago and have been using Nicorette gum for years. I use around 10 pieces of 2mg gum per day and smoke a few analogs from time to time if the temptation becomes too much . That's what, still a 1 PAD nicotine habit? I am trying to stop using the gum and replace it with vaping. However, I experience terrible cravings not long after my last vape and can't seem to work out how much vaping will give me the right level of nicotine to be comfortable. I currently vape 18mg juice. Any advice will be much appreciated!


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Mar 22, 2013
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Welcome to the ECF boards, cfm.

I have lowered the nic content of my juices by quite a good amount. I vape until the nic urge is satisfied.

Don't confused your body's craving for nic vs the old habit of hand to mouth. For the latter, I use a 0mg mix, which resolves that situation. Actually, I find myself using more 0mg on a daily basis, now.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2014
I went through the same thing. Even worse I was sucking on the mini lozenges like they were going out of style. Finding the right NIC concentration is probably something you'll have to discover that on your own. I love the 18mg and find anything else doesn't hit my throat hard enough but I'm working on cutting that down to 12mg. I would focus on the cravings and do everything in your power to not satisfy them with anything to start. They will get easier to ignore!!
What you can do is pretty much just vape like it was an analog, take a couple of hits, then leave it, a couple of minutes later do it again, slowly your body will get accustomed to having the nicotine delivered in a different way, just don't chain vape or youll get dizzy and could burn the wick. hope this helped, if not just ignore it and wait a little bit.


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Oddly, I never had a craving problem when I started vaping. I was a 1.5 pack a day smoker and my withdrawals were pretty serious whenever I attempted to quit in a traditional way such as gum, lozenges, patch. I quit by vaping on accident. I picked up a cheap Blu kit when I was in a Walgreens with the intention of using it at work so I didn't have to hike a hundred miles to the smoking area on my 15 minute breaks. Long story short. I was vaping away the next morning, and it suddenly occurred to me that I had left my cigarettes in the car. In fact, I hadn't had one since before I went in to work the day before.

5 days later that same pack of smokes sat in my car untouched. I thought I'd reward myself for going with out a cigarette for the longest period of time ever with previous attempts to quit. I took one drag and nearly gagged at the nasty taste.

I vape 24mg juice now not because I need it. But because I enjoy it. I could probably tune down my nic level if I wanted.. just haven't come with a reason to yet.

One big difference I've noticed about vaping vs. analogs is that I don't get an immediate withdrawal or craving if I go without vaping for a few hours. In fact, there have been times where I have been busy all day and didn't have my ecig on me and I was just fine. Probably something to do with the delivery method of the nic.
Personally I never had an issue with cravings when switching to e cigarettes (pack a day average to 18mg then 12mg in clearo/ego) but my girlfriend is a different story. She just doesn't get the satisfaction like I do out of vaping and keeps going back to analogs. When she does vape it is 24-36mg juice and says its not enough. I have moved on to mods/rba/rda and since cannot go above 6mg or I get too much of a nic buzz so the device and power definitely have a lot to do with the efficiency of nic absorption. My girlfriend does not like the fact that most mods are bulky in size/weight so does not want one yet (I'm getting her one anyway within a week or two). I think for some people the nic absorption is just not enough on an ego style device and more power/more airflow will greatly increase the amount of nic delivered. It did for me. Another thing I noticed is she holds in the vapor much longer than I do. I feel like I get more nic by letting it out faster, as it can absorb into my throat and mouth more before disappating on the exhale.


ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
10 x 2mg nicotine gum is 20mg... do we know what the yield is?

I would say 18mg is not enough.... unless you are vaping at least 3ml (or more) a day.

The hardware you use is crucial to the amount of nicotine you will get from Vaping. You can vape more and often with low power kit, but essentially, more vapour = more nicotine.

Also, I reckon no matter how good your hardware, there is more to smoking than just the nicotine and even the best e-cig in the world won't require some withdrawals of some sort.

Take your time. Count the ones you don't smoke, not the ones you do. Be strong.
I hear this often in our retail stores, and 9/10 times or more the issue here is that your nicotine content may not be high enough on your vape (to start). It is important that you are using a high enough nicotine content to 'satisfy' your urges where you do not need any other supplements (analog cigarette, gum, etc.). This will help you transition yourself to just vaping. As many know, analog cigarettes have many addictive substances, not just nicotine. This will help ween off the other addictive substances aside from the nicotine. I may suggest using at least 16mg or even up to 24mg e-juice if you must for the amount of nicotine you are currently consuming. Whatever it takes to get your nicotine cravings satisfied. Once you are satisfied with vaping, then you can slowly ween yourself down, even mixing on the way if you must. For instance, if you start with a 24mg nicotine, stay there for a couple weeks. Then start mixing it with a 16mg (so you have a 20mg), until you can then use just a 16mg. Then start mixing that with an 11mg, etc. And hopefully you will be down to using 6mg or 0mg within the next 3-6 months. Many want to start with a lower nicotine content right away, and those are the ones that quit vaping because they are not getting their nicotine craving satisfied. So I cannot stress enough over starting with a high enough nicotine content to actually curb your habit.

Trypsky is also correct above, it is easier to cut your nicotine dependency with a mechanical RBA/RDA mod because of the efficiency, however, they are not typically recommended for a newbie vaper because they require some learning and adjusting and a newbie may get frustrated with this and write-off vaping. EGO style can be great to start because they are so easy to use and maintain, and they will satisfy your cravings "if" you use a high enough nicotine content. However, once you get into a MOD (electrical or mechanical) you will never go back to an EGO!

Typically how it goes is: Start with an EGO, then move onto an adjustable/variable voltage electronic MOD to give them more smoke, better flavor and more control over their hit. From the digital MOD, they either use that as their final quitting device. However, many people just enjoy vaping and have no intention of quitting, they often move onto a mechanical MOD.

Hope this helps!
You're right ChipNip a mech is an advanced device and one should familiarize themselves with easier to maintain devices such as an ego type battery. I think a lot has to do with the desire to actually quit as I find some people (such as my girlfriend) will attempt to quit for other reasons (financial, other people pressuring them, your job, etc) instead of actually WANTING to quit for themselves or their health. I never thought I could quit smoking, even though I knew the dangers, because I didn't really want to. The transition for me was easier because I truly wanted to never touch an analog again, not for anyone else but for ME. Do I ever want to stop vaping though? I dont know :laugh: All I can say is I never enjoyed analogs as much as vaping!


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Full Member
Sep 15, 2014
Cape Town
I agree with a lot of people here. You probably need to up your nicotine level. If 1.8 isn't enough for you than that's the most logical conclusion. Most people who say vaping doesn't work for them had a bad first time experience. If they had the right one, they'd be singing their praises.

Wow guys, thank you so much for all the replies. Can't tell you how much it means to me. I really want to make this work. What I really like about vaping is that I can get my nicotine craving satisfied without the nagging in the back of my head about all the tar and other damaging substances. I will work on getting the strength right and will check in to let you know how it goes.
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