New to Vaping, Wife gets Headaches.......HELP?

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Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
Have been vaping for two days now. I am having zero issues and got right off the analogs from the beginning.

My wife has gotten a headache both times that she tried to vape and went back to analogs. She was vaping 24mg 50/50 pre-filled carts and I am vaping 18mg refills (just figured out last night that my juice was weaker). We both have smoked 1.5 packs a day for 30 years of the same brand analogs.

I picked up some Glycerine, USP from Walgreens and diluted some 24mg 50/50 juice by half so she should have some approx 12mg to try today.

Are the headaches usually from too much nicotine, or a reaction to VG or PG, or something else?????
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Full Member
Aug 3, 2010
Kalamazoo, MI
I don't know how much help I can be, I'm no expert on ingredients or pvs. I've tried switching to vaping on several occasions and I'm still having a hard time doing so but I keep trying. I will post however because I have this to add to what I "think" you'll see for answers.

I have two carts full of juice in front of me. Both by the same maker, both with the same pg/vg ratio, both with the same nic level but in different flavors. One I can vape all day long without any problems at all but the other if I try to vape it as an all day gives me a nasty, horrible, overpowering headache towards the evening.

I guess my point would be that we all have different sensitivities and while everyone else's experiences will most certainly help lead us in the right direction, the best thing we can do to keep going and not giving up as beginning vapors is to experiment some ourselves. It could be the nicotine level, it could be the pg or the vg, it could be a brand of flavoring, a specific flavor. It's so very hard to tell.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
It is usually nicotine. I get them from nicotine. Every time I get one I am already aware I have vaped either too much or too high nicotine. Everyone varies with what nicotine they need. Get her lower nicotine juices. Or 0 nicotine ones and some bottles to cut down the higher ones.

But headaches can also be caused by auto batteries and the more intense sucking that is needed with those vs manuals.

And a couple of people with TMJ got that annoyed by the ecig too because the mouth end was bigger and solid compared to a cigarette. In that case I recommend cartomizers with a plastic or delrin drip tip on the end and and there are even some whistle tip driptips around.
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Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
Good News today. Wife just reported that she vaped the new mix today fairly heavily and no problems so far today. We are using ego models so not an auto batt sucking problem.

I reduced both the nicotine and pg concentrations. Probably was the nic but will do more experimenting later. She is going out of town for two weeks, no time to play around and mess her up.

Thanks for the advice. Would like to get her off analogs now, cause she STINKS!!!!!! LOL! Just Kidding!


Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
The juice we have is the 'High Caliber' from ALTSMOKE in Nuport and Tobacco Ice. The pre-filled carts were supposed to be the same thing but maybe they were just the same flavor???? Time to re-read my labels and my order. At least it looks like she will be able to vape and it's not some insurmountable reaction etc.....

It just seems so much cooler than smoking the godawful stinking analogs we have been ENSLAVED to for 30+ years! I can breathe better already.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
I think all prefilled cartos are chinese PG juice. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but some people find it a bit harsh.

I vape nhalers nhale/xhale nuport juice and love it. Vaped it since I started vaping. I also vape Backwoods Brew Menthol.

Others to try--

Many people say great things about Halo's menthol juice.

If she has issues with ingredients, maybe try ecoPure available at Cignot.

They're more on the expensive side but might be worth it to get her vaping.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
Thanks for all of the help! I have much to learn, looks like a wealth of info here. :)

EDIT: ACK!!!! I am soooo confused! Turns out the pre-filled carts are nuport but no brand name, prob chinese. On top of that the High Caliber Nuport juice is 100% PG, NOT 50/50! The Tobacco Ice juice is 50/50 which I cut in half again with VG which she vaped successfully.

My head hurts........ not literally! :(
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2011
youngstown ohio
The juice we have is the 'High Caliber' from ALTSMOKE in Nuport and Tobacco Ice. The pre-filled carts were supposed to be the same thing but maybe they were just the same flavor???? Time to re-read my labels and my order. At least it looks like she will be able to vape and it's not some insurmountable reaction etc.....

It just seems so much cooler than smoking the godawful stinking analogs we have been ENSLAVED to for 30+ years! I can breathe better already.

Hmmm, I get a lot of hi caliber 50/50 juice from altsmoke but I drip, not do prefilled carts. Have never had a problem with it at all, and quality is consistent. ditto on the breathing better...and isn't that nifty.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
I refill my own carts. It's so quick and easy I have just been refilling the same one over and over instead of rotating a different cart into the mix. The ego batt lasts me 24 hours so far. Longer I suppose but I just rotate them off the charger every morning before I leave for work. Have a ready-to-go passthrough (which in itself can be a stand-alone batt if needed) for back-up.

Am really enjoying the freedom from ashtrays, lighters and SMOKE!


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
I hear that ...... also causes wives' headaches...


Exalted Grand High Poobah
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If I can stick my nose into this thread.... I appreciate the answers to his question.
I find myself sucking on these cartomizers, forgetting that while watermelon kiwi may taste nummy, it does still
contain nicotine, and wind up with a headache by the end of the day.
I find this doesn't happen if I watch what I'm doing with the flavors. (I'm no expert, just getting started myself)
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